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KW95 - JA17

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Everything posted by KW95 - JA17

  1. I knew you were coming with that...but it doesn't work that way bozo. USA loves to claim they are the WORLD LEADER! SO by being the WORLD LEADER, please show some leadership and guidance! But hey, Americans will be Americans. Arrogant pieces of ****! once they get questioned, they do like you just did..."Worry about your own house!!" But I love America! The idea of America is great!
  2. None, I don't live there. I see the chart. Seems like since the big crisis that Obama took on in 2010, the economy has grown and grown and grown. Good job to all involved! Good evening Dude! All religion is big business. All a fraud. Money first followed by what I truly believe they believe, love, caring etc.....BUT MONEY FIRST!
  3. Thank Obama for the results! And again, my country is a 3rd world country. Be grateful that you live in the STATES...although you don't remember..I keep telling you guys, USA is the world leader. Keep striving.
  4. Keep going..... and provide an example how it has affected someone close to you.
  5. The way your leader is cutting back all environmental issues...USA is getting to Brazil levels soon!
  6. Damn Venezuelans are invading Brazil. From one shithole to another. You know you got it bad when you escaping to Northern Brazil.
  7. Yes, I run away like a little B!! You figured me out! or is it, maybe just is it, that when I have some free time from living my life, I like to come here and troll you morons that have been spewing the same thing over and over again?
  8. HAHA...Why are you on here if you are just living your life...I come on here every few months...and you biting like a fish. READ YOUR SENTENCE and YES..GO ON AND LIVE YOUR LIFE! Get out of here. PPP is a stupid forum. Why you here?
  9. so why you answering if you so confident whats going to happen? Let us hate and be quiet if you believe that is the secret to the kitty Grabber's success!
  10. Teflon Don's fan base will agree with anything he says. But DT's time has come. He's going down and its getting ugly.
  11. Of course his base will be the same but the independents that helped him win are done with the idiot.
  12. Just say Williams. That covers 5 in 1! And shout out any of our stupid QBs.
  13. He will get hurt and Peterman will poise in weak 1!
  14. If you look at his passes. He made some great passes. I think he learned from this is and is poise to be the new leader of the Bills.
  15. How do you not think 5 INT ( I say 2-3 were not his fault ) to 0 in second half. That is poise in the heat of battle at its best
  16. Thank for agreeing. I don't no why many don't like Nate. He is very poise and fearless.
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