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Posts posted by DFT

  1. 31 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    I generally don't think in overly simplistic terms like "hero" with few exceptions, though I can understand it might make the complicated a bit easier to digest for a person with a tendency toward intolerance, limited imagination and the lack of creative thought.  In this case, stepping back from the shots fired, I'd think the officers were heroic in that when the aggrieved party called for assistance, they responded with a clear understanding of the risk to themselves.    The reality is that most people, overwhelmingly, would not or could not respond much beyond offering opinions from the comfort of their own home well after the fact.   


    Your characterization of my position reflects poorly on you.  It's the lazy person's approach to bigotry...to assume that since you lack the ability to see beyond your own limited experiences, anyone holding a differing opinion must therefore have nefarious intent.  From my perch, considering what we know and can see with our own eyes, changing the pigment of each involved party still reveals that there was a call, a response, an attempt to deal with it without violence, a rejection of the offer to resole peacefully, a struggle, an attempt to flee or secure a weapon, a weapon and the neutralization of the threat.  Putting myself in the shoes of the officer(s) involved, given all that transpired, the only way I would ever know the threat had passed was after the conflict was over.   If you, in a similar situation would choose the passive response, allow the other party to secure the knife, threaten you, maybe stick you in the stomach, certainly that is well within your rights.  You simply don't have the right to expect others to share the passive response.  


    I have no idea why you're the lazy bigot, the intolerant human being who hides in the crowd yelling out insults and hatred for people not like you.  Maybe life treated you badly.  Maybe you caught a few bad breaks.  Maybe your parents taught you to be intolerant and you never manned up enough to strike your own way.  Maybe you're just naturally inclined to hate.  The good news is that you can change, you can grow, and you can learn.  It's never too late.  Or, you can continue to lob insults as you see fit, like the bully on the corner, but like most bullies, that activity is much more likely to reflect insecurity, weakness and pettiness on your part. 


    In the end, I think the police officer who fired the shots is actually a victim.  It's possible, of course, that he set out to shoot someone that day.  That seems unlikely given that he didn't summarily fire at the suspect until after the scrum ensued and things got every dicey.  Using a rudimentary understanding of Psychology, it seems likely that the act of pulling his weapon and firing it into the suspect, regardless of the desire of the suspect to do him/his associates bodily harm, brings with it serious emotional baggage.   


    God bless. 

    That’s about the best thing I’ve read on this forum.  Nicely done! 

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  2. 11 minutes ago, ColoradoBills said:


    I get that too.  I guess it's more about a team with a real hole somewhere that may do it.

    IF the Jets (who need WR help) were not in the division and playing the Bills right out of the gate it could be one of those teams.


    There is so little news without preseason this year I don't know other teams needs.

    Kind of why I started a thread )which I seldom do).


    I guess I was thinking more of....... "Is there any players Beane could move for picks"?

    Agh, gotcha.   I could see Ty, Yeldon or Kroft possibly being traded.  I don’t hope for it though.  My surprise move would be Milano.   

  3. 7 hours ago, TBBills said:

    Being Christian doesn't mean anything... It is just a word used by people to try and put themselves in a category. Religion doesn't work anymore b.c too many people realize it's bull#### that hides even worse people.

    I’ve learned so much about you in one post.  So the belief that others around you hold - that you disagree with - you refer to as (BS) because you disagree with it.  Got it.  I think we’re seeing a lot of you these days. A lot of “I don’t understand it, don’t want to understand or talk about why it’s important to others, so it’s BS because I say so” mentality. Expecting others to hold themselves to a level of tolerance that you yourself fail to come close to upholding is the exact statement that describes your political base.  So Mrs Blake - in an incredible act of strength and grace, offering prayers for the officers and neighbors/ city is BS by your standards?  I know you’re just trolling for reactions, but by troll standards this is pretty weak.   And the words you jokingly utter without care...  Well...   You’re in my prayers.   

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  4. For those of you at home...


    The score is


    Most people are for facts (not fear), truth (not guessing) and a holistic view on what COVID has taught us vs a non-organic view based off what the media is trying to teach us.  


    TBBillsfan & Slimshady still feel the potential worst is or might possibly be out there maybe, could be and Might be.  Because of the unknown, we should lock it down, vote exclusively by mail and also, it’s all Trump’s fault.  Oh and if you don’t agree, you’re either an extremist or fascist depending on the term most used that day by CNN, because “narratives”.  

    • Thank you (+1) 3
  5. 10 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    But never has a political leader, a president, worked with the Russians, the murderers like Trump has. 


    Hows that history? 

    What’s truly sad is past presidents HAVE colluded and it’s actually Trump who so far has been PROVEN not to have.  What’s more sad is your president has had forensic analysis of his every move since taking office and yet there’s nothing that’s been unearthed - despite the liberal media’s awful attempt to spin.  Yet even only a “surface look” of other politicians like Obama, Biden, Clinton, Bush, Romney, McCain, etc shows deep-seeded corruption that goes way beyond anything Trump’s been accused of even as a businessman.  Never as a businessman did any of what President Trump is accused of doing before taking office, affect the freedom and liberties of Americans.  Now look back at the list and ask yourself how well those OTHER names would fare within the kind of spotlight Trump’s occupied.  But hey, I’m just here to watch the kids draw crazy conclusions with crayons.  Trump so bad.

  6. The only thing Bannon has to do with Trump is that he was fired by him.   You’ve been destroyed across the board on the others you mentioned.  No need to belabor your LAMP intent.  Facts continue to both escape and disprove your understanding.  But you’re not here for a grown conversation.  Just your typical parasite feeding off what you invade.  


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  7. 1 hour ago, MiltonWaddams said:

    I’m not telling him what he should think, I’m telling him what the reality is of the situation. Trump, despite all of the odd right wing rhetoric that is placed around him by his odd supporters, has decidedly supported groups that are outwardly anti-Semitic and racist. He has supported them verbally and through his beloved tweets. I think you have the situation wrong, you think I have the situation wrong, but you are definitely not right if you are going for Trump as a black voter.

    This post is the definition of “liberal logic”.


    “I’m not telling you everything you believe in is wrong, unless you can’t come to that conclusion on your own.”


    but yea...  Trump bad. 

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  8. 10 minutes ago, SectionC3 said:


    No one disputes that.  But please say that black lives matter. It’s not hard.  It’s just three words.  Try it. 

    But they are equal to those of others.  And that’s the point.  That’s what black lives matter means.  So say black lives matter.  Try it.  Three words.  It’s easy. 

     I find it a little more than humorous that the very people that are demanding others to exclaim “Black Lives Matter“ are the same ones that claim “everything is fine” in the cities that are democratically run.  The same cities where innocent black lives are lost disproportionately to any other.  You just said that you spoke to your friends in those cities and everything is fine.  If I were to guess, I’d imagine your friends (like you) aren’t accounting for the broken lives that are crumbling in those cities.  Easy to turn a blind eye to the massive injustices that are ACTUALLY happening in these cities when you can just keep your distance while screaming black lives matter.  


    All black lives matter.  Not just the ones that fit your bases narrative.   

  9. 26 minutes ago, ALF said:

    Steve Bannon, three others charged with fraud in border wall fundraising campaign


    Federal prosecutors on Thursday charged Steve Bannon, President Donald Trump's former campaign adviser, and three others with defrauding donors of hundreds of thousands of dollars in a border wall fundraising campaign.


    Bannon has been arrested, according to a spokesman for the US attorney's office. Bannon's lawyer did not immediately respond to a request for comment.



    And if they’re guilty, they should be locked up indefinitely.  No questions there.  Kudos to a clearly impartial DOJ for pursuing this beyond politics.  We’ve seen instances in the past where things get buried around election time.  Not here.  And it’s going to be very hard for folks to scream “partiality”, should more indictments follow from Durham.  

  10. 4 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Trump is a proven threat to corruption, violence, anarchy, anti-religions views, war, pedophilia, compromised voting, illegal immigration, a liberal and untruthful media, Hollywood and their way of life, Obama’s spotless legacy and 4-5 trolls on this board that represent 28 different accounts.



    kinda makes you wonder exactly why you’ve aligned yourself where you have, eh?

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  11. It’s amazing how someone can just ignore the facts completely, while DESPERATELY hoping to uncover some non-existent truth from the lies they were fed by their base.  I know the majority are trolls, but even a terrible troll knows when to quit.  The facts have been revealed and the truth is they vilified THEIR president because someone in their base told them to without any evidence or truth to corroborate.  And when the truth came to the surface, the person they vilified was proven innocent while their base ( The same people that lied to them in the first place ) were actually guilty of what they accused Trump of.  And still, knowing all of this, they STILL CANNOT THINK FOR THEMSELVES and direct their anger at their base for lying to them and spending their tax dollars on a witch-hunt.  


    Seriously...  Everything they’ve accused Trump of, after further review, their base has been found guilty of.  They demand the tax returns of a business man before he was elected or served but lifetime politicians aren’t held to that standard even though their wealth was made while in office, supposedly serving their country.


    THIS is the far-reaching left and the reason many respected members of the former Democratic Party (myself included), have transitioned out without looking back.  It’s truly disgusting to see what’s transpired and how “ok” people are with the actual evidence.  

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