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FearLess Price

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Posts posted by FearLess Price

  1. They could a got him more help at wr if they knew he was gonna start. They  didnt. They failed to see he was the best qb on the roster and by doing so already messed up his development. He had a whole tc and preseason to play with the 1s and adjust to being and nfl starter,  he missed out on that too. Theyve made every mistake developing him so for except for trading away Mccoy

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  2. On 10/12/2018 at 5:53 AM, ProcessTruster said:

    yep, Rex tried his best to ruin his career and almost got there, fortunately the trickeration Rex defense is gone and an attacking defense is in.  as Shaq says , just go be "dogs" and attack.  most of these young kids its all they know, so go with it.   its just football.  trust the McBeanes.   added Taron Johnson in the 3rd round, plus now the two Phillipses; trust it.. these guys know what they are doing...  8&8 out


    Dude are you really blaming Lawsons career strugglss on rex ryan? Lawson just isnt that good. Hes a servicable back up. Hes not a good pass rusher.

    On 10/12/2018 at 7:44 AM, Dat said:


    Technically 3 head coaches...................... Anthony Lynn ?


    Alynn was the best OC we had in recent memory. Not counting mcdaboll yet

  3. 1 hour ago, YoloinOhio said:

    Yep he’s basically josh McCown. Knows his role. He did the same thing for Cam newton for 7 years. I don’t know why people throw out his stats like it matters. All that matters is how well he mentors him in film sessions and on Gameday. 


    Right even tho he missed the 1st 3rd of the season hes still a better teacher than AJ McCarron or NP would be. They did good this time. Now maybe some WR help next.

  4. 7 hours ago, YoloinOhio said:

    I didn’t say they would give up a 2nd. That’s what it would take imo. Bills already have 10 draft picks and Mccoy is serving a big role to their rookie QB. He’s taking him under his wing and he’s a captain. I don’t see Beane salivating at a mid round pick. 


    Agree I bet my left nut they wont trade shady for anything less than a 2nd, or a 3rd and a starter

  5. 4 hours ago, creepingbush said:

    Hi! I'm the one who made the game. (I can send proof to someone if necessary) Just saw this thread and figured I would give my 2 cents. I agree this game is no where near perfect. The reasoning for that was to get it out on time while the leap was still relevant. I saw the #JoshAllenJumpingOverThings  on a Monday night, started the game on Tuesday, finished and tried uploading on Wednesday which resulted in troubles then pushed it live on Thursday. So just some incite on why I had to cut corners! I do plan on updating the game at some point but school work has been piling up and its midterm week... Thanks for sharing the game! @BillsEnthusiast


    Thats cool. did you ever think of putting more time into it? I was so hyped im not gonna lie i was totally !@#$in disappointing when I played it. I was expecting a dope ass off the wall random run and jump game like crash bandicoot mixed with temple run but with Leapy Allen and football legends as bosses and other random pop culture references and obstacles thrown into it that you have to jump over till you hit the end zone for a TD and move on to the next level. i know people arent supposed to expect much from free games, especially one that i know you rushed to still be relevant but meh





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  6. When we let shady and tyrod run the read option spread offense with ALynn at OC we scored the most post since the 90s. Now were at an all time low. WRs cant get seperation.


    We should just let Shady and JA run a similar, more spread offense with Ivory playing the Karlos Williams/Gillislee role. Hell have more time to read plus the wrs would get open more cuz the routes are more horizontal and not long developing routes thst our roster cant run.  We need the running game to be good again. We don't have good enuff weapons.

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