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Posts posted by gobills1212

  1. 46 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:



    Not appreciating this.  No, Josh.  Just No,  Bad look. 


    Celebrating an aspect of Buffalo fandom that's a bit reckless and does not need to be encouraged

    And as for "would Mahomes do this?" um he's preparing for a Superbowl at the moment.  That should be the goal.


    Please say It's Not So!

    Sounds like someone is jealous it wasnt him smashing through a table:)

    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. 3 hours ago, IDBillzFan said:


    No way you're a Jets fan today and feeling good about the way this season ended. 


    They came a few competent QB plays away from losing to the Jills.

    They still are sticking to the company line they ended up w the better QB and Allen is bad at throwing the football. I get it, they can judge Sam better than we can as they see every snap he plays. Their (as ours would be) knocks against him are more hearsay as well as more defensive than anything else as you dont want to be the team who chose the wrong guy let alone have your rival be the team that picked the right guy. It may just simply be Sam hasnt had the same atmosphere as Josh, conducive to learning and growing. If Gase really brushes of criticism by answering he doesnt care bc hes rich AF and stuff like Darnold was the only qb he didnt bring in in MIA bc he wasnt a fan are true - thats not a good situation for a young qb. It seems the jets have a Gase problem. This win hurt them 2fold as it was a weak win against backups that they just eeekkkked by. They didnt look good, struggled and sure they won, but it wasnt pretty and was the opposite of the morale booster. When they say they werent impressed w Allen today its maddening BUT its more them coping w their situation than them actually assessing the qb. In reality, if your opinion is made in 2 series when it was more about situational reps than calling plays with any context - youd already made an assessment or just arent that smart....

  3. Wasnt a horrible waste as it was nice to see Duke. I feel like he could be a safe posession WR type that will reel balls in. Nice effort on a well placed Allen pass early on and save the bad drop - showed what he brings and I like it bc its a bit different than the other starters. I dont love sitting Foster, but like the idea of what Duke brings to the table so itll be interesting to see how they handle it. Easiest is sit Roberts but they prob feel as though they need his for the return game. Earlier in the year id say sit McKenzie as he didnt show much as an actual WR, but hes come on the last few weeks and has found a nice niche w/his sweeps. Foster is prob most likely to be replaced but even that could be different as if he and Barklet were on the same page and he looked up he may have had a catch and run down the seam for a TD. At the end of the day i guess Duke gets the nod bc he took advantage while foster didnt - but he has shown his wirth in the past. Again, will be interesting to see how it shakes out. I also liked where Sweeney seems to be at. We hadnt seen him in a while and although id imagine Kroft gets the nod as the vet, TS seemed to show progress and potential even if it is for next year.

     Also, i posted this in another thread but since it is likley to be shut down bc its pure nonsense ill post here...


    Did anyone else hear the idiot named Aaron who called the post game show to say how Barkley really came on as the game progressed and asked if he showed enough to come into camp to compete for the starters job? Because i kid you not, that was a call. As was a guy who actually took time out of his day to wait on hold to ask-get this- why there wasnt a penalty for the Jets players celebrating on the field for Barkleys fumble (which was called a fumble on the field) and wanted the refs to retroactively call a penalty for the celebration once it was deemed an incomplete pass. 

    Now granted, its my fault for listening and to be fair its not like a show that takes callers is going to be super high end - but good grief! These are actual living, breathing people who CLAIM to be fans of this team.... and they may be, but they obviously arent embarrassed so ill just be embarrassed for them. Surely the Pats bandwagon can fit a few more tools on board...


    I, foolishly thought 6 pts would be enough to silence the small crowd of fans who dont understand the concept of a FQB and think Barkley will magically lift the O to 35 point games BUT that wasactly the 2nd call on that subject... the 1st rightfully was hung up on;)

    • Haha (+1) 2
  4. 35 minutes ago, PUNT750 said:

    The Titans in week #5.  The 'signature' wins came against 8-8 teams in the Cowboys and Steelers. We finished 4-4 at HOME. 



    Are you the same dude as the idiot named Aaron who called the post game show to say how Barkley really came on as the game progressed and asked if he showed enough to come into camp to compete for the starters job? Because i kid you not, that was a call. As was a guy who actually took time out of his day to wait on hold to ask-get this- why there wasnt a penalty for the Jets players celebrating on the field for Barkleys fumble (which was called a fumble on the field) and wanted the refs to retroactively call a penalty for the celebration once it was deemed an incomplete pass. 

    Now granted, its my fault for listening and to be fair its not like a show that takes callers is going to be super high end - but good grief! These are actual living, breathing people who CLAIM to be fans of this team.... and they may be, but they obviously arent embarrassed so ill just be embarrassed for them. Surely the Pats bandwagon can fit a few more tools on board...


    I, foolishly thought 6 pts would be enough to silence the small crowd of fans who dont understand the concept of a FQB and think Barkley will magically lift the O to 35 point games BUT that was actly the 2nd call on that subject... the 1st rightfully was hung up on;)

    • Haha (+1) 2
  5. 29 minutes ago, TheProcess said:

    Yep, noticed that too. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one, but I mentioned it in the GDT once it happened. Like you, looked to me like he came up a bit lame seconds into his celebration. Surprisingly, he stayed in the game. 

    Yup, the injury celebration. I just figured he was mocking someone lol

    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. 46 minutes ago, BillsMafi$ said:

    Josh had some good throws but my oh my does he miss too many 

    Thats your take away?! Not that the 2 most important plays of the game saw defenders in on the qb untouched? Not that the creative misdirection stuff was tabled for frustrating Motor runs on 1st down that would have been just as good as kneeling and starting 2nd and 10? How about how clear it is that Brady just folds under pressure but yet rather than pressuring him we kept giving them short passes to set up 3rd and short which is predicated on the idea you STOP them on 3rd and that's the only way such a game plan is effective. It would help if the D figured out the ball was only ever going to Edelman but yet, there he is running free converting 3rd downs like a mad man. Their conservative plan on both sides wasnt enough to overcome for the win. Allen on the other hand gave this team a chance to win. IMO hes pretty far down on the list of why this game was lost.

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  7. 7 hours ago, ganesh said:

    It is a 2-way street.

    JA needs the ball in his hand to be in a rhythm,  He plays really well when you don't ask him to throw 1 out of every 3 downs.  However, the Bills coaching staff is focused on eliminating mistakes and play the grind it football.  JA is a good team player to play both models, but he is out of sync in the latter.  It is what it is...May be they will let it loose next yaer...may bee the coaching staff doeen't believe JA is ready yet.

    Our passing offense is 28th in the league...indeed in the bottom 5..However that is not JA fault.

    Respectfully (and its opinion based to a degree as im sure we could both find stats to frame our narrative but i dont really think we disagree per se) with out even blinking I can think of 5 worse teams on O than us. Passing is only part of the attack and even then i still feel he took a cheap shot at Allen for no other reason he is pissed the Steelers lost and it makes him feel better to talk crap. Much in the same vein ill never understand why people try so hard to make up nicknames for teams as an insult (cowGURLS  and Patsies come etc comes naturallyI guess but some of the stuff is like fitting a square peg in a round hole and is just embarassing) why is it so hard for people to just give props? I actually came to really like Tomlin after listening to his post game presser. It wasnt riddled with 'have to watch the tape' answers and straight up said they take responsibility and its not an excuse but that was an excellent D/Team we just lost to. Refreshing, respectful, and most of all (like when we lost to Philly) they got outplayed and tipped the hat.

  8. I dont disagree its not great, BUT there is a lot of completley inept O around the NFL this season. The Bills arent in the top 5, but not in the bottom 5 either as this article would have you believe. To admit both teams have excellent Ds and then use that game as an example to talk crap about the O completely ignoring the point of a D showdown and how by nature they are low scoring regardless of firepower.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    It tells me I"ve reached my limit of free articles; care to summarize a few salient points (please don't repost the whole thing tho)?

    Most of what pertains to the Bills...


    The Bills and Steelers offenses, however, are really bad. The Steelers at least have an excuse because they are playing with a quarterback from the bottom of their depth chart. The Bills have a first-round draft pick, Josh Allen, at quarterback, and while he clearly is a strong player with a huge arm, he isn’t very good at actually playing the position of quarterback.



    The Steelers — with an undrafted rookie at quarterback — might be Buffalo’s signature win of the season thus far. The Steelers are still searching for theirs, as they haven’t beaten a team that is likely to even sniff the playoffs.

    That’s amazing when you think about it considering how deep we are into the season. These two teams have basically ridden great defenses and feasted on bad schedules to slop together enough wins to get into playoff position.

    But are they actually good teams? There was plenty of evidence Sunday at Heinz Field Sunday to suggest neither rises to that level. Sunday had the feel of two mediocre football teams trying to figure out how to win a game despite their quarterback and despite their offense’s shortcomings.




    Just seemed pretty skeezy for an actual real newspaper imo


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  10. Commentary: Sunday put AFC's poor playoff picture on display | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette https://www.post-gazette.com/sports/columns/2019/12/16/afc-playoff-race-bills-steelers-titans-texans/stories/201912150229



    Oddly written piece.  At first I thought it was just sour grapes and dude was just acting like so many 'Bills fans' in the gameday thread and his team lost BUT its not a straight shot at the Bills or Allen. Maybe its they have a standard that is not being lived up to. Whats weird to me however is how quick he is to discount both teams O, while not taking into account the point of a really good D.... which is to shut down the other teams O. Common sense dictates that if 2 excellent Ds square off - its not going to be a shootout, but rather a down and dirty grind out type of game. The Pats have been in games like that over the years as have the Steelers. Anyway, its a weird way to trash your team (and ours?) and just makes me think hes scraping the bottom of the barrel. Tough read and tough to justify.  In the end I just think he is bummed and thats his way of dealing w it. Bummed these aren't the Steelers of old who would have taken a hammer to the Bills of old and the only way to make himself feel better is to dump on BOTH team.


    Fwiw, the deff dont seem like a team who gives credit where credit is due but rather blame yourself and writing the other team off as the worse team had they not have beaten themselves 

  11. 3 minutes ago, CincyBillsFan said:


    See I don't see it that way.  I don't care about style points.  When you're in the playoff hunt in December every game against other teams in the playoff hunt are dog fights.


    Did the offense play well from start to finish?  No.  But that was because they were on the road playing one of the best defenses in the NFL.  But when they needed to play well they did.  That last TD drive was huge.  And Allen also came through when the game was on the line. 


    Last season this was one of if not the worst offenses in the NFL.  After a complete remake and the injection of 3 rookies into the starting lineup the offense is now middle of the pack.  That's real improvement.  There are some things they do real well and there are other things that need work.  But the direction is up and that's all we can ask for.



    Post of the night. Anyone who sees this team differently, im not sure youll ever be happy.

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