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Posts posted by DaggersEOD

  1. 35 minutes ago, Mojo44 said:

    With respect, the conclusions you draw are wrong. The primary reason why many still remain unvaccinated is access, pure and simple. And to think that a “significant“ portion of those who got vaccinated did so only to avoid enforced restrictions is a real shot from the hip.  Beasley is not in the majority to say the least. 

    Access and time are the two most important factors right now. The vaccine has been available only for a few months. Realistically, if you think about it, it will take a year or so to get most citizens vaccinated. 


    It’s possible that those aspects are a factor to the low “shot” rate, but my own personal experience is that shots are available everywhere, for free and companies like

    UBER are offering free rides to get the shot. 

    The airwaves, social media platforms and media in general have made access near universal. Maybe it’s different in your area, so I’m not discounting your experience. Its

    just what I have seen. Everyone who wanted a shot seems to have been able to get access to it. 

    Now concerning the magnitude of the “significant portion” I agree, I have zero data to back that up and that seems to be because no one is interested enough to

    look into it 🤷‍♂️

    But to say that the artificial, administrative consequences haven’t convinced anyone to just “take the darn shot” is also a big leap. 

    Even if it’s only 10%, 60% who come down on the same side of an argument is a significant majority in today’s world. 

  2. The thing to remember is that despite all the loud moral condemnations of the very vocal “pro shot” crowd, they hold the minority position. 

    We’re still hovering around the 50% mark and of the 50% that took the shot, a significant portion of them did so to avoid the artificial, government enforced consequences, not because they felt they needed/wanted it.  

    Beas holds the majority opinion and is not alone. Being loud doesn’t mean being right.  

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  3. 46 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    Josh loves him some Jacob Hollister.




    I'm loving me some Hollister now too after watching those highlights!


    The level of trust Josh seemed to have with him, and the fact that he came down with all those passes makes me very interested to see how the TE room shakes out this year.


    I like Knox, but I just can't see him making all those catches. Which is probably why he isn't getting the targets.

  4. Remember when sports writers wrote about the actual sport not make weak attempts to create drama?


    It’s turning into the Music on MTV thing. If we want ACTUAL sports content, we have to hit ESPN 3 and FS2 lol


    Seems to be the direction of all media these days. Heavy on emotion, a slight dusting of facts/insight.

    I guess if you’re hiring pool is high school newspaper clubs because they’re cheaper, this is what you can expect.  Always ignore the bait lol

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  5. 1 minute ago, TBBills said:

    He would be our #2 opposite of Diggs.

    That would be pretty awesome....Some Lofton action??


    It would be VERY difficult to defend...I suppose we'd let Sanders go in this scenario? If we did, it wouldn't stunt Davis's development too much...


    Initially, I didn't think it'd be worth it, but man...Diggs and Jones on the outside.  Beas feasting in the slot. Davis in for 4WR sets. Perhaps some Knox sightings...


    Also, I heard any trade would NOT include any 2021 draft picks, so it's all future picks...It makes a bit of a difference IMO.


    Very interesting possibility that I didn't think I'd even like initially....

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  6. 13 hours ago, Mr. WEO said:


    The RB position accounts for 30-60% of an NFL team's Offensive plays.  So every team leans heavily on the position, by design.  I feel dumb pointing out how dumb it was to claim it's the least important position on the roster.


    The other poster is intermittently conflating "the position of RB" with individual RBs.  This is why he embarrasses himself with his post.

    30 - 60% offensive plays running the ball, but the other 70 - 40% they are still an integral part of the O. 

    If they aren’t running the ball, they are blocking for the QB, running a route or, if they’re effective enough, freezing LBs/Safeties with play action. 

    If they are good enough, he also affects how the D approaches the O. A good RB forces D’s into heavier sets, making the passing O more effective.


    He would also affect the O’s blocking effectiveness. A good RB forces the D to respect the run. Meaning they can’t solely pass rush. This uncertainty gives an O-line a moment’s advantage as the D-line has to react to the play before making their move. 

    IMO, we can’t just use “toting the rock” as the only metric we use when evaluating the value a RB brings to an O. 

    The article is compelling and I don’t think people are wrong by holding an opinion on either side of this debate. But, I personally think a RB on this specific team is a force multiplier and having the chance to pick the one you want vs the one that falls to you is not a bad play. 

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  7. 48 minutes ago, whatdrought said:

    Thanks, I haven’t been keeping that close an eye on it. Just saw the wording and got confused. 


    That’s what my first thought was, but I did some digging and it looks like in legal terms dismissed can mean:


    - dismissed by the overseeing authority, as in, the judge throws it out. 

    - the defendant has been “dismissed” from charges/dismissed from the filing. 

    I hadn’t heard the second version used before, but that would likely be why the lawyer phrased it that way. 


  8. 17 minutes ago, whatdrought said:

    Not necessarily. Dismissed could mean that the judge dismissed it, whereas dropped just means the plaintiff withdrew the suit.


    Do we know for a fact how that happened? I didn’t see anything on it other than this tweet.

    Yeah I think this does need some clarification. 

    To my non-lawyer ear, dismissed means a judge decided that the case has no merit and dismissed it. 

    Dropped means the person filing the charges decided to not continue pursuit for whatever reason. 

    IMO dismissed implies innocence. 

  9. 34 minutes ago, teef said:

    you completely twisted what i said.    i think the vaccine works, but it doesn't mean everything is completely back to normal yet.  so if people bought the hype, that means they got the vaccine?  there's no hype here.  it's a decision.  it just seems to me that people who choose not to get the vaccine are far more attacking about it that people who have gotten it.


    some people have been so tricked into think their government is trying to control them...that we're going socialist or communist with these new rules.  your freedoms are being taken away!  you can accuse people of falling for the hype for taking it, but that is that type of thinking?  

    Im sorry Teef, I’m not really tracking most of this. I respect you as a poster and already acknowledge you as smarter than the people who would think that. And of course it’s their decision. 

    If you’re wondering why these “some people” are so sensitive/prickly it’s probably because people keep telling them that they’re bad people for holding their POV.

    I don’t think most actively engage those they think are vaccinated to tell them they are dumb. They usually just want to be allowed to make a MORE informed decision.


    However, they are often met with outrage for their POV, have begun to see instances where “some people” have been discriminated against (something those who are not being discriminated against wouldn’t notice) and are being threatened to be placed in sections only for “some people” if they’re allowed to attend at all. 

    Most free people have a hard time dealing with that with a southern smile on their face. 

    Maybe give them some slack. 🤷‍♂️

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  10. 7 minutes ago, Warcodered said:

    How about you guys actually define Communism because at this point I have to assume it means thing you don't like.

    Well to be precise it’s Socialism.


    Communism is a lofty goal (to some) that is unattainable by today’s humans. That is because we’re too stuck on freedom and ownership. 


    Socialism is the transition from capitalism to communism where “experts” and government officials control the society and its production because society isn’t evolved enough to accept communism. 

    The thing is, no one gets past socialism because it gives too much power to the controlling class, leaving the rest destitute. 

    So yes, I don’t like it and yes, unaccountable government officials telling people to do things against their will for the “good of the people” smacks of socialism. 

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  11. 6 minutes ago, teef said:

    who thinks this? this is a pretty dangerous assumption.  i've had my vaccine, but still wear the mask and do what i have to.

    So you’re saying that nobody thinks the vaccine actually works?


    That there isn’t a segment of the population who bought the hype and now believe they’re safe?


    You seem pretty smart. You like the muppets. I don’t think you fall into that category. 

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  12. 8 minutes ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    It's not just the death rate tho. There are long term effects from COVID that we already know of. Chronic fatigue, lung damage, etc.


    I'd much rather have my kid vaccinated than possibly cause them physical damage over the rest of their life.


    If given a choice, I'm taking a vaccine over getting the actual virus every time.

    Exactly! You should be allowed to make your own risk assessment. 

    I happen to think it’s dangerous for a segment of the population to think (incorrectly) that now that they received a vaccination that they are now 100% immune and don’t have to worry about it anymore. 

    I think those people are just as risky as those who don’t get the vaccine but maintain a healthy and clean regimen out of precaution. 

    The one-size-fits-all approach usually means it doesn’t fit anyone. 

  13. 4 minutes ago, Reed83HOF said:

    I forgot to ask, how's your polio been? I can't believe the outbreak Utica just had

    Come on man really? There is a huge difference between polio/Mumps etc vaccine and the Covid vaccine.  

    Unless you’re trying to claim that the Covid vaccine is 100% and permanently effective?


    Is that your position? If so can you provide evidence, because I haven’t seen it. 

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  14. 14 minutes ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    While the "previously infected" crowd technically counts in the classic definition of herd immunity, it's a bad way to shape public policy.


    There is a fine line between "previously infected" and "culling the herd".


    Herd immunity via infection is usually pretty deadly. And we've already had more than enough of that.

    Thanks DrD. 

    If we were taking about a virus with a 10% or even a 1% death rate, I’d agree. 

    I believe the efficient way would be to vaccinate those who are too weak/susceptible to the virus and allow for the “stronger” / less susceptible to have their anti-bodies count. 

    I believe this is the correct method to attain true herd immunity. 

    Vaccines are not cure-all’s. Without starting a food fight over terminology Flu shots or other vaccines addressing similar viruses are not 100% either. The fact that the new guidance is prepping us for “booster” shots or continued mask mandates even with vaccinations proves the point. 

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  15. 1 hour ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    Yes, I believe it was fully vaccinated.


    I dont know. It is good that we got that many done in such a short time. But the problem now is, for every person already vaccinated, we each need to find 2 more that havent been and convince them to get vaccinated. And that will still only get us just over 60% of the adult population. Tough ask when pretty much everyone I know who wants the vaccine has gotten it, and the only hold outs are the "my choice" crowd who don't intend on getting it.

    I find it funny that many can state this fact (<30% vaccination) and still think they hold the majority opinion on the matter. 🤷‍♂️

    That said, It’s the NFLs product and I’m sure their insurance had a LOT to do with the decision. Going to a football game (vs going to work) is a completely voluntary event. 

    If you don’t want to meet their standards, you don’t have to go. There are many other mediums to get NFL action. 

    This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. 

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