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Posts posted by Governor

  1. 1 hour ago, Scott7975 said:


    Yeah, it's fine I will just agree to disagree.  If someone is in the office and McD leaves before them then he didn't sleep there.  Could be made up, I guess.


    Yes, it does matter to me if he says he sleeps at work to try and look a certain way to everyone but doesn't actually sleep at work.  Its fake and phony to me.  I'd prefer genuine.  If he works hard then he works hard.  Just say that. Say I stay up home till 2am watching film and get up at 4am to go back to work, I don't care.  Just don't make up something if it doesn't happen.


    To be clear, I have no doubts that McD works hard. He for sure does.  Unlike clown Rex Ryan.  I also have no doubts that he is a good dude and really is doing his best to win.  I just don't need anything phony about that.  I hate fake people with a passion.


    He used sources he has access too.  It's that simple.  Josh Allen wasn't calling him up on the phone to talk about the behind the scenes.  I don't care if people are disgruntled. They can still speak truths.  They can still speak on their perspectives. There were also sources not speaking disgruntled or poorly of McD to semi balance that. Dunne himself did not entirely speak poorly of McD.  But again, I take all this with a grain of salt and treat it for what it is and make my own opinion.  This thread is nothing more than people bringing out pitch forks because they are afraid of McD getting fired.

    It’s entirely possible that Josh was a source or verified the info from other sources for this piece. Dunne seems very confident that everything written is legit. If anyone hates McD, it would definitely be Josh.


    I think there’s zero chance Dunne isn’t talking to active players and if McD is actually the guy portrayed in the article, he will immediately try to identify the snitches in the building so we should pay attention to firings, demotions, cuts, and other retaliations.


    So, AJ Klein, you’re busted. McD found you out and now you’re cut. lol.

    • Eyeroll 1
    • Disagree 2
  2. 52 minutes ago, Doc Brown said:

    Then spending six more seasons there without even winning another playoff game.  Makes you wonder if they would've won less, the same, or more SB's if they kept Dungy.

    I lived in Tampa during the Gruden era. It was pretty awful. The players hated him, terrible drafts, weird situations with QBs, tried to get Chris Sims killed because he didn’t like him, list goes on and on.


    He wrecked that team…..and quickly.

  3. 17 minutes ago, JohnNord said:

    This is my criticism of the article.  I think he had to work to construct this narrative with disgruntled sources (which Beane alluded to) rather than it happening organically. 

    That’s why I laugh when people say “he used 25 sources.”  He used 25 sources - some had good things to say about McDermott and were not anonymous.  That leaves about 15-20 sources who likely had an ax to grind.  It doesn’t mean these were good sources 

    Yup and look at this quote from your link.  Sound familiar:


    The thing is about this article it's not a mystery, this was smear attack by a writer looking to advance his career, talking with mostly irrelevant, bitter players who all have an agenda, rather they're advancing their own careers or just trying to stir old stuff up," Rodgers said. "Then what happens is the same tired media folks picking it up and talking about it. It's just emphasizing their opinion about me already. 


    "The crazy thing is there's super slanted opinions in that piece stated as fact. And there's quote-on-quote facts which are just outright lies. In some cases where you maybe ignore something like this or you don't even really gloss over it, I don't think you can in this case."

    There shouldn’t be 15-20 people with an axe to grind in just a few years.

    • Agree 1
  4. Everyone talks about turnovers but if Josh caught fire here to finish out, could he still be the MVP? Is it within reach?

    22 minutes ago, Billsfan1972 said:

    The first thing I see is 4 African Americans disparaging JA.  What does that make me????

    It’s weird and I believe it goes back a few years when everyone wanted to crown Lamar Jackson as the greatest player and face of the league.


    Then Josh Allen happened and they’ve been really mad about it ever since.

  5. 9 minutes ago, TC in St. Louis said:

    He apologized for not being clear with the message.  Did he apologize for using 9/11 as an example, or for not being more articulate in using it?


    In "Full Metal Jacket," the sergeant used Charles Whitman, the guy who climbed a tower in Texas years ago and mowed down a bunch of people, as an example of a Marine being skilled and precise.  Of course, that sergeant was nuts.  Is McDermott nuts?


    One of the reasons we have not won a championship is the existence of Patrick Mahomes.  Prior to that, Tom Brady.  But we've got Josh Allen, and we should be able to win a few Super Bowls before his time is through.  

    He didn’t really apologize for using it which I thought was strange. It kinda feels like he knows more bombs are coming and doesn’t want to say to much that could be disproven later. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Nephilim17 said:

    Oh, I agree. He knows the org knows but now that it's out and there will be a lot of hell to pay for it, now he's scared. He thought he got away with it, forgot about it, and now it's out in public and he's really scared. You can see it in his face and in his changing story: "I lost a good friend during 9/11.... I lost multiple friends."

    Do you have a link to the presser?

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