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Everything posted by Fallser

  1. OK, lets get a mice 3&Out Here, no more turnovers and we'll be fine.
  2. How the Bills play on defense is inspiring, but the offense never seems to take notice...
  3. If we are going to run, perhaps they could try something to the outside?
  4. That's a ***** way to start the game. Why does he stand there flat footed?
  5. Come on Bills, shut Darryl and Chris' biased pie holes.
  6. Josh has GOT TO STOP throwing garbage passes that turn into INTs. Throw it away. This has not stopped happening, and its frustrating.
  7. LeSean tweeting spoilers about Endgame is pretty much the douchiest thing anyone could do...so of course he did it and STILL hasn't taken them down...surprised there isn't a thread about this.
  8. I like the bend but don't break, but hows about the ST not give the ball over to the Jets at midfield...
  9. Even if we lose, I gotta say, Allen is progressing - I have hope for once in a LONG TIME.
  10. Thanks Hauschka...there's no way that WON'T come back to haunt us later...
  11. Just eliminate tackling quarterbacks from now on, they’ll be two hand touch while everyone else is tackle. It’s a joke.
  12. HOT DAMN. It's been ages since we've seen that from a Bills QB.
  13. Seriously, is this a hidden camera game show or something...
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