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Posts posted by Mat68

  1. 3 minutes ago, Maine-iac said:

    There's no way in hell they would have been playing cover 2 all day last year because we ran the ball down everyones throats.  It's the offense we are running now that is causing this.  It is also the reason Peterman may be a better fit.  I get that.  It also might blow up in their faces and show that Dennison just sucks.

    3rd and 7-10 plus they are not running the ball down multiple scores.  

  2. 1 hour ago, Maine-iac said:

    I see this all the time after loses.  Kind of the anti Taylor sing song.  Fact is the guy scored points to the tune of 25ppg.  If you are calling crappy running plays and end up in 3rd and 7 or 3rd and 12 every time then it makes the passing game look much harder than it should be.  If Dennison wasn't so awful at getting the running game going any QB, Peterman included, would look like Jim Kelly all over again.  Until our coaches get their crap straight and get an effective game plan the passing will suffer.  Look at other teams.  They scheme guys open and the throws are easy.  People here are bitching because Taylor isn't throwing it into double coverage.  It shouldn't be so hard.


    No one wanted Taylor to throw into double coverage, i didn't anyways.  If Taylor couldn't beat cover 2 on Sunday every team going forward would do the same thing.  The Saints ran the same style of defense/scheme on every 3rd plus 5. Every team in the NFL has and can run cover 2.  This is really basic stuff here and Taylor couldn't solve it once.  You have windows and obviously those windows were open that is why the change was made.  Call it prevent or garbage time, but Peterman faced the same look and made the right throws and hit the windows.  As complicated and exotic NFL defense can be the QB was nullified by a basic defense on Sunday.  

  3. 20 minutes ago, Woodman19 said:

    It doesn't matter what the Saints are doing, what matters is the QB read the coverage and made a good throw into a temporary window.  Every play is unique and finding someone who can analyze each play efficiently is what separates the Tyrods from the (insert good passer here)


    Edit:. What's also missing in that video is highlighting that after he scans the impending passing window he shifts his weight and hips to load up for the throw which is great foot work but also anticipation of the coming play.

    The problem is Taylor plays like every play and snap is unique but its not.  There is a finite amount of coverages a defense can use.  The alignment of the safites post snap cuts that in half.  Once you have an idea of the coverage you than know where the ball needs to go.  Now the differance in success on that throw is about .5 seconds.   That is why I went from team Taylor to Peterman.  The Saints the whole 2nd half played a cover 2 variant on third down.  Not once did Taylor figure out where the hole was not once.  Peterman on the first throw did.  I really like the slant to Benjamin.  Corner jumped it but the placememt was only benjamin could catch it.  

  4. 31 minutes ago, QCity said:

    Starting Peterman on the road against the Chargers' pass rush probably isn't the best idea, and Arrowhead is even worse. Matching up a rookie with zero starts against Belichick would be cruel and unusual punishment. If things keep trending downward, the logical game would be the Dec 10 home game against the Colts.

    Playing Taylor may not be any better.  Are they going to be able to stop the run or move the ball?  It not that people think Peterman is the next best thing but Taylor has looked inept for the majorty of 2 weeks now.

  5. 9 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    3 safeties? You mean an extra safety instead of a linebacker? Seems to me they need more big bodies to stop the run.

    2 corners hyde slot.  Poyer elston safties. For nickle defense not base.  Instead of leonard johmsn hyde on the slot closer to the line of scrimmage.  Elston in the box for run support.

  6. If you are thinking about a Qb change i look at like a bandaid.  Just pull it off and move on.  Now with Taylor I could see the coaches stand by him.  He has shown that after poor performances he can bounce back.  Now if you stand by him do it.  In the middle of the game i wouldnt go to Peterman.  Give the guy a full week of practice and gameplan.  The leash is shrining though.  A poor performance vs LAC i think the change is made in KC.

  7. Both were terrible.  Reality of the situation is that replacing Taylor is easier to fix the offense and make the games barrable.  Most dont have the ablility or the time to determine if the run defense issues are personal scheme or the percentage of each.


     Seemed to me the defense was going for the ball too much and not getting the guy on the ground. As the game wore on the line coudnt get off blocks and they where getting a hat on a hat play side and that was it.  Im not a fan of Humber.  He is not playing the same way after his injury.  I would go with Milano.  I would also consider utilizing a 3 saftey nickel.  Use Hydes versatility and put him in the slot and put elston on the field.  His tackling ability will be needed in the box.

  8. Both cover 2/ Tampa 2.  Peterman threw in Windows Taylor wouldnt.  Thats it.  It aint college.  They cant go 2 deep at linebaker and the secondary, even if they wanted to so for the most part it was vs the same players on the backend.  I dont hate Tyrod.  I want him to succeed.  When the d runs the same defense on every third down and you cant beat it the writing is on the wall.

  9. I think most of blame on Taylor is because we do not have a dominate defense.  Still the offense needs to help the defense and vise versa.  Neither side of the ball is dominate.  To win both side of the ball have to be oppurtunistic.  Against a very good team you cant keep going 3 and out.  When you are down more than 10 points you cant throw the check down for mutliple 3 and outs.  The defense was gassed and NO smelled blood and pounded the d into submittion.  Does that happen if TOP is even or the score is closer idk.

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  10. 1 minute ago, ctk232 said:


    Honestly not trying to make the dead horse deader here, but it seemed like it was mostly check down plays, either to the flats or 5-7 yards out on 3rd and longs. I know we've picked apart yesterday's game on this board today and we've all pointed out the one or two plays TT missed an open receiver. There's always going to be missed open receivers but the frequency is what matters. So here's my long-winded question:


    It might have been just me, but the amount of check downs seemed much more noticeable yesterday. You can attribute it to lack of pocket protection, TT not being able to see over the line, or just general TT hesitant play period - but either he's frequently missing open receivers, or our receivers just aren't open. If it's the latter, how much of "Receivers not being open" is on the WR corps, and how much is on the OC and the scheme? Are the routes/playbook not that complicated/too similar for opposing defenses to adapt to in a week's time?

    Imo its the quick passimg game that Taylor doesnt do well.  Take away the run play zone on the back end.  For most teams its simple pass and catch.  The windows are their.  Those are the anticipation throws that Taylor doesnt throw.  The "open" guy will be the check down or shallow route with 5 guys ready to rally and make the tackle.  Peterman did a very good job in the short sample vs the same defense hitting the windows and having good ball placement on tight throws.  The differnce is 123 pass for peterman 123..pass or escape a closed pocket and sack.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Elite Poster said:


    Happened 3 times this game. Not exactly second down, but Tolbesity got targeted 3 times in 2/3 down and long. That's 3 drive killing plays that we willingly put out there.


    A lot of things work in the NFL, it's about building a scheme for your players. I want to see Brady running Russell Wilson's scheme. Not gonna happen. 


    Smart teams build plays around their guys, dumb teams like Rex and McDermott lead teams think you can scheme your way regardless of your personnel. Frustrating.

    Thats why i dont think it is a scheme issue either side.  The defense doesnt have terrible personal like carrington at OLB lol.  The offense comes down to play calling.  There are plays to take advantage of Taylors strengths just dont see a connect.

  12. 22 minutes ago, Gray Beard said:

    Does it matter what the rest of the team thinks?  If the QB switch is made with the playoffs still a mathematical possibility, does that send a message of panic?  Is TT popular among his teammates (I think he is)?   Will the players send a message one way or the other somehow?  Is there anyone with insider info?  

    I think a QB switch at this point would likely hurt morale, but I don't have any reason to know anything.


    I was impressed by Peterman and I would like to see him play more.  I immediately noticed his high release and it seemed like he was almost passing down toward his receivers on the short over the middle passes.  But I don't think he will play again until TT is injured, or if there are other garbage time situations, or if the team is mathematically eliminated and the last game becomes meaningless.


    Practice what you preach.  Just like this offseason.  Are you on the bus or not?  Ok now midseason are going in same directions and are you aiding in success or defeat.  Because, you are a good lockeroom guy or person doesnt matter. Thats already been decided you and whoever is.  Who is playing the best football.  To me Milano goes in, elston sees more snaps.  Taylor indiviually, than the captains are all aware that if the play doesnt improve than the rookie is going in to spark the offense.  Just look at dallas houston, philly, and LA and tell me we are tanking for playing the younger qb.  First though Milano goes in to put the vets at notice a bit and not get comfortable.

  13. 5 hours ago, Coach55 said:

    Totally agree.  I would almost make the argument that the defense's inability to get New Orleans off the field kept Taylor and the offense cold and thus led to the poor performance.  Below are the drive summaries.  You can't win when you can't stop them... ever. 


    Drive 1 - 10 plays, 75 yds - TD

    Drive 2 - 9 plays, 46 yds - Ended in Fumble at the Bills 9 (had it not, more points)

    Drive 3 - 9 plays, 48 yds - TD

    Drive 4 - 9 plays, 75 yds - FG

    Drive 5 (I am skipping the kneel down for the half) - 9 plays, 75 yds - TD

    Drive 6 - 1 play, 3 yds - TD

    Drive 7 - 10 plays, 94 yds - TD

    Drive 8 - 14 plays, 52 yds - FG

    Drive 9 - 2 plays, 44 yds - TD

    Drive 10 - victory formation...


    Correct but now look what the offense did from the fumble on.  Its a complete snowball effect.  The Saints obviuosly had a good idea of how to attack the defense.  Everything they called worked.  Without any offensive help to stop the bleeding the defense gassed in the second half. Which made a bad situation that much worst.  

  14. I just feel like whole qb change narative is poorly executed in most and all cases.  If Watson was a poor half of football away from playing why wasnt he just named the starter in preseason?  They may win that opening game with a gameplan around Watson.  To the Bills situation.  If like many feel Peterman is a poor half of football away why wouldnt you just make the switch now and give him a full week of snaps and practice with the ones.  Have a game plan that fits him and the team.  So from here on do they a package or set of plays around peterman if he gets in?  


    Mcdermott is allowing OTA's and TC too much clout.  A spot is earned and its required to be kept.  Reguardless of your previous assumptions.  Milano has earned playing time regaurdless of experience.  I would put elston on the filed too.  


    I have doubts either of those moves on defense are made.  He is committing to the vetran players.  So if he wont replace the will baker for a more explosive rookie why would he change the qb.

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