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Posts posted by TtownBillsFan

  1. On 2/20/2019 at 3:50 PM, DC Tom said:


    Apparently there's a new one, that says something along the lines of "Since vaccines by definition cause an immune response, which includes an inflammatory reaction, there's a theoretical possibility - that has never been observed, mind you - that someone might have received some cerebral effects from a shot once."  Which the anti-vaxxer crowd immediately jumped on with the Batman-v-Superman-esque observation of "If there's even a one percent chance we have to treat it as an absolute certainty!"  


    Because when you're interpreting a bulk statistical probability of risk, you really want to be guided by Ben Affleck's awkward performance in the DCU.   

    I'm just going to say, I don't know enough about this subject, and don't have kids, and any harm done to me was done long ago...  so I don't give a flying fluck about people getting vaccinated now.  I will also say, I've never had a flu-shot, but that's more about my massive-fear of needles, and nothing more.  But I won't be taking any shots or needles that I'm not forced to from this point forward, either.  I'm anti-shot!

  2. 7 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:



    **** them up the goat-***, every one of those lib-tards.  I need more liberal tears right now!  I hope every one of them is crying in their pajama-boy PJ's.  They're the worst kind of people;  they were HOPING that the elected leader of our nation was on the side of Putin - on the side of Communism.  Do they not understand that THEIR side, THEIR people, are the ones that are on the side of Putin - on the side of COMMUNISM?  Surely they get that - they're the ones that call themselves socialists, have people on their side that are self-appointed communists.  The very things they accuse 'my' side of, they're the ones that fight for what Putin would love?  Are these people all that f-ing stupid?

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  3. 3 hours ago, BeginnersMind said:


    They believed a crazy narrative and were blinded by fear. 


    Never was much of anything to tie Trump to RussiAn collusion. 



    ***** off, ass-hat.  I know you'll say you never bought into the collusion BS, but you're as big, or a bigger ass-hat than Tibs, and that's saying something.  So please, for the sake of the whole message board, do go ***** off.  Thank you very much.  You're a dis-ingenuous ass-hat, and deserve to be forever ignored.

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  4. If you're thinking about offing yourself because your president was found NOT to be colluding against your country, then maybe you should off yourself.  There, I said it, and I know I'm probably wrong for doing so.  But for F-sake.  If you were so tied in to that narrative, that you now are thinking about offing yourself because it was found not to be the case:  then go for it, bruh!

  5. 9 hours ago, whatdrought said:


    I think in retrospect that Cruz might have had a chance. Trump lost a lot of voters who didn't want to play the "good, not great" game or didn't want to compromise on morality and character in the conservative ideas. I respect that, but I also wonder about Christians/Catholics voting for a Mormon without any trouble on that side. That being said, I really liked Ted Cruz. I think he could have potentially won because people on the right so hated Hillary, but we'll never know. 

    I will say that Trumps biggest advantage over Hillary was that she is/was a joke of a candidate who assumed the end, and he is/was a massive troll who gave no *****. 


    You also make a great point in that the liberal media helped Trump immensely by sensationalizing him during the primary. They must have believed he was the path of least resistance for their queen B. 

    Haven't caught up on the whole thread yet, but at this point, right here, I voted for Ted Cruz in Oklahoma in the primaries.  He was my guy from day 1, and I fully admit I was one of the butt-hurt that a non-conservative won our primary election, and abstained from the general.  I regret it, as the orange-man has lead as conservatively as any since Reagan, and in some ways, more.  I WILL be casting my vote for orange-man when given my next chance!  I'll catch up on the rest of it tomorrow, but just had to mention my admiration of Ted Cruz.

  6. On 2/19/2019 at 9:42 AM, T master said:


    So then basically what he's saying in that article is he will be the second coming of Doug Flutie correct ? (Boy is that going to piss off some of these Bills fans ?


    Flute did everything that he said Murray will do in his NFL career it's just that Doug proved it could be done first ! Once this kid hits the NFL you can watch all of the comparisons to Flutie will start  .


    There are a lot of Bills fans for what ever reason that hate Flutie & i for one don't get it & never will but this guy is built from the same mold & when he is drafted he will once again prove that the "Prototypical NFL-QB" doesn't have to be "Prototypical" when it comes to height only in football smarts & arm strength .


    Which to this point Tarkington, Jurgenson, Flutie, Bree's, Wilson, &  Mayfield, which the first 5 of these 6 are listed as the Best QB's in NFL history who are 6' or less Murray could be the next ... 

    I'm a major fan of the Flutie Flakes! :)  And think he was friggin robbed by ownership of his time to shine (with the whole Rob Johnson thing).  And honestly, Kyler is SEVERAL notches quicker/faster/more elusive than Flutie ever wanted to be.  I think the arm strengths are at least comparable.  I have no doubt Kyler can sling it wherever it needs to be.  And he actually surprised me with his accuracy.  And honestly, he SAW the field really well, given his stature.


    But that was, what, 15/20 years ago when Flutie did what he did?  I know it's cliche, and we see it all the time, but it's true:  NFL players are bigger/faster/stronger than they were even in that time.  And that play in the college playoffs this year when OU played Bama, and that Bama player slung Kyler like a rag-doll, I thought that, alone, would have made him cement his MLB decision, LOL.


    I really hope I'm wrong, b/c I want all Sooners to do well in the NFL when they make it there!  I just have my doubts, and I'm glad we have who we have (even if we didn't get Baker, who I was HOPING for) :)

  7. On 2/19/2019 at 8:01 AM, Magox said:

    I just keep having flashbacks of that one tackle in the Alabama game where the pass rusher grabbed him with one arm and threw him to the ground like a rag doll.


    Avoiding the rush isn't just about elusiveness it's about being able to break through arm tackles and I think this is an area that he may struggle.

    Oh, I know.  When I saw that, I knew that game was lost.  And it was exactly how you described it.  He probably could have picked him up, one-handed, swung him around, and then blasted into the ground.  That was painful to see as a Sooners fan.


    He DOES have the arm to make the throws downfield.  I just think what we saw against the 'Bama defense will be more the norm than the exception in the NFL, and I HATE to say that.


    I'd take Baker, or Josh Allen at least 32 times before I'd select Kyler as the leader of my team.  Loved him playing for us as a Sooner's fan.  I just don't know what he's thinking.  Maybe it IS as someone else said:  maybe he can't hit the baseball.  But, and it's been awhile since I played or followed baseball, but I think there's still the 'pinch hitter'.  I just think his longevity and money is in the MLB.  I wish Kyler the best in whatever he does.  He's a competitor.

  8. I'm the biggest Sooners fan in this place, and I'm telling you now, Kyler is at best 5'8".  Yes, he's as fast as advertised, but that doesn't mean squat when you're not running the Sooners's spread.


    I can't believe he is even serious about the NFL.  He has to know it's something not meant for him.  Especially when he already has the MLB fame.  Just silly, IMO.


  9. 5 hours ago, Dante said:

    Congratulations! Looks like a fun car and a good bang for the buck ride. I love the fact it's not available with auto transmission. 


    I had a 2007 Shelby GT500 that I totalled on 01/02/2019 (last month) - hit a patch of black ice and hit the retaining wall on the highway.  But just last night, I found the replacement :)  2010 Shelby GT500 with only 7,994 miles!  I couldn't believe how few miles it has!


    Hopefully that Bullitt only comes in Dark Highland Green like the original, and the, what was it, 2000 Bullitt they put out as well?

  10. 4 hours ago, Sig1Hunter said:


    So, 13 year olds are cool to kill overseas as long as they are in "3rd world shitholes", but 14 year old criminals that are physically resistant to uniformed police don't need to be taken to the ground and handcuffed? And any cop that would dare do that is a POS to you? Am i getting this right? 


    And, why are you referring to yourself in the third person? 

    Because he's truly proven himself as a douchebag of the highest-order.  Like Lt Cln Douchebag or some some such.  A-whole.

  11. 2 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


    She's not smart enough to be as evil as Hillary.

    Now be fair, we know OC isn't that smart, but do we know Shrillary is?  We know she's evil, and conniving, but has she been proven to be smart?  Just because she was married to the cheater-in-chief, what evidence do we have that she's smart?  For frook sake, she tried to hide an off-line server, but still sent all of her traffic through it.  That doesn't scream Einstein to me.

  12. 37 minutes ago, keepthefaith said:


    Yes and it really sucks.  ***** Paul Ryan for all his rants about fiscal responsibility over the past 10 years became a turtle when his party gained the white house and majorities .  You'd think a guy like him would want to get something meaningful done before he left office. 

    Unfortunately, it's all about re-election, and everyone knows it's easier to get re-elected when you're promising goodies to people.  It's one of the reasons that the argument for term-limits is strong;  if these douches could only be there so long, do what's right, and then have to get out, we'd see alot more right getting done.  But so long as their MO is what-does-it-take-to-get-re-elected, this will continue to be a problem.

    I wish 'my' side was better about it, but they're just as bad.  At least my side does one half of the equation properly, the lower taxes part.  But we need the other, HARD part, lowering expenditures.  And that will never happen so long as people have to fight to get re-elected.

    We need one-and-done political appointees.  Get in, get done what you're voted in for, and leave.  I hate term-limits in that you don't get to keep good people, but it's good that you get the bad ones out.  We can't continue on this path to financial slavery, but until we get people in that will make the necessary, hard changes in, and get the old guard out, we're going down the crapper.

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