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Posts posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. 32 minutes ago, B-Man said:

    Watch: Biden Can’t Name A Single Law Enforcement Agency That Supports Him


    Original Article


    Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden struggled significantly on Tuesday night when pressed over his apparent lack of support from law enforcement groups and was unable to name a single law enforcement organization that supports him when pressed on the issue by President Donald Trump. As Biden tried to defend his record on the issue of law enforcement, Trump interjected, “He doesn’t have any law support. He has no law enforcement [support].”“That’s not true,” Biden replied. “Oh, really, who do you have?” Trump fired back. “Name one group that supports you. Name one group that came out and supported you. Go ahead, think, we have time.”

    I think that was a painful moment for Biden. And a very good moment for Trump.


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  2. 5 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Any other candidate would have viewed this question as the biggest softball in the history of debates:

    "I condemn white supremacists, and I do not want their support."

    It's what you say because there is no other acceptable answer. Seriously. None.

    So why didn't he do it?

    Either (a) he's a moron; or (b) he really does want their support.

    Either one doesn't bode well.

    He declared the KKK and Antifa terrorist organizations. There is an ongoing DOJ investigation into the money so they can shut the funding for Antifa down. But sure, he wants their support. 🙄



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  3. 1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:

    Late to this thread tonight ... overall thoughts: 


    * The performances from both won’t move the needle one way or the other — which is a win for Trump.

    * Trump had better energy and pace, but missed some layups and got in his own way in spots. Joe wasn’t great, he came in third to Wallace in terms of winners, but he also survived til the end which itself is an accomplishment. 


    * Both sides will be able to spin some gems from short cut ups of some of it, but Trump had the better tv moments. 

    Theres already talk of canceling the next two debates. They can’t. It’ll make Joe look super weak. He needs a rebound more than Trump after tonight even if both stumbled. 

    I was reading that... I would guess it will come down to the overnight snap polls, no? Maybe the 48 hour polls after the media has a chance to massage Biden's performance?  He can always come down with COVID, but I would think a cold would be good enough.


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  4. Huh, interesting... this is on Biden's website.


    Biden believes the Green New Deal is a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face. It powerfully captures two basic truths, which are at the core of his plan: (1) the United States urgently needs to embrace greater ambition on an epic scale to meet the scope of this challenge, and (2) our environment and our economy are completely and totally connected.

    He said tonight he does not support the Green New Deal, he supports the Biden Plan. So, is that just the Green New Deal in Biden-speak?


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  5. 1 minute ago, njbuff said:

    I’m not watching, but the wife, who is as non-political as it gets says Wallace was mostly soft on Biden and railing Trump.




    And it is just going to get worse is my guess. I wish Biden had accepted the Joe Rogan offer, like Trump did. Biden could never have done 4 hours though.


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