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Posts posted by Avisan

  1. His arm strength is unbelievable.  He can flick it 40 yards without even trying.


    That being said, he might need to rebuild his throwing motion a la Aaron Rodgers.  He has a pretty low release point that doesn't allow him to take full advantage of his height, and because his motion is a bit wonky sometimes the ball just seems to... pull a little as he launches it.


    Overall he looked like an incredible talent that isn't quite ready yet.

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  2. 7 hours ago, #34fan said:

    I'm using the entire dome, skullcap, or calvaria of the skull as a reference here... The hardest part of which would be the frontal bone, roughly two finger-walks


    up from the center of your forehead.   For hairdressing purposes, the "crown of the head" might have different implications... 



    Grow up.


    Crown of the head refers to the top rear, FYI, which is why the other poster was discussing spearing.

  3. 1 minute ago, #34fan said:



    Because you basically agreed with everything I said :thumbsup:



    It's exactly what they're designed to do!  -Absorb impact, and protect the nerves.



    Spearing?  -I'm not calling you nuts, but you're clearly having a conversation that the rest of us aren't.



    Explain to me which part of the human anatomy you think the "crown of the head" describes


    There's also a major difference between "structured to absorb impact and protect the nerves" and "designed to take the impact of a high-speed, high-mass head collision"

  4. 12 hours ago, #34fan said:


    The crown of your head is the hardest part of your cranium. -Even if you don't know that, your body does... Muscles, and fluid-filled discs in the neck are there to absorb the impact... Unfortunately, they're not made of titanium, so there's only so much shock they can absorb without damage.


    I am 100% all-in for safer football... What I am not for, is a 15 yard flag coming out every time a RB lowers his head to grind for a 1st down.



    This is 100% wrong.  Fully 100%.


    The head is designed to take minor impacts on the front... and that's about it.  The back, tops, and sides of the head have much weaker protection than the front.  Beyond that, the muscles and fluid-filled disks aren't designed to take that impact, they are simply the anatomy the body has available to do so and get pressed into service.

  5. 10 hours ago, ShadyBillsFan said:

    Here is how the Bills have split quarterback reps in regular 11-on-11 drills through the first four practices of training camp: First team: AJ McCarron (19), Nathan Peterman (17), Josh Allen (9); Second team: Peterman (23), McCarron (22); Third team: Allen (35), Peterman (5), McCarron (4).




    For those asking about reps 

    Oh, I always thought that was a cuss word in Yiddish .....  


    ;)    LOL 


    Well, that certainly puts things into perspective.


    Hope Allen puts it together, but he's got a lot of habits to learn and unlearn before he's ready.

  6. 1 hour ago, Sky Diver said:

    Strange that the Bills couldn't find a place on the roster for Ragland as a situational player.



    Several of the trades and releases have made us a worse football team overall.  Hopefully the shift in scheme fit and culture starts paying off soon, but I doubt we'll be competing for anything this season.

  7. 1 hour ago, PirateHookerMD said:


    "Plant protein can meet protein requirements when a variety of plant foods is consumed and energy needs are met. Research indicates that an assortment of plant foods eaten over the course of a day can provide all essential amino acids and ensure adequate nitrogen retention and use in healthy adults"



    Correct, this is not nor was ever in contention, and I explicitly mention it as true in my post.

  8. 22 hours ago, PirateHookerMD said:


    yea I don't think hardcore vegan is for most people



    This article is terrible and the entire thing literally only cites links back to its own website while complaining about actual scientists (correctly) identifying that most plant proteins are incomplete.


    Notice the overly general language he couches his assertions in-- the typical calorie-sufficient vegetarian diet is amino-acid sufficient.  This is accurate, because the typical calorie-sufficient vegetarian diet contains enough different protein sources to cover all the bases.  But that has nothing to do with the protein contents of individual plant sources.


    The idea of needing to eat complimentary proteins together at the same time is flawed and inaccurate, which is the only valid factual assertion directly related to the topic that he makes, but that again doesn't actually directly relate to the completeness of individual plant proteins.


    Do yourself a favor and stay away from this dude and his glorified blog.

  9. 1 minute ago, MattM said:

    They did their work mainly in the first half on that ridiculous PI call.


    In the second half, they chose to not call obvious O-line holds.

    PI call was valid, defender knew where the ball was and intentionally maintained active contact with the receiver to keep him from getting to it


    They chose not to call largely tickytack holds on either team, which is fair

  10. Just now, Boatdrinks said:

    If you don't find it odd that NE is almost never called for an O hold or any critical penalties on D ( in a game that OL hold on most every play and DBs constantly clutch and grab ) then enjoy the show! You are easily pleased. 

    Neither did Jax


    They got called for pre-snap penalties and blatant defensive fouls outside of one (valid) PI that theoretically could have been not called

  11. On 1/15/2018 at 1:57 PM, ScottLaw said:

    Gotta feel for that safety. 


    Not a !@#$ing clue what he was thinking. Good for the Vikes and Zimmer though. Rooting for them.

    Young, inexperienced safety mis-timed the play, got there way too early, and went low to avoid the penalty (clock stops/free play).  Probably figured his teammate would get there, but he took out his teammate in the process.


    Rewatch it again from both angles, side view shows how early he was.  Makes more sense why he whiffed so hard, he was trying to get out of the way to avoid the early hit.


    If you 

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