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Everything posted by Maine-iac

  1. We need to make those Kelso kazoo helmets standard issue.
  2. Thanks your opinion means everything to me. Clearly our offense doesn't look ugly and I'm glad you made me aware of that.
  3. I'm not sure Douglas is going to be Revis island but he is tough and plays the ball well.
  4. I'll live with ugly if they aren't turning the ball over. I certainly wish they'd run the ball more but again if they're not turning it over I'll live with ugly.
  5. So easy ................... where has that been?
  6. Our offense is ugly. If it isn't handing off to a RB we look like crap.
  7. About time they called that handsy crap.
  8. What are we averaging for half time scores now a days because this feels like more of the same so far. Hopefully they continue to not turn the ball over but Josh is still holding the ball and the Jets are still almost getting there. I don't like that combination.
  9. We run it down their throat then the next drive one two yard run and they quit running.
  10. Could we please just get under center and run the ball and then turn around and run it some more.
  11. Come our and run the ball and throw short passes to Kincaid and Cook for 1st downs for a couple qtrs and you'd be surprised how open Shakir, Davis, and Diggs get after that.
  12. 9 nothing only proves our offense hasn't changed much. We're playing the Jets and our defense came to play. Our offense is still doing mostly the same things it's been doing.
  13. Why do we hate lining up and running the ball? Like with a RB. You know how most teams run the ball.
  14. This offense still does a lot of the same dumb stuff. Run the ball and get it out on throws. This is the Jets. If you run jet sweeps and think you can hold the ball and take deep shots bad stuff is going to happen.
  15. Said it before I'll say it again if we run the ball 30 times I'd put money on us winning this game. We don't need to fix our passing game this week. Just run the ball and play defense. Give defenses something to worry about .......... namely our running game.
  16. We can still have some fun. Would love to see AJ and Floyd go off.
  17. I'm not saying Morris shouldn't have caught it but it was late and low and Morris will not get confused with Kincaid.
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