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Posts posted by DFT

  1. 5 minutes ago, eball said:


    That's cool, I didn't have a strong reaction either way.  It's just how it came across to me.  I'll never understand the logic of extremely religious people so their message is largely lost on me.  I'm more of a "do the right thing because it's the right thing to do" kind of guy.

     And I respect your response immensely!   The world needs more of this exact response and I say that with the upmost sincerity!  ?

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  2. Just now, NoSaint said:

    in context of what he was addressing it wasn’t a terribly appropriate answer. He punted and used faith as a shield instead of using it as a moral structure behind explaining what he learned

    That makes sense if you don’t respect the Christian faith.    Because the Christian faith says that Christ is a Christians refuge. That nullifies the “using faith as a shield” argument.   And that’s exactly what’s happening in the world today. People have become so thirsty to oppose a very real evil (intolerance) that their anger helps them  become exactly what they oppose in the process - intolerant.  Not respecting his stance in a statement made through faith is intolerance no matter how any of us try to sway it.


    Jake admitted his wrongdoing. I doubt those that are condemning his response and showing their own intolerance to faith will admit their mistakes in the same accord.



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  3. 6 minutes ago, Jauronimo said:

    Fromm's response was pure crap.  Love God first and people second??  You act like hes quoting the sermon on the mound.   He used his faith as a shield to avoid a difficult question and some act like any string of words remotely spiritual is sacred text.  He basically said "Jesus is just alright with me, jesus is just alright oh yeah".



     See how much you have to stretch out his actual comments to fit what you are trying to imply he said, did or meant?  Why make a loose interpretation out of one that is so literal?   He did quote Jesus.   It was the short and sweet version from that scripture.   He recited not just scripture, but Jesus’s COMMANDMENTS.  That’s what you referenced as “spiritual crap“.  His actual faith.  That’s a problem.  

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  4. 5 minutes ago, Jauronimo said:

    All this post says to me is that you can dodge a question with some vaguely spiritual crap and that will be above reproach for many people.


    MLJ: What do you have to say about throwing 6 INTs today in a blowout loss?


    Fromm:  Thou shalt protect thy father and honor no one above him unless it beith me, thy sweet Lord!


    MLJ: That's a ***** answer.


    Bills Fans: Marcel is a heretic!

     Unfortunately, this country is at war with itself because people are demanding to be both heard, respected and treated as equals (rightfully!!!). You can’t make those demands if you are not prepared to do the same towards everyone. When you take someone’s belief and title it “spiritual crap“, well my friend, that’s a problem.

    3 minutes ago, C.Biscuit97 said:

    A big part of the problem (and as someone who loves God is catholic) are there are a lot of BS people who use their religion as a crutch and make it political.  

     Oh I definitely agree! I just don’t see an ounce of that happening here. Quite the opposite, Jake said he didn’t wanna get into politics and instead quoted directly from Scripture. In Christian terms, he’s relying on the word and instruction. Interpretation is the right of all of course, but I don’t see the issues that this reporter is trying to raise. Quite the opposite. Again, just my opinion though. 

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  5. 6 minutes ago, nucci said:

    what if you don't believe in Jesus?

    2 things...


    1.  Freedom of religion.  Your choice.

    2.  Respect the choice.  Like when someone quotes it instead of getting political.


    my opinion...  This reporter is not respecting his answer.  But his answer is based on his faith.   Therefore it would seem that the reporter is not respecting his faith.  Again, my opinion, but if you’re going to demean a person because you feel they’re not respectful of something, You shouldn’t do it by showing disrespect towards them.

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  6. 8 minutes ago, eball said:

    Eh, I think Fromm’s response was questionable also. Why not just say we need to love all people equally? He makes it sound as though the only people capable of this have to be Jesus freaks first. 

    There’s a lot of things going on and the last thing I want to do is get political in any sort of way, but I think the world would be a better place if we can love God first and then love people.


    I don’t agree with your interpretation at all. We are talking about a persons faith. His answer was based on his faith and points directly towards loving people. Where we get into the weeds is where people say “he makes it sound”.  There’s a literal indication he says “We should love people “.  In no way does he stipulate that they have to be of his faith. It wasn’t said or indicated and shouldn’t be interpreted that way. Just my opinion and no disrespect to you whatsoever.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:

    I just felt like he judged Fromm’s response personally, and attached it to his reporting of the quote. It struck me as unprofessional.


     I think what Jake’s texts said we’re awful, much like Djax’s.  Both men owned it and are trying to move on.  Jake decided to speak from a perspective of his faith instead of politics. When a reporter says that’s not acceptable to them, they are the ones that are out of bounds.  

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  8. Just now, Dante said:

    Ahhh...so sad. All their millions and mansions and she still can't be upbeat? She's married to a Nobel Peace Prize winning, former 2 term prez , man of the year next coming Barry? Who could be down?? Come to think of it, she kinda gives a little low grade depression every time I listen to her non sense.


    While I don’t subscribe to some of your thoughts (no offense intended), I do find her notion of blaming others for what she’s been called towards and given grace to carry, “ironic” given it’s exactly the trend that seems to be eating away at our society.  


    We can’t control what happens in life.  We can control how we respond and how it impacts those around us.  My hope is she uses her forum to not just vent and identify problems, but also solutions.  I have this same hope for Trump, Biden, Pence, Harris, Oprah, Loeffler, etc.

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  9. Totally empathize with his stance and support his decision.  But I don’t support his tweets.  It’s a personal decision that shouldn’t be discussed until decided upon.  He chose to include the world in a decision he and his family didn’t make and now he’s forced to reap the fruits from that tree.  He’s conflicted and emotional, as a fiery leader of this team - I love that!  But when that emotion begins to spill and project, he has to be better about learning from his own errors.  A family decision is personal and private.  Learn from this, Tre.  You are so much better than the person you’re demonstrating yourself as.  This is your decision and you will be overwhelmingly supported by your team and town.  Focus on the 98% of them that support you, not the 2% that suck.

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  10. 4 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Oh, but there is a pattern. Trump hangs out with child molester, then gives his savior a job in the cabinet and now praises his partner in crime. 




    “Yeah, I wish her well,” he said. “I’d wish you well. I’d wish a lot of people well. Good luck. Let them prove somebody was guilty.”



    praise definition:the expression of approval or admiration for someone or something.



    do you see how you take what’s ACTUALLY said and turn it into something completely opposite/false to fit your speaking points?  


    Have you ever considered a field in liberal journalism?  Your resume is quite impressive!

  11. 4 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Who is saying she shouldn’t get justice? 


    Trump wishing the child molester fits a patter. Epstein, Acosta, Maxwell. Yup, he’s in knee deep. 

    So if Trump simply wishing a child molester well equals a pattern based off PERCEPTION, Than these ACTIONS by Trump must also fit a pattern...

    Since Donald Trump’s inauguration, the U.S. economy has created a whopping 1,017,000 new jobs for African Americans, including many right here in Ohio. Today, the national black unemployment rate is at an all-time low of 5.5 percent. Unemployment for black women is even lower, at just 4.4 percent. More importantly, the overall black-white employment gap is smaller than it has ever been.




    “Who is saying she shouldn’t get justice?“

    Um...   You are I believe.

    “Sorry, can’t take a person defending a child molester serious.”

    “Eat sh it. She is disgusting scum.”


  12. 2 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Sorry, can’t take a person defending a child molester serious. 



    “And while I think what she’s accused of is the worst kind of evil, she’s still not exempt from due process.”


    You may not have seen when I responded with the above statement.  Or (since you quoted it) you chose to ignore it willfully and choose instead to spread a falsity.  And if I were you, I would send your concerns to Haddon, Morgan and Foreman.  They’re ACTUALLY defending her.  And with all due respect, you’re choice to “not take someone defending child molesters seriously” gets sticky when I look back at your posts and see who you support.  But I guess it’s ok to take child molestors serious if it fits your political affiliations.  Noted.

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  13. 8 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Trump sure is being nice to her.... 

    Do you think that your hatred for Trump is blinding you to the fact that her transcripts have not implicated Trump in anything whatsoever?  Being serious here.  Because if you have this much hate for Trump wishing her well, where’s your outrage to former President Clinton?

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  14. 2 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Huh? A child rapist and you are like, so what? Buzz off 

    Ever watch Law and Order SVU?  Police and Legal officials have a habit of telling evil people that they want to turn state/ Federal evidence “good luck”.  Does that make Dick Wold or Mariska  Hargitay evil?  This happens every day in the real life of criminal prosecutors.  And while I think what she’s accused of is the worst kind of evil, she’s still not exempt from due process.  Much like those who have committed atrocities in Portland under the guise of equality, or the gangs who enact heartbreaking  murders in Chicago, or Baltimore.  

  15. Just now, Cinga said:


    Libs attacking the story in 3 - 2 - 1

    The comments on these tweets are just disgusting.  When someone hates Trump so much that it causes them to demean the war on human trafficking - one of the greatest evils in our world today...   Really disgusting.  I usually make a habit of not reading the comments.  Shame on me.  

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  16. Just now, Doc said:

    Fireworks maybe?

    Maybe the first explosion.  That second one I would doubt it.   It both mushroomed upwards, retracted from the sides and then released horizontally before billowing plum smoke.  My guess is that was chemical.  Just a guess of course.  But awful either way.

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