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Posts posted by OrtonHearsaWho

  1. 8 hours ago, NewEra said:

    Really one of the coolest bills related things even though it’s such a small detail that will go untouched by 99.9% of the football population.


    Ed Oliver’s dance is priceless.  I watched it over and over and over until my wife gave me the look of death.  


    I'm right there with you minus the look of death from the wife lol.  Ed's dance was great but I loved Jordan Phillips air drums then head banging and Jerry's air guitar was fantastic too.

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  2. Before my own contribution to this topic, I just have to say - how freaking great is it that we're even having a discussion like this as Bills fans?  I started following football right around when the drought started so to have a team that is both playing well and extremely likable top to bottom...man this almost feels weird but I love it.


    Anyway I like a lot of the suggestions so far and I think anything with good riff that the crowd can easily get into all at once would be pretty great.  I'm not a fan of Kiss in general but I love God of Thunder...




  3. 8 hours ago, Watkins101 said:

    Hi all,


    I am a young, seventeen year old bills fan. I have been a part of this board for 3 years, and read it for a couple before. I've been a Bills fan since I can remember. Some of my earliest memories were with my Dad watching the Bills on TV. I can remember listening to the 6-3 browns game in the kitchen in my house when I was 7,. My life has had no real success for the bills. 2 years ago , I witnessed the bills make the playoffs for the first time in my life. Andy Dalton to Tyler Boyd- I went nuts! I was shocked that whole night. I kept repeating "The bills made the playoffs" every time it came into my head.  That success that we experienced then was from a worse record than what we have now- the Bills have clinched the before after our Week 17 game for the first time in my life! 


    Success sure is sweet. 


    GO BILLS! 


    You get both a +1 and a -1...+1 for being a Bills fans and enjoying their new found success...-1 for making me feel old as f***.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. I feel like some commenters might be confusing pro bowl with all pro.  


    The only possible all pro on the team is Tre and I think he has legit shot because the all pro team tends to be based on production and not just name recognition.


    Pro bowl is another thing entirely and I think Phillips and Smoke have a legit shot.

  5. 1 hour ago, pennstate10 said:

    Stupidest thing he said was when TJ Watt caused a fumble. 

    He said " that was pure hustle"

    i rewatched the play. Watt ran, literally, 5 steps on the entire play. 


    I was getting pretty tired of the TJ Watt talk.  I will certainly acknowledge that he's a great player having a great season but calm down a little bit.  I despise JJ Watt though so maybe I'm a little bit biased.

  6. 8 hours ago, oldschoolfootball1963 said:

    Here is my problem on what the announcers were saying during this broadcast. The steelers are on national TV like 5 times a year. Everyone knows their story. They are the six time Super Bowl Champs. The Rooney Family ownership. The terrible towel. Their coach Mike Tomlin was on the TV screen more times than I could count. How about talking about the Bills Owners. The Bills coach and Josh Allen. I heard the Duck ? word so many times I wanted to vomit. Bills get one Sunday night game in like 15 years. But no NBC is just going to talk about everything Pittsburgh. Why not let other football fans find out about who the Bills are and what their all about. Just a disgusting decision to broadcast it that way. 


    I'm pretty convinced that if his name was just Jeff & he had no nickname we wouldn't have heard nearly as much praise...but I guess it's good TV to say duck?  ?‍♂️

  7. 8 minutes ago, Dont Stop Billeiving said:

    Yeah the size point is an important one...I think a lot of people would like us to grab a bigger Derrick Henry type RB to complement Singletary and that’s probably not a bad idea.


    However, Edwards-Helaire is just too good to pass up if we have a shot at him. He never goes down on first contact, he catches everything thrown his way, and is a matchup nightmare as you mentioned despite playing in the SEC against NFL-caliber defenders. The guy just makes plays and isn’t that what this offense needs? 


    Absolutely.  I think with a good o-line, you can plug in just about any running back in a system and have some success but back like Edwards-Helaire are special because you can line them up wide or just routes out of the backfield all game...think Sproles, Kamara, James White, etc.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  8. 13 hours ago, Dont Stop Billeiving said:

    Hope everyone’s enjoying their Saturday night! I’m sure some of you are watching this LSU-Georgia game as well. Not particularly close so far, but two very talented teams loaded with NFL prospects and I can’t help but imagine a few of them in Bills jerseys.


    Give me any of Justin Jefferson (WR-LSU #2), Clyde Edwards-Helaire (RB-LSU #22) and Rashard Lawrence (DT-LSU #90) and I will be very happy on draft night. Jefferson looks so athletic, separates easily, and has huge YAC ability. Edwards-Helaire is so impressive as a receiver out of the backfield and runs with the power of a back who weighs 20-30 more lbs than he does. And Lawrence is so strong against the run and has a endless motor. 


    Know it’s a bit early for draft threads, but it’s fun to think about how this team could get even better in the coming months. Anyone else jumping off the screen for you guys that might be a fit for our Bills? Cheers! 



    Even though he's similar in size to Singletary, I would absolutely LOVE to have Edwards-Helaire in a Bills jersey next year.  He just seems like he could be an absolute matchup nightmare if he's used right at the next level.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  9. 12 hours ago, BillsFanCRNA said:

    According to Dr. Cain (team physician), he'll be non-weight bearing for 3 months, and best case scenario is begin training in 6 months. Clearly that puts his timetable after the upcoming draft. I have to wonder if a team would risk taking him before it's even clear whether or not he can even play again. (Cain said they expect full recovery, but who knows). Either way, it's a terrible way for the best QB in Bama history to have his career end. Tua is an outstanding young man, and role-model. I hope Bama does the right thing and honor him by retiring #13 


    I'm not at all an Alabama fan but I feel awful for him & hope he can make a full recovery.  I don't follow the Tide closely but everything I've seen tells me he's a really good kid and he's obviously a great talent.

    • Like (+1) 4
  10. 17 hours ago, Questionable said:

    Play for free? 


    Its a job, like any other job. Doesn't matter what it is.   These atheletes are paid well, period.   This guy is getting paid 25k a day, 365.  He misses two days, unexcused.  Hes docked his pay.  Its not excessive.  Its business. 


    These players need to grow up and keep their complaints out of social media.  


    Kids follow these players and they blow up the media with curses and complete disrespect for the league and team that gave them everything. 


    It makes ME ill. 


    Hey, the president does this pretty much everyday so why can't athletes? 

  11. 6 hours ago, JoPar_v2 said:

    You can quibble about the talent level of late Deadspin and I can’t honestly argue that the level did decrease at the end, but the editorial shop is supposed to be independent of the business end and if (which i am sure they did) raising the autoplay ad issue internally produced no results then they were entirely within their rights raising the issue publicly through their blog. Being a good journalist (and good consumer advocate) trumped being a “good employee” and bootlicker in that case and kudos to them for that.


    That's part of the reaction to this and plenty of other similar topics that's astonishing to me but it really shouldn't be.  The whole argument that the writers are crybabies and should just shut up and do what they are told is pathetic to me.  Is that really how those that believe that sort of things live their lives?  

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  12. 12 hours ago, BringBackOrton said:

    Deadspin was not successful at the end. They had been sold twice. Their flame was dying. Their decline was strongly correlated with their pivot to preachy politics. Magary, one of the funniest guys on the Internet, who used to be grounded in reality, wrote a piece on how he cried after the 2016 election. I mean, come on lol.


    No, you're wrong again. Deadspin was not sold - all of the former Gawker sites were sold.  First because of the Hulk Hogan/Peter Thiel lawsuit and then because Univision mismanaged things badly.  There isn't a singe analytic to support to notion that it was failing.


    Their "non-sports" stories were less than 5% of the content that was strictly on Deadspin and those stories got better traffic than the strictly sports stories.  To say that they pivoted seems bizarre to me because it has never been a site strictly dedicated to sports.  


    Magary is still one of the best reads on the internet and he has covered non-sports topics for years.  Because writers of a particular website subscribe to politics that you don't agree with - and that's clearly the case - doesn't mean they failed.  It means the content just isn't for you and for plenty of others and there's nothing wrong with that.  If you don't like it, go ahead and go elsewhere but there are millions of readers that will miss it a great deal because of how it stood out from other boring & stale sites.


    Bottom line is that it's dead because a moronic CEO came in, got rid of people to install his own "talent", tried to impose his will for some reason and didn't think the staff would stand up to his idiocy.  Well they did & even though the domain still exists and there have been some posts here & there - it's dead.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
    • Thank you (+1) 3
  13. On 11/2/2019 at 10:12 PM, Doc said:


    And that's exactly why it died.  You can't comment on politics without taking sides and that only ends up alienating half your base.  It started as a sports blog and should have stayed that way.


    No, that's actually exactly why it was successful.  It died because the owners told them to stop doing what made Deadspin popular for those that visited Deadspin & the writing talent said no and left.  Maybe you didn't like Deadspin and that's fine but by any metric is was successful for a very long time.  Taking over a website with a very large and loyal base and then asking them to change what they do is moronic.

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