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Posts posted by Mat68


    I could be wrong, but I don't remember Kyle as ever being particularly vocal ever in pre-season when I don't believe the players are required to be part of media access:


    "Beginning no later than the week prior to the opening of the regular season through the playoffs, each club will open its locker room during the normal practice week (based on a Sunday game) on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to all accredited media for player interviews for a minimum of 45 minutes."


    I can't imagine Kyle volunteering to field extra questions about whether or not the Bills are tanking, are the coaches/McBean trying to eradicate all the players from the previous regime etc. that would be like volunteering to clean bus station bathrooms or something.


    As for 'blatantly showing they don't intend to try to win:, I guess "blatantly showing" must be in the eyes of the beholder. I'll wait and see what goes on the field. IMHO the "blatantly showing they don't want to win" took place when the Bills ran onto the field under Rex, despite all the "winning the off-season" and rah-rah-sis-boom-bah beforehand.

    I cant remember a time where players cut did get picked up elsewhere. Obviosly, Ragland and Jones did fit the new systems. Instead of cutting them they traded them for something.

  2. Lorenzo is 34

    Incognito is 34

    Williams is 34

    Wood is 31

    Tolbert is 31

    McCoy is 29

    DiMarco is 28


    How does keeping these guys help rebuild the team when you are going to replace all of them in the next couple of years? Opie and the Beane have devastated the young talent on this team. I don't care how many draft choices they have next season.

    They are about to dump alot of young guys next year on the roster. You need to have guys to help out the young guys. Have a culture that easily assimilates the younger player. Buffalo really hasnt had alot of accountability on the feild since maybe gailey. Marrone and Rex wanted all the credit and some of the blame.
  3. Not to sound bias I wouldnt put Buffalo in the class of NYJ and CLE. Both cut players soley for cap reasons. Buffalo hasnt gone that route. If so K Williams Incognito and Wood would all be gone. All the moves Buffalo has done have come with 2 factors scheme fit and injury history. Getting something for Watkins who they were not keeping long term makes sense. Matthews and a third seems like a win with gaines taking over the starting cornerspot. Good bad or ugly Buffalo has gone against the media consensus with Watkins a building block and Darby our best corner.

  4. What is interesting to me is the Shift in Patriots Philosophy in recent years.


    No longer are they accumulating picks, instead are starting to trade those picks to get NFL quality talent NOW. Where in the past they filled their roster with young players and purged the VETs a year early for high picks. Now they have dealt picks for NFL Players.


    Couple things that may be driving that shift,


    1. Brady's Age. Want to field the best team possible for his last couple runs

    2. The shift in College, and players coming out more and more that are not ready because of the type of college game

    3. Along with two, you have the CBA practice restrictions that take hurt teams from developing those college players fast enough.


    Either way it is interesting that a team that made a living of grabbing future draft picks has changed their philosophy to use picks for current NFL players.

    I think it is about 80% #1 Bradys age. I dont see Bill coaching after Brady. They seem to be going all in for the next year or 2. Get 3 titles in a row and off to the sunset goes both.

  5. I do not trust them. I do not doubt them either. A differant approach from years and regimes pasts. I will hold judgement til the year plays out for McDermott. I will give Beane a complete offseason before make my opinion on him aswell. Good bad or ugly they seem to have an idea of what they want on the team. Im curious to see if this implodes and goes all rebuild or do they play better than expected? Should be a fun year.

  6. Obviously it could be a variety of picks or players that wouldn't have been graded the same by everyone -- seeing the comparison could give us some idea of priorities


    I understand and replied accordingly-- I'll stand by my response that we entered the offseason with a set of young talented man corners and have gutted them for scheme fits. I'm sure many fans have whiplash and are still projecting them based on their past successes, not their current fit in a scheme not everyone read every camp report about

    The pass defense was terrible last year. I dont see a problem.

  7. This is what a tank looks like. Small fire at first then the barn is ablaze.


    The Clay trade look as as bad as the Watkins trade.


    Why ttrade your #3 corner for a returner?


    A 7th rd pick is worth Zero.

    Why would it be assumed he was the slot corner?? I think he was at risk of being cut and flipped him for a wr speed no big deal from me.

  8. Does this guy think dressing up like a Wall Street guy mean he has the brains of a Wall Street guy?


    I'm not defending Dareus actions or even his talent but how can what Beane said possibly help the Bills? Under what scenario does publicly excoriating this guy and letting the world know we may get rid of him help our negotiating position in the eventuality? Is it possible that the situation is so far gone that saying these things can't hurt the situation any more? I guess. But there is no scenario where saying these things will help. It's dumb and these things are meant to be said behind closed doors. "Coach speak" sucks sometimes but it is used because it is necessary. Keane has a lot to learn.

    If the guy just wants to get a check and isnt playing up to his contract what do you suggest should be done? The 4-3 suits his game so the production excuses are gone. He has not played at a pro bowl level since 14.
  9. Or this team was 9-7 with lots of talent and then we hired Rex. Under Whaley's watch, he had a top 5 defense and top 10 offense.


    He never got to pick a head coach. There's some BS going on that this was sometime of broken team and we need to rebuild it. This team was a franchise qb away from being a contender and now we just are blowing it up.


    Hopefully, my grandkids will finally get to see the Bills in the playoffs.

    Your being dramatic. The games havent started yet. Gaines and Matthews are not as gifted athletes as there counterparts but one could argue they are just as good football players.


    Ragland was 3rd team. He could not beat out a special teams specialist a fifth rd rookie, a 6th rd rookie and a june free agent linebaker. McDermott is making the point, be doesnt care when or where you were drafted, how gifted you think you are. If you are not part of the team or fit your replaceable.

  10. It is a mess and it seems more and more that Beane and McDermott are determined to get rid of anyone they didn't bring in. I still can't understand how Watkins and Darby specifically wouldn't be helpful long-term.

    Watkins was oft injured and they were not going to pay big bucks for... I think they felt Gaines would be a suitable replacememt for Darby and a better scheme fit. Getting Matthews gaines and a 2nd amd 3rd wouldnt hurt too bad now but set them up to reshape the franchise next year. Ragland for whatever reason drop down the depth chart and was not making the team for any other reason he was a 2nd rd pick.

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