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Posts posted by RichRiderBills

  1. People are underestimating the Bills Culture. People are underestimating this Bills team. Yes, we know they will until we claim it....and that starts Sunday. I know we didn't look great in the last 3 weeks, but this team has changed. I'm confident in them, confident in the players, the coaches...confident in the focus and preparation. I know we all think the Pats focused media coverage is ok, because its the norm, we're used to it...used to disappointment, and used to these Pats putting us back in our place. Not this goddamn year.


    I agree this is a huge game for the Bills.


    There's been a lot about Cam Newton this week. His foppish Zooms and pressers, his pouting on the sideline, etc. I'm a Gator fan, and I can't stress how much I've always disliked Cam. He's an anti-patriot, and the Pats culture is in complete disarray.  There's not much about our QB. Not much about Josh's work ethic, or how the team loves him, how he exudes our own growing culture, and how both he and this team fight till the end.


    This game is about putting a bully in his place and putting down someone who has beat on us for years. The Pats are not our "Big Brother"... I hate that damn analogy. No, the Pats are a bully who've bossed us around and kept us in our place at the bottom for years and years. This is our time. The notion that this is a bigger game for the Pats because their lousy team, bereft of talent,  (we have better players at nearly every slot) is more desperate than us is an insult. I hope this makes the Bills even madder, and focused. 


    Go get them Bills...go take your rightful place as the best team in the division. We already are that, now go show it to these jerks.


    Go show everyone the Pats and Bills don't belong in the same sentence together. Because in 2020 ... they don't.


    Go get 'em boys. WIsh we could be there.

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  2. 4 hours ago, AKC said:

    It’s like the calculation on STs of whether to send your KO out of the end zone to avoid a return but sacrifice the chance of a turnover or penalty. I’m not suggesting they’ll leave the field wide open for him but I‘ll be surprised if they don’t make it look like there’s room to run when possible.  A spy or defender can stack himself and hide from view for periods of time on most plays.


    I just dont see that as a sound strategy. They'll get gashed. 

  3. 24 minutes ago, AKC said:

    Of those elements of Allen’s game where there have not been improvement this season, ball protection in the pocket and on the run are the most pronounced. I have no doubt Pats* practices this week included a large dose of showing lanes on passing downs to entice Allen to run and then having 11 players going for the strip. He’s the easiest QB to strip on the run that I can ever recall in our uni. Josh just doesn’t have the awareness running backs get trained in because he has too many other things to work on in practice and the offseason and that’s exacerbated by his unwillingness to slide. I’d like to see him leave the running Sunday to our RBs. Belichick will also have them working for strips on every Singletary touch. That could be to our benefit if Devin turns that into a lot of broken tackles. Belichick will bet the other side of that proposition. Also our changeup in Moss could really have a big game for the same reason. He’s a tough tackle anyway and if they don’t focus 100% on bringing him right down he could burn them for some big gains. I like our chances a lot if turnovers don’t kill us.


    Good observation about Allen, but i think allowing him open running lanes would be a horrible mistake and strategy, even with his tendancy to put one on the ground.

  4. 2 minutes ago, ColoradoBills said:


    I'm not expecting Josh to throw the ball 40 times Sunday.  I said in my post I don't expect Daboll to shut down Josh and the passing game completely.

    There could be a lot of YAC yards with passes over the middle to Beasley and Diggs.


     Lets hope the Mongo factor pushes more runs. I really think working those sweeps would be effective too.

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  5. 20 minutes ago, ColoradoBills said:


    I don't expect Daboll to shut down Josh Allen's arm.  As Beane said it's one of the main reasons they drafted him.

    Sunday is going to be one interesting game!


    Yeah...this scares. I know we want a strong arm guy in swirling winds of Buff, but damn when the weather is really bad, even the K gun knew when to run. Daboll seems overtly stubborn and this may make us turn the ball over.


    40mph gust can knock anyones ball off course.

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