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Posts posted by Jrb1979

  1. 53 minutes ago, purple haze said:

    What amenities do you want that the new stadium won’t have?   The reason stadiums are less about the game is because teams are trying to attract non-fans or fans that have multiple other entertainment options in a large city.   Most Bills fans actually show up to watch a football  game.  The need in Nashville and Chicago or L.A. is not the need in Buffalo, Green Bay or Kansas City, etc.





    For now they show up but I have a feeling many are going to be priced out of the new stadium. There isn't enough hardcore fans to support the prices that come with a new stadium. They need to attract those non-fans. 

    • Agree 1
  2. 23 hours ago, Guffalo said:

    We were kicking around some ideas for a vacation. Watching some different documentaries and came across "Passport to the world : Route 66" and wondered if anyone has done the drive from Chicago to Santa Monica via the old route 66.


    Lots of interesting restaurants and nostalgic sites along the way.

    Anyone tried it?

    Is it worth the drive?

    Tips for best things along the way?

    Look up the Carpetbagger on YouTube. He did a vlog doing route 66. It would give you an idea if it's worth it. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    I keep reading comments like this with people saying the new stadium will just be a slightly upgraded Highmark Stadium. I don’t agree. From what’s been released to date the new stadium will be a unique and modern OUTDOOR venue. If you just look around the NFL at the other outdoors stadiums, there are only two with this amount of covered seating: Miami and Seattle. The rest of the outdoor stadiums (some relatively recent) are pretty much wide open, with zero covered seating, including:


    New York/New Jersey 

    New England






    Green Bay (recently renovated)

    Kansas City (recently renovated)

    San Francisco 


    And many of those are in some pretty ‘well-healed’ Northeastern cities. Those facilities account for virtually half of the entire NFL! 

    Sure. The Bills new stadium isn’t indoors. We've all known it wouldn’t be for quite some time now. But to say it’s just a newer Highmark stadium is a bit of a stretch. 



    It's not about the covered seats or the look of the stadium. My comment was more about what's in the stadium. Reading between the lines of that interview I posted compared to a similar one done for the Titans stadium you would see a huge difference. The Bills stadium sounds like the amenities will be similar to what Highmark has but updated. Where as the Titans stadium will amenities that appeal to different fan types. 


    7 minutes ago, ddaryl said:


    I fully disagree... tired or even conversing aboiut all this non sense. It is not going to be a dome and it is not afordable thing to do in Buffalo NY regrdless

    I laugh at people lining up to pay $10K PSL to enjoy ammenities.


    Hate to break it to you and many on this board. They are trying to cater to a different fan base then what many of you are. There is a reason many stadiums, old and new are adding in bars in the corners of the stadium and kids areas. The hardcore fans base is not big enough or has enough money to afford the prices of going to games in the future 

  4. 25 minutes ago, ddaryl said:

    I asked for an explanation of where the money would come from

    People can have all the changes fo heart they want to have, the reality is who is picking up the extra $1 billion. Taxpayers ???  

    The NFL and Pegula's are not picking up the cost of a dome. There is no ROI for the extra money it would cost.


    First I will say to add a dome it would less then $1 billion. The Titans new stadium with a dome is only $500 million more. The money can come for PSLs. 


    I said earlier for me it's less about a roof but more about what there is amenity wise. From what I posted earlier it sounds very much that the new stadium will be much like Highmark but updated with wider concourses and more food options.  


    If you look around at most stadiums in all sports, it's less about the game and more about the amenities in the stadium. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, billsfanmiamioh said:

    I think they know that’s really all the region can realistically support. 

    I'm not so sure they can realistically support this stadium. I have a feeling many hardcore fans are going to be priced out. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, teef said:

    i get it.  i'm not sure those quotes are as telling as you may think, but they certainly could be.  i'd wait to see exactly how they changed the internal before getting worked up one way or the other.  i personally don't care much about the amenities, as i rather see a good game experience.  i say that as a partial truth.  since we really don't tailgate anymore, i like to go into the stadium a bit early, get some food, hang out and have a few drinks.  we usually sit in the jim kelly club, and it has gotten blah, so upgrades would be nice.  outside of that, anything extra isn't something i would typically use.  you'll probably see a bills hall of fame area, more stores, more food choices, etc.  i'm guessing it's just going to be an upgraded version of what you have now, and that works for me.  


    i think people need to move on from the idea of what the titans stadium is.  at the end of the day they'll get more because they spent a lot more.  i'm not sure they found it a great financial idea to build a palace in wny.  outside of this area, absolutely no one will care.  not even the people from downstate will give a *****, so this really just seems to be a small, regional thing.  the level of investing being put in is likely just right for the area.

    @mrags...he's trying to tear us apart.

    It's not so much trying to appeal to to other parts of the state or drawing in people across the country but more about drawing in a different type of fan then that goes to the games now. In that interview with Titans stadium they talk about appealing to different types of fans, from families to fans like you. That's the way leagues are heading.  I have a 4 year old and would love to go to a game. The problem is she won't sit still for a whole game. If they had an area for kids to get their wiggles out I would me more inclined to go. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, PBF81 said:


    And honestly, how difficult is it to "upgrade" a 50-year old stadium.  


    I will say, larger concourses comparable with modern standards would be nice.  


    Walking around shoulder to shoulder with more than enough drunks to make that experience somewhat less than pleasurable isn't fun or modern.  


    It's not about upgrading a 50 year old stadium. My point is that the new stadium is basically an updated Highmark stadium.  

  8. 2 minutes ago, teef said:

    I really wanted a dome. I can’t stand the cold and would love to go to a game and relax for a few hours without the elements. I get you always have to prepare for tailgating, but we really don’t do that anymore.   The difference is once I learned the stadium didn’t have a dome, I said oh well and moved on from it.  It sucks, but it’s over.   The point I was trying to make before about the renderings was that I’m not sure you can have a perfect conclusion to where the awning stops.  It’s hard to tell exactly where it ends, so who know how much it covers.  It may be more than some are griping about, it could be exactly what’s shown.  Not sure. 

    even though the design is kind of uninspiring, I’m sure it’s going to be a huge upgrade and a lot of fun to experience.  

    I'm over the dome part. I know it will be a huge upgrade but I don't think its going to be much different amenity wise then Highmark other then being updated. This is from an interview with people working on the Bills stadium project. 


    With respect to the project, what is the ultimate goal in terms of the kind of stadium you're looking to build? And how much different will it be than Highmark Stadium


    RR: We're going to build the best football stadium we possibly can for the Buffalo Bills and our fans. It will be state of the art and will have a great deal of modern amenities that we currently lack at Highmark Stadium. We do, however, want to maintain the intimacy, great sight lines and the amazing home field advantage and energy we currently have at Highmark Stadium. It will be a football specific stadium and we want to take advantage of all of the modern amenities, comfort, and technology available to us as we develop our plan with the architects.


    Compare that to what developers are saying about the Titans stadium. 


    What are your goals for fan experience in the new stadium?


    BN: "We want it to be a modern experience. Our current facility has served our fans well for a few decades. But there is a better experience that is available by thinking about the diversity of experience. Many of our fans just want to get to the game, park in their seats, and watch the game. But what you see around the NFL, the best stadiums allow fans the choice about how they want to attend the game and interact with the stadium. So, that may be a great seat that has a good view of the game and they're parked there the entire time. And, that may be a social experience. There's families who want the ability to roam around a little bit with their little ones. We have millennials who would like to have something of a game-long tailgate. So, we are trying to build a building and design a building that accommodates a wide range of experiences. We are really, really focused on building a great fan experience, a home-field advantage frankly, through the design of this building and we feel like there are some really great opportunities."


    IMO the Titans stadium and it's amenities are what the Bills should be building. After reading those two interviews the Bills went for an update to Highmark instead of putting on the level of what new stadiums offer.  It's not just about the game on the field anymore or tailgating. I know many here that's all they care about is the game on the field but it's not who the league is trying to cater to anymore. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, teef said:

    Tell you what.  Why don’t you send me your address, and I’ll send you the best rain poncho money can buy.  Ya know…on account of there not being a dome.  Don’t want you to get too wet. 

    I could care less if there is a dome or not. I will be laughing when this new stadium has the same issues as Highmark with selling tickets in December and January due to the weather. They had issues the last two seasons in December having sellouts and that's with the team being good. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  10. 1 hour ago, JoPoy88 said:

    hey to be honest, seriously, if I had that number I’d give it to you and insist on listening in. I would also like to know why a enclosed stadium wasn’t possible here, beyond the “cost feasibility” reason they cited. Don’t care about a dome either way, but I do agree with you we deserve a better answer than that.

    he is always apparently serious, unfortunately.

    I would like to know why an enclosed stadium wasn't possible. Considering that the new Titans stadium costs 2.1 billion compared to the Bills 1.4 billion.  

  11. 3 minutes ago, Einstein said:


    Yeah, that's all inflation.


    Falcons opened their massive stadium with a mall apparently in it the following year (2017) for $1.5B.



    Now THAT is a much sharper looking stadium.


    The mini-roof appears to cover way more seats, and the seats are not blocky. I like the curved seat section in the endzone (or goal area).

    Agreed. Even the Titans stadium looks much better and didn't cost that much more. IMO it feels like they went with the best stadium they can do for the price they were willing to spend. Since it's only going to be used for the Bills and they aren't getting a Super Bowl here why spend more then needed. For most fans the fact this means the team is staying is good enough. They got an improved stadium over Highmark. What more do you need?

  12. 4 minutes ago, Back2Buff said:


    PSL will be really low in Buffalo.  Wouldn't surprise me in 300s, it right around a grand.  I know people that made over 2k on their tickets this year.

    It will be much higher then that. According to the Sports Business Journal, 

    Bills season-ticket holders got a look at what a personal seat license "might cost in the new stadium when the team emailed a survey on the potential design, amenities and seating options" for the $1.4B stadium, starting at $500 for general seating -and reaching "as high as $16,500 for premier seat

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  13. 18 minutes ago, teef said:

    i agree about the stadium experience, but i think the people are demanding more because the tickets have become extremely expensive.  i may go to a stadium once just to check it out, but unless i'm into the game itself, i'm likely not spending the money.  i just think you've made certain assumptions like you tend to do before knowing all of the facts.   so, other than new concourses, what would you like to see that you don't think the new stadium will have?   i'm just trying to understand the angst outside of not having a dome.

    A good example is something similar to Progressive field in Cleveland. They have an area for kids to play, a patio and bar overlooking the field. On the main level each micro brewery has their own concession with different food at each one. Those are things I would like to see that I have feeling won't happen. 


    Upgraded seats and a roof over most of the stands doesn't impress me. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, teef said:

    so...because you don't like the renderings of the new stadium, you assume nothing will really be that different?  these are just assumptions with no real basis at this point.  i'm not sure why you're taking that attitude towards it.  on top of that, you keep mentioning, "the average fan".  i'm not sure you get the average fan.  no average fan is going to shell out that much money for a game just to hang out at the stadium. maybe a few, but most people go to a game for the sake of taking in the energy at a live sporting even.   if a new restaurant in a stadium is what finally draws someone in, so be it.  what exactly do you want put into the stadium that you don't think they'll have.


    don't have suck a skewed outlook on everything.  after all, you made the comment that you wouldn't go to a stadium if they sold genny light.

    I don't have a skewed outlook on everything. Maybe football but hockey I don't.  


    As far as the average fan goes, if they truly just went for the sake of taking in the energy of the game then none of these other stadiums would be adding in things to make the game day experience better. They would stick with concourses like they always have had. The stadium experience is big part of the game more so now then it ever has before. 

  15. 3 minutes ago, JoPoy88 said:

    if they sell the place out (which they will, at least for a while) who really cares?


    what exactly are these recent improvements to Rodgers Center that supposedly help draw casual fans? You mentioned new and expanded food offerings, which the Bills’ new stadium most certainly will also have. What are the others?

    They have added. 

    Four New 'Outfield Neighborhoods': Most of Tuesday's media tour was focused on the four new social spaces Rogers Centre will house in the outfield next season—two on the 100-level and two on the 500-level.


    The 'outfield neighborhoods' include a Corona Rooftop Patio in the 500-level right field, a family-friendly park in left, and two themed bars along the 100-level that sit behind the batter's eye and overlook the road bullpen.


  16. 18 minutes ago, teef said:

    other than a dome, what aren't you getting?  i completely get the dome, but you don't think there are other upgrade?  you keep mentioning the rodgers center, but don't you think literally everything in the new stadium in an improvement.  i think it's just the esthetic you don't love which i completely get.  i'm just not sure what you think you are missing out on.

    Anything is an improvement over Highmark. I'm sure everything will be an improvement. My view is that if the outside esthetic is this generic I don't see the inside being anything special either. I would venture to guess is you have the  Bills hall of fame inside and the food vendors will be mostly the same as Highmark just improved. The game day experience probably isn't going to change much. I know most of you are there for the game and are happy with all the improvements. 


    The problem is your average fan wants more then that to be drawn to go to a game. Why spend a few hundred dollars to go to a game when the experience is not much different than watching at home for free. Your average fan wants a better experience then what they get at home. It's why I brought up the Rogers Centre and it's upgrades. They are adding major amenities to make the game day experience better. Having an updated Highmark stadium isn't enough for the sports world we live in. 


    I do understand that people on this board are satisfied with the team staying and having an improved stadium. You do have to understand that your casual sports fan isn't drawn by that. 

  17. 11 minutes ago, teef said:

    yes...you should be satisfied they're staying, because for locals, that's the most important thing.  


    and so what if you don't love the look.  i don't either and i absolutely would have preferred a dome, but here we are.  some posters my not like the esthetics, but it will still be a massive upgrade, but inside and out.  you're acting like there's no upgrade at all.

    Sure it's an upgrade to Highmark but that's not saying much. 


    My point is that if you look at the new stadiums and upgrades stadiums and arenas around the country are doing, they almost all have things in common. They all are adding things to make the stadium experience better then what you get if you watched the game sitting at home.  


    A good example is the Rogers Centre in Toronto. Before the major upgrades this offseason I rarely went to a game. I would drive 3 hours to see a game in Cleveland before seeing a game in Toronto. Now with the upgrades and the new amenities and food offerings I am looking forward to seeing a game there. 


    I know most here could care less about that stuff but the people here aren't your average fan. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  18. 56 minutes ago, teef said:

    yes.  that was 100% the most important thing.  the renderings look meh, but at the end of the day, does it really effect your life?  

    It doesn't effect my life but doesn't mean I should just be satisfied they are staying. 


    The issue I have is that around the league the stadiums that have been built or being built are state of the art. Even other leagues are upgrading their stadiums to get them up to date. Look at the Rogers Centre in Toronto. This winter they have done a big make over with adding a bar that overlooks centre field. The way sports have been heading  the game isn't the major draw anymore stadium wise. Most can stay home if they just want to watch the game. 


    This goes for the Sabres too. I hope with them being good again and attendance rising they use some of that money a put it back into the arena and get it up to date. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  19. 57 minutes ago, Einstein said:


    Titans averaged 68,615 attendance per game in 2022

    Bills averaged 68,431 attendance per game in 2022.


    So for that much bigger fancy city, they only got a minuscule higher number of attendees.


    Thats why they get the nicer stadium? I don’t get it.

    I guess it’s all about conventions. The 4 or 5 per year.

    IMO I think why many don't want a huge over the top stadium is the cost for tickets at that kind of stadium. Many would be priced out. 

  20. 2 minutes ago, Augie said:


    How well do you know Nashville? We used to have a property in Green Hills Jay south of Belmont and Vandy. I love the city! I fear they can’t handle the growth, but it’s not my problem. 


    Nashville gets a fancy new dome because they can have 100k+ people show up on any given weekend for some random event or convention. Like pretty much every weekend! They need more venues! WNY? Not so much. 


    I’m tired of pointing out the obvious. 

    I get it. Buffalo isn't a major city and is a small market. They don't need anything fancy or over the top. It just needs to be good enough and to not price out the market. 

  21. 3 minutes ago, Augie said:


    Don’t try to make it an age thing. I took my sons to WNY for Bills home games when they turned 16 as a rite of passage. My youngest son went last year for his 30th Bday as gift from his wife, and he’s gone many times in between. 


    There are only a few over the top mega-stadiums, and they are all in huge markets. Go to Pittsburgh or Green Bay or Cincinnati or Cleveland or Baltimore or Jacksonville or KC or Tampa or Nashville (currently). Most places are just “fine”. A few are over the top. Nothing wrong with a fine stadium. Just WIN! 

    Yes they are just fine but they were also built well before these new wave of stadiums.  Personally I would rather they built something similar to what Nashville is building. Winning only takes you so far. 


    December and January games have been a hard sell even when they are winning. Since a dome isn't happening then hopefully the amenities are majorly updated. I'm talking having all the micro breweries having a vendor in the stadium, a bar/ restaurant in one of the corners over looking the field. I would love if they took a page from Progressive field and have an area for kids and families to hangout. 


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