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FearLess Price

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Posts posted by FearLess Price

  1. Good. Dont ruin the JA car. Get the car fixed and be careful with it this time. Let the kid get a few more weeks to watch lesrn heal snd get ready to finish the season strong, thisnis about development not immediate results. When u push immediate results over overall development you cut the period you see a ROI from it.

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  2. 2 hours ago, ganesh said:

    You guys are missing the OP's point...His point was that he has killed Peterman's chance to be a decade-long backup who never sees the playing field..and one who has a potential to make 40-50Million as a backup over a decade...Now he could be out of the league by 2019


    Thet was obvii. Some QBs have the mind but not the nfl strength  when they get 1st get signed or vice vera.  NP needed to bulk up ark strength, sit benc, then learn to run the scout defense for a year at least before seeing the field. The whole organization failed at QB. Epically.




  3. If Mahomes would have started right away he wouldnt be as good as Watson was last year or rite now.

    That year on the bench is a big reason why he is so good now.

    I love watching Cheifs Texans and Browns games. Theyre all kind of depressing tho when you look at our team.


    I also have no doubt after seeing his starts, Allen would have been so much better if he sat the year and committed his fixed mechanics/fundamentals to muscle memory like Mahomes did. We already f*cked up his development. At least he can learn from Anderson but they should really consider sitting him so he can watch defenses game plans, zone schemes, from the all-22 view during the game to see the spots he was missing when he was starting. Then let him start the last 4 games. The extra time off working on getting his mechanics to be more instinctual is better for him then keeping bad habits cuz when the OL does give him time hes leaving the pocket early and missing open WRs.

    Every QB is different, I didnt like the pick but hes our future rite now. We have to really support his development every way possible to fit his weaknesses, thats what u do with project QBs, especially one you moved up to #7 over all to draft.

  4. 55 minutes ago, Maine-iac said:

    Not picking on anyone in particular but I see the "we will have picks and cap space" thing a lot.  My guess is that if you gave that homeless dude on the corner 1,000 dollars he'd spend it all on booze and be back on that corner in a few days.  In the same light I have to think we'll get the next Derick Dockery and Langston Walker and draft another RB in the first round who can't run behind a crappy line with a bad OC.  We'll blow through the money and trade away everyone we've drafted within 3 years.



    I disagree. I bet that homeless guy has a wayy more complicated and fiscal budget laid out for $1000 come up scenarios.


    Id bet he does enuff to win the Colt and Houston games. 

    I also think he loses the Vikings game cuz their defense wasnt prepared for Allen to play like Tallrod but Tyrod has enuff tape on him for any DC to take away what he does. 


    Either way we cuda grabbed Allen and let him grow with the clipboard learn from TTs mistakes so he doesnt become Tallrod forever. 


    Now he cant chill n get his fundamentals down right running the scout team. He has to start and he's dropping his fixed mechanics and running from ghost pressure already cuz he was not ready.

    Now until proven otherwise he IS Tallrod.


    Thats the problem here. This one of the reasons why Mahomes is so good. He spent that year getting his wacky wavable inflatable back leg under control. Now hes just as good as projected if not more.

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