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Everything posted by ROCBillsBeliever

  1. Bojo told McD that he needed more reps... Unfortunately, McD listened to him...
  2. I get the idea with hitting them with screens... part of a screen is BLOCKING!
  3. Camera cut out, and they won't show the replay. It was too gruesome for national television.
  4. Hey Daboll: You do not score points by punting more than the other team.
  5. Oh... We decided to run... And it WORKED? Thanks, Daboll, for listening to us TBDers.
  6. Josh needs to consider checkdowns. I know we hate the Captain Checkdown moniker, but sometimes, a checkdown is the best play. Definitely better than throwing into double-coverage.
  7. Martha Stewart, from somewhere in an immaculate kitchen: "Hold my beer"
  8. It's the first game of his I've watched, closely, and his lack of velocity definitely shows.
  9. True. I mean, as much as I was glad they kept Gase, because it meant 2 more wins per year for us, it is an abomination. I would say only Mahomes is really in the same ballpark, for arm strength.
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