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Posts posted by TtownBillsFan

  1. 19 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    That is so ignorant. You ever hear of the business cycle? You were complaining about the economy under Obama all the time yet this is basically a continuation of the economy from when he was president.


    You are simply a complete tool

    ROFL.  Dude, the economy under Obamer was an eight-year schnit-cycle.  In one year under Trump, businesses are confident again, hiring is through the roof.  The only people not working right now are the people that are chronically unemployed.  That means ON PURPOSE!  There's more work than capable people to do it.

    5 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


    Just...don't.  He's trolling.

    I really want to think he's just a left-thinker, and I know many.  I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, and let him explain his line of thinking like I'm happy to.  Either he does, and a conversation can happen.  Or, he can hit and run like I see him do most times, and I'll give up trying.

    Oh, and my apologies, DC.  I know you have him on ignore, and my quoting makes your eyes bleed.  I'm really wanting him to explain his line of thinking;  maybe he's the smarter-than-average lefty, and can explain his reasoning.  It'd be a first when talking to lefties, as they feel, not think.  But I'm really curious if it's possible.

  2. 27 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    No facts to back up your vomit like post?


    Obama gave health insurance to 25 million people, Trump attempted and failed to take it away.



    Obama gave, insurance to 25 million, in what way?  Gave, as in, paid for?  If that's your claim, he didn't pay for schnit.  We taxpayers had more heaved upon our backs.  If he didn't foist that cost upon we taxpaying Americans, then in what way did he 'give' schnit?


    He can't/couldn't give anything.  He can (and did for a time) TAKE more from us that pay taxes, and force some people (me for a year and a half) to buy something I didn't want to, just so that I wouldn't be unlawful.  I'd love to know what you do for a living, Tib.  If you are of working age.  And are gainfully employed.

  3. 12 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    I'm guessing you posted this (and didn't comment on it) because you thought it damaging, in some way, to President Trump.  I'm wondering what you think it means.  I'd love your 'take' on it.

  4. Aww, come one, I can't believe that.  It's our Bills board.  Surely Soros isn't wasting money here! :P



    If Soros is wasting money there, then good.  Let him continue to waste money!  I've been a Bills fan for 25+ years, and I've never been up there.  I'm in Tulsa, OK.  I followed Thurmal up there many years ago from OSU.  I'm a Sooners fan, but I keep an eye on OSU players too.  Thurman was a good man to follow, and I haven't hated my choice in team to follow since.  But let Soros spend some money down here....There would be a waste :)


  5. 2 hours ago, 3rdnlng said:

    You haven't been around long enough to understand that no, he isn't. He's the dumbest !@#$ on this board but I'd venture to say that (that) title could extend much, much further. 

    Fair enough, I haven't.  But he's not a complete and utter moron, regardless that crap he espouses.  He is, though, smart enough to get it.  I really think he is.  I think it's by choice that he ignores truth.  I can only imagine if I were finding out that my side was this evil;  if it were the conservatives that controlled the MSM, and were just straight-up lying because they could.  I'd be angry as all get-out.

  6. 1 hour ago, Ol Dirty B said:


    It's weird that the one's who want to protect themselves from their government are the ones so offended by people taking knees or peacefully protesting it...


    I guess they have to grow a pair? I'm not sure

    Come on, you know better than that.  It's not only about protecting one or 'ourselves' against the government, it's about protecting rights.  And the 'taking a knee' fight has been argued to death.  You know that's a false-flag man, don't do that.

  7. 5 hours ago, LA Grant said:


    Incorrect. Tyranny should certainly be a worry. But the fight against it doesn't look like you're imagining it. I'm saying that all of the weekend hunters combined on their best day don't stand a chance against the US Military, in the absurd scenario where it led to a modern revival of the fantasy version of the American Revolution. The fight against tyranny is vigilance, not your rifles. Having an AR-15 is no help in that scenario, and it's also a pointless hunting weapon. All it does is be the widely available weapon of choice for mass shooters in America. It's the same damn message every time — Make it harder for these weapons to get in the wrong hands.


    But because we don't want to inconvenience these men's fantasies or interrupt their gun cosplay in the basement, we will never consider it to be a problem or part of the solution when it comes to mass shootings. Guns are never the problem.

    Jackass, it's people that believe in the BoR that protects us.  It's the fact that people that serve in our military do so, to protect the BoR in total.  I think it's the very people that you seem to fear that protect your rights to espouse your goofy beliefs.  Without them, you couldn't espouse the liberal douchebaggery.

    23 minutes ago, Ol Dirty B said:


    As many other liberal states have shown, gun ownership is not an inalieable right under social contract theory.


    I'm not advocating for all guns to be taken away or anything like that. I'm fine with concealed carry, and plenty of other things. But what you are saying is philosophically incorrect. You are taking inalienable rights to an extreme. I have plenty of rights because I exist, if I am stronger than you I could take your property. However, because we enter into a social contract by being in a society we forfeit somethings.


    Also, with the caps and stuff for emphasis.. You've been reading too many Trump tweets man. They make you look childish and like you've only read really simplistic literature on what you're talking about. 

    You're both right and wrong.  Our founders put it in there for a reason, b/c it was the way the average person could defend themselves at the time.  Guns are still the way we can defend ourselves, regardless of size.  You don't know me, I don't know you.  The weapon is the ultimate equalizer.

  8. 8 hours ago, LA Grant said:

    Watching you learn things is sort of like the joy of fatherhood except with you, the child is a mutant, and you just want them stop sticking their finger in the socket.


    How do you suppose one amends the constitution, sweet child? What do you think "politics" is? Why is the NRA such a powerful lobby? What laws/changes have they made possible or prevented? Who is the NRA? 


    The Bill of Rights.... were not actually literally written by God. You.... you do understand that, right? They are "inalienable rights" because those are the description written on the paper. History matters. Context matters. If you spent just a little more time educating yourself rather than... <looks at your post history> ... okay a lot more time educating yourself.... <looks deeper into your post history> .... good lord man. 




    Inalienable means, regardless of your belief or disbelief in a God or god or whatever you do or don't believe in, the rights are ours, as people, period.  NOT GIVEN to us by government, NOT up for debate.  THEY ARE OUR RIGHTS BECAUSE WE EXIST.  Therefore, cannot be taken away.

  9. 9 hours ago, LA Grant said:


    No one wants your stupid firearms. No one is coming for your guns, you knob. No one is scared of "the people with all the guns." 


    I don't know how this idea just won't pass through your doughy mind. NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR LOSER HOBBY SHOOTING BEER CANS IN THE WOODS. It is a false equivalency.


    Guns are NOT PROTECTING YOU from some evil government dystopia. Good lord.  Legal Gun Owners are the softest people alive. Not just in the mid-section. In the brain.


    Aw I'm sorry you're being mildly inconvenienced with message board posts you don't prefer! Life is so hard for you!


    Don't worry. Go take gun from safe. Look at gun. Gun won't judge you. Gun thinks you're smart and cool.

    No, he called you on your stuff.  If you believe that something needs changed, you're the one that laid out how it can be done.  Get enough people to pony up and change it.  Else, really, get bent.

    9 hours ago, Koko78 said:


    Not acceptable. The reference was to pure evil from a SJW perspective.


    Goddess-Queen Hillary is not pure evil, she is the victim of the misogynistic, racist, bigoted, hateful patriarchy that just exists to keep the poor liberal woman down.

    No, she's straight-up evil.  I even feel a bit sorry for her slave-husband.  She is that kind of bad-person.

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. On 2/21/2018 at 3:17 PM, Tiberius said:

    The Trump tower meeting is evidence of collusion



    the Daily Caller is such a sh it propaganda garbage outfit. 

    No, no it's not.  It never has been.  It NEVER WILL BE.  


    Let's say, at worst, someone in Trump's campaign wanted to get the dirt that some Russian had to offer.  Even then, that's NOT COLLUSION TO UNDERMINE THE ELECTION.  It's the same opposition collection that all sides do.  I know you're smart enough to understand this.  Why do you continue this falsehood?

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  11. You can't fault the guy that's drawing the pension;  he worked his job, and left the retirement part to his employer.  However, if I lived in NYC, and had to pay taxes for that kind of rubbish (hehe), I'd be outraged.  The days of pensions are over.  But one can't be mad at the people now claiming them.  You just make sure that kind of garbage (hehe) doesn't happen again!

  12. 20 hours ago, Nanker said:

    Well, when there's this kind of schizophrenia that endemic in The Senate... what do you expect?


    Oh, dang, that's damning.  All three of them so completely contradicted themselves, so absolutely; and within a maximum of 8 years' time.


      I know my opinions on matters can 'evolve' (LOL) over time.  But unless something substantial changes, some information comes to light that proves my prior understanding of issues so false, could I fathom a 180` change of these magnitudes.  This video damns Chuckie, SHillary, and Obamer, defines the modern-day leftist-politician, and it is disgusting to the core.  I beg the resident leftists to defend this one.

  13. On 2/12/2018 at 11:35 AM, Cugalabanza said:


    I understand all this about the warrant & FISA and the hops.  But is there any concrete evidence that Trump was bugged?  I think the answer to the question remains (for now) NO.  Of course, that may very well change, but it's still in the status of supposition as of right now.


    Well, the right is fond of saying "show me the concrete proof" on the subject of Russian collusion.  And they're right to say that.  This is the same thing.  Supposition vs. proof.


    I think we have to wait for some things to come to light.

    I've read you, and I hope that, when the PROOF that you're looking for actually comes out (I honestly believe it will), you will have the consistency to say you were wrong, we were right all along, and the left that (the one you claim not to be a part of) leads that party are a bunch of scumbags.  AND, you're wrong for having doubted it all along.  AND, you'll open your head and be more trusting of our side in the future.  Deal?

  14. On 2/10/2018 at 8:08 PM, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Polls are iron-clad. They cannot be manipulated and represent the attitudes of the American populace to +\- 0.0%.  I defy you to find one time....one single time in the past 5 years where polling data was inconsistent with the outcome of any election. 

    LOL, awesome point :)

    On 2/10/2018 at 10:39 PM, row_33 said:

    Never been a real left political force in the US, a comedian telling jokes against Fundamentalists or people a tad conservative is not a lefty


    but hey you can call yourself whatever in America and we’ll all have to agree or go to jail for a hate crime.....




    Every single electable US politician, with the exception of some crazed very local events, has always been and will always be a classical liberal.


    your country is fortunate to be spared lefty forces in politics....

    Okay, WTF do you think HIllary and Barrack and their ilk are?  Dude, you're looney tunes if you think they're not left.  Perhaps, again, the definition of words are being tweaked.  I define left as communist/socialist.  The Cloward/Piven strategy.  If you don't think that's what's going on in the US with the Hillarys and the Barracks of the world, you're missing something.

    On 2/12/2018 at 10:41 AM, Tiberius said:

    Repeating Trump's lies? 

    It's been proven as true, by FBI info dumps.  It's PROVEN that he was tapped.  How are you, STILL, denying this?  Good lord, I hope in the next page or two that I haven't read yet, you finally see the truth.  I'm not holding out hope, though.

  15. 42 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

    The purpose of doing what he did is to weaponize his race against others to his advantage.  It's not about equality, it's about a desire for inequality stacked in his favor.

    Well duh.  I guess that's what I get for preaching to the choir :P


    I just wish the people that stoop to those tactics would STOP doing that.


    I want racial equality.  I'd hope that's what all sane-thinking people want.  And I think we're pretty damn close, honestly.  At least, that's what I've seen in my workplaces over the last 25 years.  Hell, if anything, there's inequality tilted in the favor of making sure everyone knows employers are trying really really hard.  But you're never going to get everyone to like everyone.  Is that the goal?  If so, as long as there are differences in people, it's not happening.

  16. 2 hours ago, 3rdnlng said:

    I think I'd be more impressed with three nights in a row with the same person. I went through that same thing, but it was for only a month or two. I was a fool and probably insecure. I got over it. They say that the only reason that one has to "do" a lot of woman is that they need to find a woman who will think their dick is big enough. I guess that's why their woman get younger and younger.

    BOOOOO, I was giggling my silly ass off over the milkings, and then you had to go and take it to johnson sizing.  Boo sir, Booo!


    Yes, Boyst's braggadocio was crass;  and you could be correct.  But don't spoil the milking fun :)  

  17. 1 hour ago, 3rdnlng said:

    Some times you post very well. Some times, you need a "handler"'.

    I agree, sometimes 'no step on snek' needs some guidance and/or translation.  However, after having read this thread, he seems in line.  Nothing he said was from left-field.  I think, perhaps, what he was saying was not read as intended.  This time :P

    Oh, and as a reply to the original topic:  For real?  Get out of your own way, people who see racism in everything, including a flip of a coin (not directed at people in this thread).  Does this Olympian not see how he brings race into a matter where race isn't there?  Isn't that the very definition of racism?  Good gravy!

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