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Posts posted by OrtonHearsaWho

  1. I 100% think that the Bills should give him a look.  I get that he probably isn't what he used to be, but he used to be the best back in the league so some regression is to be expected.


    He showed up in tremendous shape this year and honestly I thought that he handled things pretty okay during his brief time there considering that his total clown of a coach talked about not wanting him almost immediately, didn't use him well at all, then put him back on the field when he was hurt.


    Green Bay has been utilizing three backs on the field at the same time while they have had injury concerns and it has really created matchup problems for defenses.  Even though is isn't the player he used to be, he could still be an excellent player if used properly.


    We aren't going to pick up a defensive playmaker equivalent to Bell anytime soon so if we could add a piece to the offense that can help sustain drives and keep the defense off the field, that's a win.

  2. 2 minutes ago, PaoloBillsFanFromItaly said:

    My take is that our defense falls apart WHEN we are blitzing, middle of the field is left completely open and wideouts have too much space to work 1 on 1 with our CB3 and CB4...


    I think a previous comment mentioned this, but it also always seems like the blitzing is just random guys sprinting straight at the line and just going nowhere at all.  If we lack pure pass rushing talent (pretty clear that we do) then it really seems like we should be a bit more creative.

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  3. 4 hours ago, ExWNYer said:


    He got that gig solely on his talent. Nepotism had nothing to do with it.




    Joe Buck


    I still can't get over that he's in the hall of fame now.  Joe Buck seems like a really good guy and he was hilarious/self deprecating in Brockmire but good lord is he awful doing NFL games.  I'd suggest playing a drinking game for every time he says "pass is - caught" but I'd be dead 5 minutes into the game.

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  4. 5 minutes ago, MAJBobby said:


    I think he will get offered a Fair Deal (with his Injury history and at times rough run defense).  The question is will he give them the discount.  He isnt (and Shouldnt) gt 10M a year from the Bills.


    If a team is willing to give Blake Martinez over 10 million then there is definitely a team that would give that to Milano.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

    I love the guy, but there is zero chance Milano's getting a contract from this regime.  Too many injuries and we want guys that can stay on the field.  


    And I don't disagree with that at all.


    If they don't resign him its general cap reasons.  His most major injury was a broken bone and that's not a predictable sort of injury.  I could be wrong but his injury history doesn't really seem to be problematic but this is definitely a poorly timed injury.

  6. 43 minutes ago, beavis said:

    I didn't get paid millions and have been babied my life to play a kid's game. If you are 6'5", you're bigger than everyone your entire career, and coast on that. Then you get to the pros where you are nothing special and actually have to work.


    For millions of dollars, go to Balco and cook up enough novacaine and steroids to down an elephant. Shoot it up your injured WLB butt hurt 20 minutes before game time. I don't care I don't care I don't care. There are kids your age in Afghanistan who cross the Himalayas under machine gun fire for a dollar.

    GET ON THE FIELD. If you don't I'll find someone who will.


    Serious question - why exactly do you watch sports because if you're not just a troll I don't understand why you'd do it since according to you they are just millionaire coddled babies.

  7. 3 minutes ago, beavis said:

    AT Miami

    Wagner is about a half a foot shorter than Edmunds, and outplays him. Third year player and is falling flat. That playoff lost last year was devastating, and this is how he bounces back. Injured on a missed tackle Week 1, out Week 2. 😡 😡  😡  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have some self-respect !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  😡  😡  😡 


    Yes because being taller should totally make him a superior tackler.


    Who are you to presume the severity of his injury or to doubt the coaching and medical staffs on this team?  Playing through an injury can hurt the team and - shocker - cause him to be more severely injured.

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  8. 1 minute ago, beavis said:


    They're doing a great job of that themselves. Timid play, and now not even showing up. They traded Watkins and Dareus, right?


    Oh and I forgot to mention the Bobby Wagner comparison...god forbid both of our linebackers aren't BOTH as good as the best or second best linebacker in the past ten years.  Total bums, get em outta here!


    Gotta love armchair warriors who think that a player is mailing it in because of an injury.


    You are an absolute moron.

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  9. 10 minutes ago, thenorthremembers said:

    I agree with most of this, but you could do a lot worse than Eli Freaking Manning.   Odell is immensely talented, and got off to the sort of start that would have had in the top five of every major statistical category but he hasnt had over 80 catches, 1100 yards or 6 touchdowns since 2016.   Now that he is 28 years old, and hasnt been the same since the ankle injury I'd wonder if he isn't on the downside of his career.   Still a good player, but he hasnt been great for awhile now, and not all of that is on his quarterback.


    I think if he's healthy and went to a team with a serious QB he would put up the same numbers as his 1st three years.  


    As much as anything, I cannot understand how the Browns aren't a beastly offensive team.  It really makes me appreciate the coaching continuity that we've had and will likely have for a while if only because of how that avoids regression for JA.  I think Baker is one more wasted season from being as shot as Darnold looks right now and honestly I think - for the league and as an NFL fan - that's unfortunate.  Obviously I want the Bills to succeed but I also want to watch good football and it's stunning how bad coaching seems to be.

  10. 9 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:

    I’m not one who said he sucks or has diminished his accomplishments but he truly looks like he has lost a step and does not appear to be the same player he was with NYG - regardless of the reasons why


    He very well may have but he had a hernia all last year too.  Who knows but when I read that Sammy was somehow in a way better (not your comment) I almost fell over.

  11. 18 hours ago, BillsFanThru-N-Thru said:

    All this sounds familiar ... A Diva, a me guy, not a locker room guy .. oh wait same thing was said about Diggs. I think a change of scenery to a team that's winning is all he needs.  When the Giants were doing good he was "one of the greatest:, they start sucking gets called a Diva because he complains s o off to Cleveland.  Goes there thinking this is going to be great and it's a dumpster fire there.  Give him one of the top 10 QBs and he'll shine again



    The Odell hate in this thread is insane.  Only makes crazy catches...had one good year...Smoke is a more effective player, and even that Sammy somehow ended up being "better" because he learned something.  Are you freaking kidding me?


    Beckham is a hyper competitive player and as BillsFan said, an awful lot of what he did/said was pretty much the same as Diggs.  The guy played pretty much all of last year hurt and had one of the greatest starts to his career with Eli freaking Manning throwing to him.


    If you don't like him that's fine but to say "meh he sucks" is objectively stupid.

  12. The missed throws stand out because they were points on the board but what stood out to me was the (mostly) absence of errant throws that wouldn't make the highlight reel.  Not only didn't he airmail passes, he put a lot of them in spots that only the receiver could catch it.  Look no further than the other team for examples of what I mean...Darnold was missing guys pretty badly and making throws that year one/two Josh did much more often.


    The other thing that I loved but isn't really new is how easily Josh can make a would be pass rusher miss.  He's always been elusive but yesterday there were several plays where a defender was pretty much right there, Josh makes a quick little move and the defender barely touches him.

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  13. 4 minutes ago, finn said:

    I agree that it's hard to hear the same people who piously condemn these protests as as unpatriotic turn around and cheer a president who sneers at the military as losers and suckers. There's a saying, "No one belongs to a cult." Trump supporters, at least those who display this degree of cognitive dissonance, don't realize they belong to a cult and are behaving like cult members. All criticism of Our Dear Leader is invalid. He is noble, strong and brave. He fights for us. He loves us. He is the Messiah.


    It's like fricking North Korea or China under Mao. And it's happening here!



    They quite literally and unironically use the term/hashtag "Cult45"

  14. 41 minutes ago, Thurman#1 said:



    If you remember that article about Torell Troup's injury, he wasn't a bad draft pick. He's a guy who was showing every sign of being a very good pick until he got injured and was talked into trying to play through it. Far more of a good pick destroyed by an unlucky injury that the team urged him to play through.



    As for my picks, the usual suspects: Perry Tuttle and at #1 Mike Williams.



    I've always felt bad for Troup about the whole one pick before Gronk thing and think it's incredibly unfair that anyone calls him a bust.  Guys like Troup are why I'm always okay with players doing whatever they can to get paid.  Always play or two away from it all being over.

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