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Posts posted by BigDingus

  1. I think TT is a pretty mediocre overall QB. Some games he's just extremely frustrating to watch as he can't seem to do a single thing right... He often looks like he "senses pressure" when there's none to be sensed, or at least not to the point where it's a threat, and starts dancing around looking panicked ready to run before any real danger is approaching.

    But I will also say the pass protection has not done him any favors. There are quite a few times where the second the ball is snapped, somebody (or somebodies - plural) is in the backfield after having blown right past a lineman... Half the time the opposing lineman doesn't have to do anything more than a quick side step and he'll come through untouched!

    So yeah, I see there's a definite issue with the line (mainly on the right side). But Tyrod complicates the problem exponentially himself. Watching the Panthers game, from snap to pass Taylor would stare down one receiver the entirety of the play, never even trying to fool the defense. You could tell who he wanted to pass to the second the ball got in his hands! People like to point to his size as why he gets so many balls batted down at the line, but the real problem is the defensive linemen don't even have to put much effort into reading his intentions! He may as well be screaming "Hey! HEY YOU! HEY ZAY! You ready?! I'mma throw it to you now!" And hell if they ever have to worry about a pump fake... Not with good ol' T-Mobile at the helm! 85% of the time, wherever Tyrod looks when the ball is snapped is exactly where he's going to pass 2-3 seconds later, without a doubt.

    Coupled with his spider-sense sending him false alarms making him want to run around before it's necessary, our lack of dynamic WR's and our shoddy right side of the O-line, it makes for a hell of a time for our offense to get in rhythm. And when there's no fear of the pass, 8 in the box just puts that much more pressure on the run game. Shady isn't a bruiser, and Tolbert isn't going to pick up many big plays, so it just complicates the entire situation making for some ugly possessions. With Denver's insane defense next (who just tore through the best offensive line in the league last week), it might get really ugly on Sunday :/

  2. It's my fault. I bought his jersey right before the contract... All down hill from there.

    My curse struck again when I decided last year "Ok, I think I can FINALLY pick out a player I know will be here long term & not f*** us somehow" when i was deciding on the first official Bills jersey to buy my wife. I bought Watkins. She enjoyed that for about 4 games -_-

    Before that I bought Marshawn before he was traded.

    And before that I bought Bledsoe...sigh

    My first Bills jersey was given to me when I was 13, and it was Flutie... The year of the Music City "Miracle." It's probably best if I just never buy any jersey ever again.

    Thankfully, my wife felt bad for me & bought me a throwback Jim Kelly jersey this summer so I don't have to worry about this crap anymore lol


    It's the title of the article from Rochester D&C hence the thread title.


    And why would Dareus care if he plays 50% of the snaps each game when's he's collecting a ridiculous payday and don't have to give max effort?

    If he's only playing 50% of downs, that enables him to give max effort on each play! He can go all out and not have to worry about conserving energy, as he knows he won't be in for every snap. This could actually help his productivity.

  4. I was 5, with my first game being the Redskins vs Bills Super Bowl. I lived in Northern Virginia, and all my family were Skins fans, yet I couldn't understand it. All I saw was ugly colors and a dumb looking logo. When I saw the Bills colors (what kid doesn't like Red, White & Blue?!) and the charging Buffalo logo, I fell in love!

    From then on, I became obsessed with "the Buffaloes" as I called them for my first year of fandom, and my dad actually encouraged it. He had friends from work at an office in Buffalo, and had them send me boat loads of cool Bills memorabilia, football cards, etc. I learned every single thing about the team, each player, and the sport of football in that one year and never let up.

    Sad thing is the last time the Bills made the playoffs I was 13.... I'm almost 31 now. How depressing is that? Still, since I was 17 and could drive I have only missed watching 4 Bills games in that time frame (I live in Texas now, so moved even further away).

    Also, greetings to everyone here - I'm among the longtime Buffalo Bills Message Board users that found this place to migrate to. Hope to get to know you guys better in the coming weeks/months/years!

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