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Posts posted by TtownBillsFan

  1. 4 hours ago, keepthefaith said:


    I'm not fine with it, especially as Trump's priority is pretty clearly re-election rather than what's best for the country fiscally, but most pols in Washington are in the same basket.  The problem with all this artificial stimulus (tax cuts and particularly deficit spending) is that it's addictive.  It's now become a necessity to continue growth when we should in good times be finding ways reduce the annual deficit even at the expense of a little less growth IMO.  At some point this mounting debt will hit the proverbial fan.  Nothing is forever. 

    I'd rather reward people that have given, literally, their life/limbs in service to the country, than to reward sitting-on-arse, lazy turds.  Cut "entitlement" spending across the board, but rewarding those that have truly given in the defense of the country, I'll always be 100% in favor of that, regardless the cost.


    And I'm conservative as they come, and I hate deficit spending.  But I'll back up what I'm saying.  I'm 100% fine with means-testing our 'social safety net';  including what I've paid in for my entire life in the way of SS benefits.  That's what it's going to take to balance that budget; means-testing, and a further increase in the age benefits begin.


    I don't have kids, but it's going to be on the next generation to pay all this crap back until someone with some sense has the balls to do what's needed (and hopefully a 2nd term Trump will do so, if he can get enough Congresscritters to go along with it, which the likelihood is probably at or near 0.)  But until we get the "entitlements" in check, we're never going to get out of deficit spending.  I'll take my bitter pill to see it done (extend recipient age, means-test, etc.)  Anyone else willing?

  2. I personally have no doubt that the person/group behind Q are directly tied in to truly top-level, secret, info;  the type of info that you get only when you're one of those people that have 'eyes only' clearance.  I do NOT believe that it's Trump;  but I 100% believe it's someone that talks to him daily.


    And I truly hope, for the country's sake, that TPS is wrong.  We want/need/DESERVE the truth for once, as ugly as it's going to be for all sides.


    And while I readily admit I have a side (I'm conservative), I want any and ALL that have any hand in this evil to go down, and go down HARD and PUBLICLY!  I'm hoping we're in the beginning of that taking place, and this doesn't fall off the radar with JE's death (which I doubt was suicide). For all our sakes, I hope TPS is wrong, and that we actually get some justice for once!

    • Like (+1) 4
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  3. Anyone 'reputing' him to be "much more" than the next "Manning - I'm guessing Peyton, not Eli", was a moron.  Peyton, in my opinion, is/was the best QB to ever play the NFL game.  It was HOPED that Luck might achieve similar greatness, but that's such a lofty goal that even falling short can still put you in the Hall.


    I wouldn't kick Luck out of my NFL bed, even now.  And I love me some Allen :)

  4. On 7/28/2019 at 2:56 PM, BeginnersMind said:


    He didn’t say a single thing outside of his report, as he promised. The questioners, and I use that loosely, mostly just made self/serving statements. 


    Ergo, his appearance was bound to be and thankfully was, a nothingburger and not necessary. 


    Day of rest Foxxy. Rest on. 

    I'm going through this thread a couple days late, forgive me.  But in response to the above, actually, Mueller DID make a statement.  He made it a point to come out and dis-avow the words of that Leiu (?) character, who tried to say that the only reason Mueller didn't indict, or make a case for indictment, or similar, is because of the Justice Department's 'rules' again indicting a sitting president.  The ONLY real statement Mueller made the whole day, was to make it clear that that was NOT the case.  But yeah, keep on pushing the false narrative.  Anyone who sat through that snoozefest knows otherwise.

    • Like (+1) 4
    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. 13 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

    It’s actually a problem in more than California, and goes for both red and blue. There’s virtually no restraint anymore. The most extreme candidate wins. We passed the slippery slope long ago!

    I disagree with this for the most part.  The "red" (right-leaners, conservatives, my peeps) will actually call-out, ostracize, and remove people that stray from stated party principles.  The left rallies around (I refuse to use the 'circle-the-wagons' phrasing here, for multiple reasons!) their people that 'step out of line', or step in it, almost to a fault.

  6. 15 hours ago, CLTbills said:

    I don't get all the hate for this post. There are multiple position groups that are going to see guys that might be the #2 on another team get cut. WR, CB, and RB all come to mind. It's a good problem to have, trying to decide which ones to keep when they're all capable of producing. 


    There are guys that started on this (#2 overall) defense last year that may get cut because we've brought more talent in.


    Definitely the first time in a long time I can remember having this kind of depth of quality talent. Not like having 3-4 great players and a bunch of backups in starting roles. Just think back to last year. We were trotting out Vlad Ducasse as a STARTER, and he started yesterday with the third string OL. 


    The point that I think the OP is trying to make is this. If our worst player is a guy we don't want to get rid of because he's actually a dang good player that can start on another team, that's a pretty good problem to have. Lay off, all you Negative Nancy's 

    Agreed fully!  Great depth of talent across the board (minus maybe special teams, but I haven't checked that heavily, and depth is normally where ST's get their players, so probably good there too!  Was thinking of the PK/KR/P roles though).  The starting talent AND depth appears to be in place;  it's going to come down to how well JA does.  And I bought only one jersey this year! :)  I'm thinking we have a team worthy of winning 10+ minimum!

  7. 22 hours ago, Mark Vader said:


    Moulds was damn good and I don't think he ever got that much appreciation from a league wide perspective. It's unfortunate that we had inconsistency at QB when he was with us.


    That being said, it's very tough to put him above the likes of Reed & Lofton.

    Agreed, and please don't get what I meant twisted;  E-Mo was a STUD with us.  He's certainly in the top-5 ever at his position with the Bills.  Probably top-3 at WR (for his production while a Bill).  But, far and away, Reed is the best we've ever had.  And the Reed/Lofton combo as #1/#2 receiver, unmatched in my opinion.

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 13 hours ago, EasternOHBillsFan said:


    Jim Kelly never grabbed his crotch at his opponent.


    Andre Reed never performed multiple sideline sideshow acts on the sideline during any game.


    Marv Levy was an experienced coach who didn't put up with what Freddie Kitchens will.



    Don't confuse the passion to be the best sometimes ending in conflict vs. selfish and/or "look at me" players overflowing with antics and sideshow clips.

    LOL, I'm guessing you're an Ohio State fan;  don't confuse brashness and bravado with thuggery.  Baker is/will prove to be a stud.  He's also a leader of men;  as our very own Cody Ford would attest. (And yes, I'm severely biased, as an OU diehard) :)

  9. 17 hours ago, eball said:


    Yes!  I was so pleased to read that comment.  McD is driven to get better himself in every aspect of the job, which means opening himself up to criticism.  This is such a solid foundation they are building...god I hope the players have the combination of talent and drive to get it done.  If they get on a roll, watch out.

    Exactly.  I mean, can you imagine Rex Ryan (even though I, personally, didn't hate him) asking to be critiqued by players he was coaching?  I don't think it would happen.  But do you think a Marv Levy (circa 1998-99) would have welcomed such feedback?  I do.


    And no, I'm not comparing coaches here;  just an element of style I think they probably share.

  10. I haven't read through all the replies here, so my apologies if I missed anything.  But I wanted to comment after readying/watching it all, and say a BIG thank you for posting this!  Oh baby, am I ready for this season!  I really think they're building something special for this year, and seasons to come!


    And Meatball;  LOVE THAT GUY!  I'm a southern boy too, so I'll listen to his twang all day long! :)


    Shout out to my SOONER rookie - let's go Cody Ford!!!!

  11. I'm probably the biggest Baker Mayfield fan on this whole site, as I'm a die-hard SOONERS fan.  So yes, I was hoping we got him, however it had to happen.  I knew it probably wasn't going to happen, and hated it when we weren't able to trade up to get him.


    Being in Sooner-land (blessed be!), I got to watch every game he ever played in (including while at Tech).  The guy is NOT a douchebag.  He's an EXTREME competitor, and makes note of every slight against him.   He has that win-at-any-cost mentality, and sometimes that can get one in trouble (the planting the flag was bad optics, but for good reason, if you know the story behind it).


    I wish we'd have been able to get him, but hopefully JA makes that a moot point :)  (and I think he will!!!)  But I think Baker will make Cleveland fans happy for a couple decades.


    I don't buy a jersey every year, but I have my authentic blue Allen jersey ready to go!  I think those two, along with Mahomes, will be the QB triplet that we talk about for the next 10-15 years, like we have Brees, Rivers, and Brady the last decade+.

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. On 6/20/2019 at 8:03 AM, Buffalo_Gal said:

    I had that from April to May! Most of Western NY into the Finger Lakes has shared this wonderful "bug" since March. Now it has drifted north? Sorry for the import. 

    Would you all please stop quoting Row33, I've had that douchebag on ignore forever, as he makes no sense.  And for reference, I don't even have Tibs on ignore!

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. McGee, you seem to like the left.  What say you about Biden's pretty badly racist comments there.  I cringed when I saw him say that, as you can't talk like that nowadays, even if he's trying to be 'nice'.  He's trying to say the guys a mainstream speaker, not talking ebonics, but you can't even say that without being raycis.


  14. 7 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:





    Fascists do and say fascist things... like telling someone what they can and cannot say. Oh, she's on the editorial board of the NYTs? who would have guessed?

    God I love Ted Cruz.  He was my pick.  He's a debate champion, and, from what I understand, he has an auditory 'photographic memory', meaning, if he hears it, he remembers it, word for word.  Eidetic memory, but auditory.  That would serve one well in debates :)


    • Like (+1) 2
  15. 3 hours ago, dpberr said:

    John Delaney revealed last night why "Medicare For All" is never going to happen.


    It either triggers a rash of hospital closures nationwide or puts the federal budget on an even more absurd deficit trajectory.  The hospitals that already have a large Medicare patient population are constantly on the brink of closure or end up closing.  For example, Hahnemann Hospital in Philadelphia announced closure yesterday.  The economics do not work.  You don't make money being a Medicare for All hospital presently.


    Medicare reimburses medical costs substantially lower than commercial (private) insurance and there is constant pressure to reduce or freeze those reimbursements all the time.  


    Instead of showing proof of health insurance, Obamacare should have required proof of you seeing a doctor for a checkup every year.  Healthcare sucks in this country because we have too many people seeing a doctor for the first time after the heart attack, after the Diabetes has taken a foot, after the cancer has spread, after the obesity creates the shortness of breath, etc.  


    We require inspections on cars as a preventative measure in all 50 states. Unsure why a similar approach isn't used for human beings.    

    Check your facts please;  I can assure you, we do not have state vehicle inspections in Oklahoma.  At one time (at least a decade+ ago), that was the case.  But the corruption in the system caused inspections here to go the way of the do-do.


    And since you mention annual inspections, which were required under law for vehicles, I assume you're for mandating the same be done with my body?  No thanks, and I take offense to that notion.

  16. 39 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    No, you disingenuous ****head, you're conflating both having "dirt" given to a campaign and a foreign government trying to interfere with an election. There was no reason to report the Trump Tower meeting to the FBI because the Russian contingent didn't attempt to do anything illegal. They had nothing on Clinton and only wanted to talk about the Magnitsky Act and the moratorium on adoptions. When Don Jr. realized this he left the meeting. This has been known for a year or two and has been explained to you many times. Are you just too ***** dumb to understand that or just don't care?

    I think it's maybe - both...

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