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SoCal Deek

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Posts posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Dan, I'm going to disagree that the Bills have been inconsistent. It's actually amazing that they've never really bottomed out over this long drought (maybe the year we got Dareus), but considering the many coaches and quarterback changes it's been pretty much 7-9 every year for the past decade and a half.

  2. A Paul Peck podcast earlier this year had Erie County Executive Mark Polinarz on. He stated the bones of New Era have been inspected and should last at least another 20-22 years.

    Unfortunately 22 years is next to nothing in "Building Years". If true, more retrofitting will certainly be a part of the next time the Bills contemplate a major renovation.


    There are at least 4 ancient Roman Ampitheaters still being used today.


    It is entirely reasonable to expect a well built building to last hundreds of years. Obviously it will need to be maintained to remain safe for public use, but a rebuild is certainly not necessary.




    Speaking as a Licensed Architect.....I can assure you that all buildings are not expected to last for hundreds of years. Roman Amphitheaters were built with a completely different construction technology than we use today. Believe it or not, modern buildings are actually designed to last much LESS, not more, than their ancient counterparts.

  3. You could build a stadium for half the cost of what NFL teams build cost. That would defeat the purpose of building a new stadium. If they weren't interested in building lavish palaces, stadiums like New Era would work just fine. We wouldn't be having this conversation.

    You're right. But that's another topic. I didn't say a new stadium was needed. Remember of course that buildings don't last forever. Especially ones sitting out in the elements year after year. It's hard to believe but New Era is already older than the Rockpile was when it was abandoned. With that said, a true remodel and upgrade...not the nonsense they did a few years back is quite do-able.

  4. Well composed. I think this is sort of overall roster review is EXACTLY how the Front Office looks at things. You can't be improving everywhere and you hope to not be declining everywhere.


    To my way of thinking the biggest variables from 2016 are of course a new Coach and 'sort of' two incoming Draft classes. The hope is that Lawson, Ragland, Seymour, Washington and Listenbee will not ALL end up in the Bills Trivia thread some years from now.


    Go Bills

  5. You're not going to retain draft picks if you don't win.


    You're not going to win if you don't have a solidly in place quarterback.


    You're not going to stick with a quarterback if you keep changing Head Coaches.


    You're not.....FILL IN BLANK HERE


    (We're all hoping against hope that they've found a young coach they'll stick with. Now we're about to learn whether that coach is going to stick with the QB he inherited.)

  6. The Bills would do much better in ANY division other than the AFC East...but so would every other team. It's not as if the Jets and Dolphins have been fairing much better! Until Brady retires there's very little that will change.


    I've said it many times. Sports historians are going to look back and marvel at just how dominant the Patriots have been during the Brady era. Truly unprecedented in an age of parity obsessed sports.

  7. This topic always cracks me up. It's way more complicated than all of the arm chair Developers on here make it out to be.


    For example, if the 'billionaire' Owner had to build his own stadium you do realize he'd also have to substantially raise the ticket prices to pay for the debt service...right? How do you think a restaurant pays for their kitchen?


    Stadiums have always had a community value. And it's not all that easy to measure that impact. They are not the Pegula Bills. They are the Buffalo Bills. The community at large gets 'some' name recognition benefit.


    In the end it's the same supply and demand challenge as every thing else. When the supply of Cities wanting a team is less than the number of teams the stadium race will be over.


    Finally, as I've said before, and others have alluded to, the real problem is the lavish nature of the most recent stadiums. You could build an NFL Stadium for HALF the cost if the Architects and Owners weren't trying to 'one up' each other every time. Nothing in the revenue side of the model would change, just the costs would go down. And...I'm an Architect!

  8. The core of the problem has been the increasingly lavish nature of the stadiums themselves. These facilities are WAY over designed. You simply don't need the kind of amenities that they're building into them. I would still like to see Buffalo get a new stadium...but one that speaks to the 'working man' nature of the fan base. One that has a game day experience fitting WNY.


    As a practicing Architect the idea of a Buffalo-like Stadium really is intriguing.

  9. These same threads pop up all the time. If you asked many people they would prefer that every tax dollar be spread around back to all the people that paid, and did not pay, them. The problem with that is that you wouldn't get anything back larger than a monthly allowance. As someone else said...no parks, museums, roads, etc.


    Should the United States not have built the Washington Monument? An NFL Stadium is far more than a playground for billionaires. And being an NFL City gets Buffalo far more national (and international) exposure than Des Moines Iowa will ever get. There is indeed a soft marketing value to being home to a major league sports franchise.

  10. What exactly is the purpose of this change? I cannot think of one thing good about it for the fans, or the players for that matter. Does NFL really care that much about wasting the time of guys who are clearly not going to make the final roster? Or wasting their coaching staffs time working with those same players who are clearly not going to be employed a week or two later? Am I missing something here? I'm open to hear from others of you.

  11. I've always said that TT's biggest weakness is that he only throws it when he knows the WR is open. So it seems to me you'd build an offense based on short throws with pick plays that more or less ensure that the guys will be uncovered. Then let them run after the catch!


    I'm not sure you're going to be able to teach Taylor to throw into tight coverage or to throw the guy open.

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