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Posts posted by TtownBillsFan

  1. 4 minutes ago, transplantbillsfan said:


    I still don't understand.


    You're addressing me. But you aren't responding to what I said. I'd say you're using a simple twist of rhetoric politicians often use, but I was told this is a place of intelligent discourse and I could learn a lot if I just stuck around. I wouldn't think posters in a place so described would so subtly twist words to try to make another poster look foolish.

    Why are you intentionally trying to be thick?  You posed a question, he answered.  I really don't get what you're going for here...


    I used to love reading your stuff (football-related), but I don't get why you're being obtuse here.

  2. 19 hours ago, Juror#8 said:

    I’ve always attributed Blacks’ traditionally democratic affiliation as a rejection of Goldwater who was one of the few mainstream national politicians opposed to the Civil Rights Act. He took a shitton of southern democrats along with him. Democrats who, through an electoral and philosophical shift, are now all Republicans. 


    A lot of that shift and history accounts for the oft repeated, but patently untrue, notion that Republicans are racist. 


    So over time things like Republicans not courting minority votes, and some of the **** Reagan did or didn’t do (opposition to Civil Rights and Voting Rights act and support of apartheid South Africa), and of course Hw and the Willie Horton infamy, and little **** like that, blacks have just grown incrementally and generationally distrustful of Republicans. 


    It also helps that Jimmy Carter was considered a champion to black folks especially. And he was a political caretaker between Nixon, Ford, and then Reagan. 


    I interviewed jc watt more than a decade ago for something I was writing for a program that I didn’t finish. He talked openly with me about how his party was way too exclusionary and that blacks had to somehow be able to fight through that political “cold shoulder” to somehow be able to see the natural policy alignment between conservativism and the black community. He said “we both know that ain’t happenin.” 


    True story. 

    I love me some JC.  I'm from Tulsa, so we know him well here.  I wished he'd get back into the political ring, at the federal level.  He's a great guy!

  3. I don't know how to post links, but I can't believe I'm on page two of the thread, and nobody has mentioned the "I've fallen, and I can't get up!" commercials.  I think they were for Life Alert maybe, back in the 80's and early 90's if I recall correctly.  Do yourself a favor and google up that bunch of awesome :)

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  4. On 5/15/2018 at 11:48 AM, Soda Popinski said:

    well that sucks that she lied, I called the guy an animal after reading that he kicked the dog and hit her. If she's lying and she's admitting it, lock her up now because that is as bad or worse than actually being abused.  The damage to his reputation is irreparable.  it's like being accused of rape.   People never look at you the same again 

    I haven't read the rest of the thread beyond this point, but it is for this very reason that people should learn to HOLD JUDGEMENT UNTIL ALL FACTS ARE IN!  Do not rush to judgement, unless there is overwhelming EVIDENCE, and not just accusation/speculation/conjecture.  That's what kills me about today's society;  it used to be innocent until PROVEN guilty.  It has, at least in the court of public opinion, flipped to guilty until proven innocent.  It should not be that way, and it's a shame.

  5. 1 hour ago, Fadingpain said:

    He's on the wall for his football accomplishments, which have nothing to do with him being a murderer.


    He's a top 3 all-time Buffalo Bill, whether you think he's a nice guy or not.



    And you're a piece of **** if you think he should remain on the wall.

  6. On 3/1/2018 at 8:15 AM, Tiberius said:

    After taking $30 million from the NRA! lol, He will not do anything to push for this 

    Hopefully you're right!

    On 3/1/2018 at 9:12 AM, TakeYouToTasker said:

    The franchise is a far greater responsibility than gun ownership.


    Any opinion on rolling back the "right" to vote until, say, 30?


    Or perhaps placing qualifiers on the exercise of that right?  Say, by having to prove your competency with a test, or perhaps by achieving some success litmus, like owning property?

    I know it's a trap, but I'm all for it :)  And I'd also tie it to the other rights were arguing about, IE:  gun ownership, driving, drinking, etc! :)

  7. 22 hours ago, westside said:

    I was against Trump before I was for him.

    Ditto this.  I was for Cruz.  But I can't argue much against what he's actually put in place thus far.  I can argue, full-throated, against some things he's suggesting.  But not against anything thus-far implemented.

    23 hours ago, Azalin said:


    To this very day, that still makes me cringe.  "I ain't in no ways tard....."  :lol:

    Oh, ROFL, is that that clip.  Oh my, I cringe, and am embarrassed for her when I hear that.  That's just painful, I don't care who you are.  You can be the biggest supporter of HILLDOG in the world, and that has to make you hurt in the wrong places.  It just demonstrates how utterly fake she is.

  8. On 3/3/2018 at 6:30 PM, PearlHowardman said:

    The only 2016 Republican Presidential candidate who appealed to this Republican base vote was Donald Trump.  All others were basically RINOs.


    The Republican base show up to vote for Donald Trump in November 2016.  Trump loses to his planned self-destruction.  Hillary Clinton wins the Presidency and runs a pro Wall Street agenda.  Republicans maintain control of the House and Senate. 


    And all those meetings that Team Trump were having with Russians, which people thought related to the election but really related to Trump business deals, start to pay off.


    Finally, President Hillary Clinton renames the White House Lincoln bedroom the Donald Trump bedroom. 

    Did you ever hear of Ted Cruz?  He's as right-wing conservative as you can get.  He IS the Republican base.  He just got branded by the Trump, and lost as a result.  The same way as 'lying-hillary' got branded.


    What is going on here?  I really don't know.  Is this Pearl-person making excuses for hillary?  Or is he/she/it really thinking there's some grand conspiracy here?  DR, is someone trying to step on toes? :)

    On 3/4/2018 at 9:21 AM, PearlHowardman said:

    Donald Trump didn't look happy coming out on stage after he was declared winner. of the 2016 election  It took him a long time to get out on stage, too.  I don't wonder why.

    Well crap-boy-howdy, here we have it, I didn't think it possible, but we have a new tin-foil-hat champion.  You really think one of the most narcissistic people on the planet, maybe only out-narcisissted by one of the Clinton dynasty, would NOT want the most powerful seat at the table?  He's sat at about the most powerful seat you can in private life.  But you're saying the most powerful seat on the planet was offered up to this guy, and he wouldn't take it, gleefully?  I think your arguments kind of fall in on themselves, or at minimum, do extreme battle against one another until none stands :P

  9. On 3/3/2018 at 4:04 PM, 3rdnlng said:

    Donald Trump called for Clinton's assassination? So far in your words and in the link all I see is wild speculation that did not turn out the way the speculation hoped. If this is all you have then you've already failed.

    Agreed.  I don't recall him calling for anyone's assassination.  That likely would have been really bad.


    And, am I in a time warp here, but didn't Trump beat Clinton?  I keep looking at the time-stamp on the posts, but they all appear to be, like, now, and not a year+ ago.  WTF am I missing here?

    On 3/3/2018 at 4:58 PM, PearlHowardman said:

    The Hill?  The Washington Post?  Bloomberg? National Review?  BBC? These are not Infowars level media.  


    Longtime New York Democrat Donald Trump did everything he could to destroy his own Presidential campaign as the Republican nominee.  But the unanticipated Wikileaks did more damage to his opponent (and friend) Hillary Clinton.


    So we're stuck with a President who did not want to be President, does not want to be President, and does not possess the skills to be President.  And we're about to be hit with an IG report exposing the DNC's scandalous role in the 2016 Presidential election.


    Everyone is losing.


    If you don't see the problem that our country is in then you're hopeless.  

    "Very pro-choice" but now pro-life Donald Trump's kids Erik and Ivanka were not allowed to vote in the 2016 NY GOP Primary because they were registered Democrats!

    Except that the economy is booming like gangbusters, which will happen any time you go from a lib to a non-lib candidate.  And as we all know, it's always about the economy.  Everything else, from gun-control to abortion to yada-yada-yada, it's always about the economy.

    On 3/3/2018 at 5:23 PM, PearlHowardman said:

    I don't.


    There was no 2016 Presidential election.  It was a scandal.  A scandal started by Bill and Hillary Clinton.  They offered the part of foil to Donald Trump and he took it.


    What was Donald Trump supposed to get in return for intentionally losing the 2016 Presidential election to Hillary Clinton?


    Answer:  Occupancy of the Lincoln Bedroom in the White House. And fast track approval for any business deal that Donald Trump wants.  Especially in, you guessed it:  RUSSIA!  Remember when the Clintons were in the White House selling the Lincoln Bedroom to the highest bidder?  


    The Clintons aren't Democrats any more.  They're filthy, lying, greedy, selfish, Wall Street corporatists.


    We are ALL in trouble!

    Nope, sounds exactly like the Democrat Party of today, except replace corporatists with crony-socialists.  But whatever label you want to put on them, you're right, we're all in trouble if they get ahold of power again.

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