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Posts posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. 13 minutes ago, SlimShady'sSpaceForce said:

    Why are you nibbling at the bait ?



    there are stupid people on both sides.  

    maybe Don should have spent more time in the basement and NOT PUT HIMSELF IN DANGER

    I know, I know, he should be hidin' like Biden instead of running the country.  :doh:

    I just hope the rest of the tests on those who had close contact with Hope Hicks come back negative. So far, the Pences and Kushners have tested negative.


  2. Looks like the kid will be coming into more money soon. They cannot possible allow this to go to court. Win or lose, the discovery would be horrible for the "msm."

    Court: Nicholas Sandmann lawsuits against NY Times, ABC, CBS, and Rolling Stone can go forward

    “the Complaint alleges that Sandmann was libeled by the defendant when it published a news article stating that Sandmann, while at the Lincoln Memorial, ‘blocked’ NativeAmerican activist Nathan Phillips and “prevented Phillips’ retreat … [T]he Court has ruled in companion cases that it is libelous.”



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  3. 51 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:




    The CDC had previously recommended people who test positive isolate until they had two negative swabs for the coronavirus — but that turned out to be impractical given the shortage of tests. It now advises most people with active cases of covid-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus, to isolate for 10 days after symptoms begin and 24 hours after their fever has broken. After that, they are free to leave isolation.

    For those who have a positive test but are asymptomatic, the public health agency as of Friday recommended isolating 10 days from the testing date.

    I did not know this! I thought we were still on 2 weeks. Thank you for sharing. 🙂


  4. 3 hours ago, plenzmd1 said:

    E, I am a never Trumper, and like 99% of all people, do not believe the virus is fake , but that the reaction and lockdowns  to it is overblown. My reaction is the exact same as when the VA Gov announced last Friday he and his wife were positive. This is an highly infectious virus that no matter what side politically you are on, what precautions you take, unless you you want to 100% isolate from the world, you have a chance of contracting the virus. And even then, you may still test positive.




    What i am certain of testing positive does not mean Northam did anything wrong, or immoral, or selfish( one of first states to mandate masks BTW) , and same goes for Trump. 


    Neither of these men should be castigated for a positive test for a HIGHLY INFECTIOUS virus. I will castigate Trump for a myriad of reasons, but not this.



    As an side, this is most likely my last post at TBD. A certain mod has decided that any and all of my posts deserve warning points, and as it seems her power is all encompassing, i have decided best for me to not support this site any more. I know, crushing right?


    I have been friends with E on this board since 2004, so much so even texted him the other day laughing about our early discussions on HD and the type of DVTs etc Directv had way back when. Yes, HD was a topic , one might say "novel" , when i joined this board. 


    But my libertarian bent  and love of this country is just to deep  to put up with strong armed censorship of ideas and views, particularly when it is censorship based strictly  a mods point of view. Dictatorship is good when you the dictator. 


    Thank you @SDS for the providing the forum, it was a fun 17 years. Wish you all the best!

    Enjoyed it yall, 


    And for all those that make  the tailgates great, and no longer post here...you bastages are not done with me, i have all you numbers! 



    @plenzmd1 you can stay down here. That mod is definitely trippin'. No idea why, but yeah a lot of people will be leaving if it continues. It is unsustainable at the rate s/he is going.


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    House approves $2.2T COVID-19 relief bill as White House talks stall <<< the Hill link

    House Democrats on Thursday approved a massive, $2.2 trillion package of coronavirus relief, lending political cover to party centrists in tough races while putting fresh pressure on Senate Republicans to move another round of emergency aid before the coming elections.

    The vote arrived only after last-ditch negotiations between Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Thursday failed to yield a bipartisan agreement — and it sent a signal that the prospects for such a deal before Nov. 3 have dimmed considerably.

    The tally was 214 to 207, with at least 17 Democrats opposing the measure, including a surprisingly large number of centrists who were furious that Pelosi had staged a vote on a bill with no chance of becoming law.


    Republicans in the Senate and White House both oppose the measure and are backing a proposal that is $600 billion less than the Democratic legislation.




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  6. 3 minutes ago, SlimShady'sSpaceForce said:

    McConnell said Wednesday that he condemns white supremacists in the "strongest possible way." McConnell had been asked about President Donald Trump's deflection of an opportunity to condemn white supremacists during Tuesday’s presidential debate. "I want to associate myself with the remarks of Senator Tim Scott that he put out earlier today. I think he said it exactly correctly and that's exactly how I would express myself on that issue," McConnell, a Republican, told reporters, adding: "He said it was unacceptable not to condemn white supremacists. And so I do so in the strongest possible way." Senator Romney called the debate "an embarrassment" and Senator Collins said it was the "least educational debate of any presidential debate" that she's ever seen. The 90-minute debate on Tuesday night was chaotic, marred by the Republican president's constant interjections and interruptions of both his Democratic rival and the host, as well as Joe Biden's angry rejoinders.

    What is wrong with you? You need an antidote for that TDS potion you have been taking:




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