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Posts posted by berg1029

  1. 25 minutes ago, GETTOTHE50 said:

    He also has the Jets at 4-12 and the fish at 7-9 lmfao 

    Those are their records last year.  He has the over under for the Jets at 6 and the Dolphins at 5.5


    That being said, this is a reallllllly stupid article.  You may as well call it the week 17 power rankings article, because this is before free agency and the draft.  What is the point?  Nothing has really changed yet aside from a couple coaches

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  2. 6 minutes ago, HappyDays said:

    Refereeing should be done from a central office with numerous camera angles for each game. Reviews would be quicker that way. A central office would have watched the PI twice and immediately called the penalty. Challenges would also go faster. Watch the slow motion replay 3 or 4 times and make a call. Some guy staring into a booth on the sideline is the most inefficient way possible.

    This was kind of the first thing that popped into my head.  At least have someone communicating with the refs via headset in game so that any egregious misses can immediately be rectified-i.e. the PI in the Rams-Saints game

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  3. 2 hours ago, YoloinOhio said:

    For what... I’m not sure. 



    Philbin would be a great addition to the coaching staff as a positional coach.  Would be nice if they told us what they were interviewing him for though..


    I know this wasn't the topic, but how the fudge did Hackett land a job as Packers offensive coordinator?!


    edit:  there is already a thread on this which I had not seen yet.  

  4. 5 minutes ago, ndirish1978 said:

    Trading for AB would be stupid. He quit on his own team. By all reports he's a complete jagoff who doesn't respect anyone around him (cussed out Dick LeBeau). He can't coexist with Poyer, who by all accounts is a team leader on defense. In order to bring in AB we would have to get rid of Poyer, which would screw our defensive backfield up, not just because we'd need a starting S, but how happy do you think the rest of that unit is going to be bringing in a me-first diva at the expense of one of their leaders?


    Not really sure what you're talking about here with Poyer and AB not being able to coexist.  What happened between the two of them?


    edit:  coming into this thread a bit late.  from what I've come to understand about AB, it sounds like he is the type of personality that Beane and McDermott have been actively trying to exclude from the locker room.  I doubt they make a move for him, no matter how talented he is


    1 hour ago, dubs said:

    Just think it’s really weird for a grown man to have his momma getting all emotional in public and calling out his boss about her son’s job. Call me old fashioned, but it’s weird. 


    But it's not weird for the other thousands of people to have an opinion about how football teams are run?  It's just weird because it's his mom?  Football players are public personas, as are the people who run the teams.  Being in the public spotlight means that people are going to have opinions on how things are done.  Whether it's by your mother, your father, your fifth cousin twice removed, some guy you knew in high school, or the fans.  They all have opinions and a platform to share their opinion.  I guarantee there have been times where you have questioned the Bill's management or players about all the stupid things they have done.  Only difference is you're not related to them, so it doesn't go viral


    Also, you say in public.  I wouldn't call commenting on an Instagram picture "in public" 


    1 hour ago, dubs said:


    I can’t even imagine dealing with that generation and their parents. 


    Can you imagine Kent Hull’s mom complaining to the news?  Or Lawrence Taylor’s mom?  Or literally any grown man you’ve ever met older than 25 years old?


    So you don't deal with people between the ages of roughly 20 and 50?  What planet are you living on?  Also, LT's mom and/or Kent Hull's mom had their own set of opinions.  People having opinions isn't a new thing.  They just didn't have a platform (Twitter/Instagram/Whatever else) to espouse their (likely) stupid ideas


    You're blaming kids for parents who can't control themselves or don't realize that they are in the public's eye.  Literally makes zero sense

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  6. Nothing would make me happier than to see a few 6-10 seasons for the Patriots before Brady ducks out and moves to Florida to retire.  As Bills fans, you know the type of season I'm talking about. 


    The type where you're kind of in the playoff hunt but not really. 


    The type where people within the organization start pointing fingers at one another because the team just isn't living up to expectations.


    The type where those Patriot bandwagon fans jump ship to KC.  


    The type where they consider moving on from TB because he "no longer has it"


    The type where fans lose interest and you have to bring in a past-his-prime vet to give the fans hope that the team can still win.


    The type where you question whether you should be rooting for the team to lose for better draft picks.



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