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Ol Dirty B

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Posts posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. 43 minutes ago, Fadingpain said:

    The relatively high IQ of the show is provided by Mike Schopp and his general approach to the show.  On days when he is off and it's just Bulldog, I usually don't listen. 


    It's not just a lack of wit on the part of Bulldog; he is just a nice guy by nature who doesn't enjoy confrontation so he rarely disagreed with Schopp.


    Schopp definitely treats some callers poorly, but in his defense many of their callers are complete idiots and in general, that aspect of the show doesn't bother me.


    When they try to be funny or dedicate time to non-sports content, like holding the meat draft, I find the show unlistenable.


    Neither is funny or clever enough to sustain an entertaining banter when they try to go off topic.


    I've listened to this type of talk radio in a bunch of markets; I think it's pretty average for that sort of thing.


    Overall I listen b/c it keeps me connected to WNY.


    Yes, of course bashing these guys is a routine thing here; I think that was precisely the OP's point...to make it a dedicated thread that keeps expanding over time without having to create new ones 


    This exactly why I did it. I find some of what they do good, some of what they do bad, but they do create conversation. 


    I personally enjoy reading both the negatives and positives from their show. Especially when it is legit and not just calling them dope and Bulldog.


    And if you're tired of hearing about them, doesn't this just make a thread for all of that so you can completely ignore it. Or at least more easily.


  2. 3 hours ago, metzelaars_lives said:

    The Schopp and Bulldog criticism is so played out.  They're good.  I live in Denver, which is a substantially bigger sports market than Buffalo, and the afternoon drive guys are the worst.  They have two guys, just like Schopp and the Bulldog, and one of them, former NFL linebacker Alfred Williams, posed the question a few weeks ago as to whether or not Martellus Bennett is a Hall of Famer.  It has become apparent that the only people who incessantly complain about Schopp and the Bulldog are people who have never left Buffalo and never listened to drive time sports talk radio in other cities, as to have a frame of reference.  They're good at what they do.  If I had one complaint, it would be that they always agree with each other (aka Bulldog doesn't possess the wit to argue with Schopp) and they never really have differing opinions.  But the dialogue is much smarter and high level than what you find here in Denver.  And NY sports talk radio is terrible also.  Relax with the Schopp and Bulldog bashing already.  Not to mention, this thread has been posted at least 50 times, this is nothing new.


    You wrote an awful lot there for a played out topic. I didn't say it had to be negative, they just seem to get a lot of play here so I thought it was a fair thread.


    They aren't great. They're average. I used to listen to Miami's drive time guys because they are actually entertaining. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, T-Bomb said:

    So many Bills fans have this butthurt hatred for those two, put down the Kool Aid and grow up, or just restrict yourself to just listening to Murph from homerville USA.




    I think they make legit points, well I think Schopp does at times. I actually have defended him a few times too on here. Can't stand Murph and he isn't entertaining.


    I just think these two are entertaining  in their lack of self awareness at times. It's just a thread, no one is forcing you to participate.

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, Fadingpain said:

    I've commented on this before, but it is getting to the point where it is really hard for me to listen to Bulldog.


    He stammers, hesitates, and generally misspeaks constantly as part of his general speech pattern.  If you start focusing on it, it's all you can hear and you can't un-hear it.  It's really distracting.  


    That's kind of funny, as he is paid to speak for a living in a purely audio medium.


    The other weird habit of his is to deliver a particularly long passage, and forget to breathe while speaking, such that he is literally out of breath by the end of his sentence and struggling to speak b/c he doesn't have enough air left in his lungs to produce words at normal volume with fluttering.







    Which is why I almost spit out my drink just now when I listened to him go on about how he can't stand Gumbel and called him sloppy.

    6 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    Cookie drafts.


    Have you ever read the description of their show on the wgr website. I can just imagine Schopp reading it with his hand on hip and some "sas" 


    "Schopp keeps the callers in line while dishing out his unique perspective and opinions, and creating on-air fantasy drafts of anything from favorite candy and meats, to actors, presidents and bands."


  5. Just throwing an idea out there since they seem to get a lot of mentions and I think it could be amusing. I lurk on a Jets board and they have or had a Mike Francesa that was pretty amusing. I just think it could be decent material be it laughing at them, agreeing or disagreeing with them.


    What prompted this is I'm listening to your 1 on demand and Bulldog just said he can't stand Gumbel because he sounds sloppy, trips up over words and stutters. How does Bulldog feel like he can criticize him for that when he's constantly messing up names, results, is always stammering. It's a god damn joke. Seriously if I could record him and change his voice I'd love to play it back for him.


    Or watch him try to call a game, that would be ugly.

  6. 9 hours ago, Kirby Jackson said:

    I could see the Bills trading Denver their 2 1sts (or better yet a 1 and 2) and Tyrod for a top 5 pick. 


    Denver's gonna draft a qb if they are that high. Especially with the hype the QBs have this year. I can't see them trading down and taking Tyrod. I could be wrong. They had the chance to sign him for just salary last year and passed on that.

    5 hours ago, PromoTheRobot said:


    And how did that work out?


    Awful. And then he seemed reluctant to announce Tyrod the starter, almost bordering madness in his logic in attempting to justify the decision and find reason to Peterman back in. Did you listen to him after the game and before Wednesday? 

  7. On 11/26/2017 at 7:55 PM, Dr.Sack said:

    He’s not what he was, but is probably the best runner in the AFC East. I don’t think he’s tough enough physically sometimes where it would be better to lower the helmet and slam it forward for 2-3 yards. Too many negative plays, and dancing and not enough one cut and consistent gains. I’d prefer a back that always gets 3-4 yards per carry. Over a guy who gets stuffed twice for every decent gain. 


    Behind this line? We watched that, it's Mike Tolbert. No thanks, I'll stick with Shady. This is nonsense 

  8. 43 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    I don't mind, but it does point to how shameless people are becoming. The choreographed routines, take time and energy to practice.  That time and energy is shamelessly misguided and not prudent. IMO, better spent elsewhere.  The over the top stuff just isn't classy.  It destroys honorable gamesmanship.


    They aren't using practice time to do this. I think they're corny for the most part but going off of that, and it destroying "honorable gamesmanship" which simply doesn't exist in the NFL is just a joke.


    I just wish they were better. These celebrations suck, TO with the Sharpe, popcorn, or pom-poms, or the star, or Moss with the fake moon in Green Bay, or Joe Horn with the cell phone. Those were all funny as hell to me. 


    Or how about Stevie vs the Jets with the plane crash or the time he did the Plaxico and shot himself in the leg. The guys are just lame in the league now. 

    4 minutes ago, re enlightener said:

    yet you have time to write how you dont have time to worry about them.  shouldnt you be worrying about something instead?


    I'm totally lost. You're being sarcastic right? 

  9. 6 hours ago, Livinginthepast said:

    Being a Bills Masochist, I just watched it again on YT. Wow that was epically bad officiating!! Cost the Bills a home playoff game vs the Fins.



    I was 8 while watching that game. I'll never forget it, the Jefferson catch on the sidelines is what always drove me mad.


    I'm guessing I repressed a lot of this, but it reminded me of why I hate Pete Carrol. Just like when he did the fake punt while destroying the Bills in Toronto. 


    I always felt, if they send Russell Wilson back out there you send a scrub out there and tell him to break his leg. It is very much a Neanderthal way of thinking but it's just how I felt. Now you reignited my Pete Carroll hatred, damn it.

  10. 11 minutes ago, MAJBobby said:


    Yeah the availability crap. Its football players get hurt. 


    You make the team worse by trading Glenn in offseason


    You made your point. I completely agree with you, it's what happens in the sport. Guys get injured, it's mostly luck. You don't get rid of a proven commodity because of that.


    But some of these guys are so far up their own ass on this availability ****, you'll never convince them no matter how many examples you give. You're wasting your time at this point.

  11. 2 hours ago, Steptide said:

    Cuz Rex did so awesome with more talent right? Hey Rex how was your defense last year? 


    Not much difference than this year's. He also didn't run all the talent out of town. McDermott can't use the talent excuse.

    1 hour ago, Helpmenow said:

    McDermott would toss fatso around on the wrestling mat. Big mouth Rex nothing but hot air Ryan is


    What does that have to do with anything? Our coach can beat up other coaches after the game if they out coach him? 

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. No... I've seen a lot of dumb reasoning for why the buffalo sports team have been bad.


    This is the dumbest **** I've ever read. The media has been easy on McDermott with all they've done. Excuses for Watkins, and Dareus. Largely supportive of the Peterman change until after the game, besides School. These guys would have been getting killed in a lot of markets, and it'd be devservingly so. They've made a lot of questionable moves that they've been given passes on.

    36 minutes ago, Limeaid said:


    And they have power to influence perception of outside players/coaches about coming to Buffalo.  Many, many posts about how "difficult" it is to get players / coaches to come to Buffalo.  Of course Jerry Sullivan ball washers will try to have it both ways.


    I don't like Jerry Sullivan, but are you giving him credit for keeping players away? I take back what I said about the OP, this is the dumbest **** I've ever read. Nobody know who Jerry Sullivan is outside of Buffalo and Rochester.


    Get !@#$ing real, the poorly ran team is what has kept players from coming here. If anything. That's a joke.

  13. 6 hours ago, Domdab99 said:

    When was the last time the Bills had THE GUY? The guy who made a difference, the guy who was THE NFL star at his position?


    The Texans have JJ Watt. The Packers have Aaron Rodgers. The Steelers have Antonio Brown. Even the Jags have up-and-coming GUYS like Jalen Ramsey and Calais Campbell. But the bIlls never seem to have that GUY, you know?


    We draft Sammy Watkins to be the GUY,  but nope. Marcel Dareus? Nope. We have guys like Darby and Alexander and Bryce Paup step up for one season and then they are no longer the GUY.


    The last THE GUY we had was probably Bruce Smith.


    The Bills don't have anyone on the roster right now who could become THE GUY. Shady is sorta THE GUY, but he's not going to be around much longer.


    We need THE GUY.



    You just listed like 4 guys as THE GUY. I still don't even really know what you mean. 25 teams don't have that GUY you are talking about I'd guess.

    4 minutes ago, McBean said:



    To shed some more light on this post, just look back at the past 10 drafts. It will tell you all you need to know.


    This team has missed consistently on draft picks since Polian left. 


    Every team misses consistently  on draft picks. Especially a team like say, the Pats.


    Though with your name I'm not even sure if it's worth discussing it with you.



    5 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    Time was, when guys who the Bills drafted, were out of football sitting on a couch in a few years.  Since Nix, I have to say....there have been a few exceptions due mostly to injury (Troup, Carrington) or lack of discipline (Karlos Williams), but since then most every player we have cut or let go is playing, usually starting, for another team.

    I don't think you can call that "poor drafting".  What you can call it is lack of continuity at coaching and scheme


    Wow watch out. Giving any credit to Nix or Whaley is forbidden on here. How about a guy like Ross Cockrell. He probably could have helped us now. Not blaming McDermott  at all for that, I know he was gone long before he was here. He's just a guy I for whatever reason always liked and seems like a solid player we drafted and cut for no reason.

    • Like (+1) 1
  14. 16 hours ago, joesixpack said:

    I'm wishing for the losses because I was and am pro-tank to get an ACTUAL QB.


    It's nothing personal. The guy just isn't good.



    It's too late to tank. I agree with the philosophy, but at this point I'm not sure you get it. 5-11 to 7-9 is not a good tank season.

  15. 11 minutes ago, BillsEnthusiast said:


    I also know that the media was giving us hell for NOT resigning him

    No they weren't. What media was? Are there any facts you can actually point to?


    You were wrong on point a and try to deflect with this. This all has nothing to do with McDermott. Whether it's releasing Gilmore or your interpretation of the media's reaction.

    11 minutes ago, hondo in seattle said:


    You can think and say what you want.

    I'm personally hesitant to judge a man I've never met - and only know from a few interviews and pressers - so harshly.  


    Wow man... save it for church. He is making reasonable judgments from the pressers.


    He said he had an ego and was full of it. He didn't call him a horrible person based upon the pressers.

  16. 1 hour ago, BillsEnthusiast said:


    Kicked out garbage like Gilmore and brought in goodness like Hyde and Poyer. Also led the team to a 5-2 start, during which your negativity was strangely absent. 

    If you're a Bills enthusiast you would have known Gilmore was going to be gone regardless. The team wasn't going to pay him what he wanted. 

  17. 6 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:


    Quoted you twice just to say making people uncomfortable with your stupidity is less a quest for truth than the internet equivalent of drinking bleach. Great joke.


    Why are you so sensitive. How else am I supposed to take someone who wants to play Peterman again over Tyrod. Especially when I didn't get the move in the first place.


    You're sensitive for a reason, quote me twice again. I'm collecting royalties. Like it makes a difference quoting twice for emphasis might be the dumbest decision I've seen since the Bills started Peterman. Get used to that one, it has staying power. He did things no man has ever done.


    And never said making people uncomfortable was my "quest" but you just don't... Eh I'll stop not worth it.

  18. 3 minutes ago, Utah John said:

    That's not called for.  Taylor isn't the guy for the future because he has consistently failed to move the offense.  He never throws receivers open.  Since Watkins left, he can't hit a deep pass.  He has this pride thing going where he insists he'll be a pocket passer when that's not what he does best. 


    Taylor has God-given abilities no other QB does, but he insists on trying to be a square peg in a round hole.  He needs to use his strengths and overcome his weaknesses as a passer.  He's just on the wrong track.


    I agree with a lot of this and respect all of these points but this isn't how most fans speak about Taylor. They don't acknowledge he was hitting the deep ball with Watkins now it's, he just can't throw deep.


    It also leads to why people think he was set up to fail. But I get your points, and it was largely a joke but somewhat rooted in what I take away from my interaction with Bills fans day to day.


    If you think like you do which is seemingly an intelligent Bills fan. Just ignore my post in my opinion. I'd offer to delete it seeing as it already got a bit of a rocky reaction, but I genuinely believe in some of it.


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