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Posts posted by Logic

  1. 4 minutes ago, Shaw66 said:

    I believe coaching trumps talent.   I think that good schemes and good coaching can make the relative no-name offensive line the Bills have effective.  Whether they have that coaching is an open question.


    However, even if they're well coached, they will struggle when they play against the the best front sevens in the league.   For example, I'm going to the game in Houston.   That may get ugly real quick. 

    I also will be at the Houston game. Not sure how to feel about the prospect of Clowney/Watt vs our offensive line. On the other hand, I like the chances of our defense stopping Watson's offense.

  2. https://abcnews.go.com/US/trump-lawyer-michael-cohen-cooperate-attorneys-leave-case/story?id=55861988&cid=social_twitter_abcn

    Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen likely to cooperate as his attorneys leave case, sources say

    As attorneys for Michael Cohen rush to meet Judge Kimba Wood’s Friday deadline to complete a privilege review of over 3.7 million documents seized in the April 9 raids of Cohen’s New York properties and law office, a source representing this matter has disclosed to ABC News that the law firm handling the case for Cohen is not expected to represent him going forward.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Not a Trump supporter. Sorry. Voted for Tulsi Gabbard. 


    Again, the projection is OFF THE CHARTS by those who are just too dug into their positions, too ruled by their own ego to even consider the fact that they've been lied to - by known liars and proven perjurers - for over two years. 


    Surely, with that statement, you're talking about Trump supporters. Never has a group of people been so dug in, so unwilling to admit that they made a terrible mistake, so dismissive of facts and so enabling and accepting of an obviously unfit ruler. I understood why people voted for Trump. I do not, however, understand how people can still support him, having seen how clearly unfit he has proven to be for the job.

    Every damn line of Shaub's post is spot-on. Do you mean to tell me that you don't believe Trump is alienating our allies with his recent actions? You don't believe he and his family are accepting emoluments and profiting hugely and illegally during his presidency? You don't think he does everything possible to subvert the justice system? You don't think it's at all suspicious that his responses to the Mueller investigation have ranged from obfuscation to outright lies to wanting to investigate the investigators? You don't think it's strange and wrong that Trump is friendlier to autocrats than to our allies?  You don't think that, if Obama had had the past 2 years that Trump has had -- even the past WEEK Trump has had, the GOP would be demanding impeachment? 

    I realize that the PPP is just an endless cycle of the same 5 or 6 guys going at each other over and over again. I realize that, indeed, we live in an era in which most people DO exist in echo chambers and ARE stubbornly entrenched in their positions. Nevertheless, I find that everything Shaub said -- while at times stated in dramatic language -- is right on the money. I feel that our democracy is being challenged and endangered by a morally bankrupt and emotionally fragile egoist whose only goals are his own enrichment, and a Congress that seems to have zero problems enabling him to do so. Obviously, you'll call me over-dramatic and whatever else you can think of, but anyone who can look at the events of this presidency to date with clear eyes and NOT see the danger that this man poses is being willfully, stubbornly dug in on their position, just as you accuse the opposition of being.

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  4. 5 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    They've been clinging to one narrative for so long - despite there being no evidence to support it, just the affirmations from their echo chambers led by known liars (whose records are ignored) - that they can't turn back now. I've tried for over a year to provide a ladder to climb out of the disinformation cloud. Some took it, others burned it because their pride and ego are more important than truth. 


    Some people are going to have a tougher time than others with what's to come. 

    A Trump supporter talking about trying to help OTHER PEOPLE "climb out of the disinformation cloud". Now I've heard everything. ?

  5. Walter Shaub, former director of the Office of Government Ethics, on Twitter today:


    "Our President conveys legitimacy on the mass murdering head of a gulag nation in exchange for recycled platitudes, alienates our closest allies, praises the world’s autocrats and our homegrown white supremacists, jeopardizes our economy with threats of a trade war, commits atrocious human rights violations at our border, lets his family profit to the tune of tens of millions from outside businesses while they serve in the White House on nepotistic appointments (and seek to deprive those with pre-existing conditions of healthcare), freely accepts emoluments, trashes the government ethics program, and subverts our justice system.
    We’ve spent tens of millions of tax dollars on his visits to his properties, where he frequently golfs and always promotes his businesses. His cabinet emulates his behavior as the infection seeps ever deeper into institutions intended to protect democracy and resist corruption. Our diplomatic agency has been gutted and our longstanding military alliances have been frayed. Serious questions have arisen as to the influence of Trump’s finances on his policy decisions in specific instances, but the majority in Congress looks the other way and prefers to investigate his investigators and his vanquished political rival.
    Our high court upholds a state’s effort to deprive our most vulnerable citizens of the most basic right guaranteed by a republic — the right to vote — while consistently preventing states from putting an end to the mass slaughter of school kids and others. Allies of our president are concerned that his alleged “lawyer,” who acts more like a business associate than a legal representative, may “flip” (something that can only happen among criminals), so they have openly challenged the legitimacy of any potential inquiry into criminality beyond the scope of foreign election interference, such as money laundering.
    Meanwhile, no one is seriously looking into the effect of foreign inference on the last election or the extent to which vote tallies or registration records may have been affected (we simply don’t know), and even less is being done to safeguard the next election against the inevitable attack. Some respectable types dismissively paint those who emphasize the seriousness of the threat to our republic as alarmists. Trump’s enablers, in and out of government, titter or tsk about his many gaffs but normalize his behavior more every day.
    The situation is bad. Don’t underestimate it."
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  6. Just a few quick thoughts I want to share:

    1.) Anyone who truly, honestly has already written off Peterman's entire career due to one bad game is being foolish. One game does not a career make.

    2.) Any true Bills fan only wants success for the team, and will therefore happily cheer on whichever QB wins the starting spot and root for said player to succeed. People who have already made up their minds so steadfastly that Peterman won't be that guy or, worse, that McDermott would be making a huge mistake by starting Peterman, are also being foolish and petty.

    3.) AJ McCarron was drafted in the 5th round, just like Peterman. Aside from a head start of a few years of pro time, what does McCarron really have over Peterman in terms of advantages? Both guys have arms that are "just good enough". Both guys will have to win games with their brains rather than their physical attributes. Both are learning a brand new offense. Both are said to be super intelligent. Would it really be that shocking if Peterman beat out AJ McCarron?


    • Like (+1) 3
  7. I feel like I'm sick of living off the fumes of the early 90s. I'm sick of having to watch guys named Kelly, Thomas, and Reed just to catch a glimpse of success. I'm sick of chasing ghosts.

    I'm ready to watch a consistently contending, legitimately playoff caliber team. I'm ready to see competent quarterbacking, top 5 defenses, and 10 to 12 win seasons. I'm ready for All-Pro nods and prime time games.

    I'm ready to stand in line with 75,000 rowdy lunatics to get into the gates for a home AFC Championship game. 

    I'm ready to fly to Buffalo when the Bills win it all and take part in a week of celebration and fandemonium the likes of which the sports world has never seen.

    I'm ready to cast off the stink of 50+ years of mediocrity and finally feel the jubilation of rooting for a well-run, winning franchise.

    The worm's got to turn sometimes, man. It's got to.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Juice_32 said:

    Listening to McD, I really get the impression that they are going to go the Mahomes route with Allen this year. Anyone else get that vibe from this mornings presser?

    I completely agree. He even said, when referencing the "plan" for Josh Allen, that they want to get certain "fundamentals" basics in place before anything else.

    That being said, I honestly won't be surprised one bit either way. I could see him riding the pine for 10-16 games, or I could see him starting after about week 5. Much of it depends not only on how HE progresses, but how well the other quarterbacks play.

  9. 6 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:

    Maybe she ... I don’t know... has hobbies as well?


    (I'm just kidding, by the way. Of course he has non Rachel Bush hobbies. She did once post a video on Instagram, though, of her dancing/shimmying in front of him and trying to coerce him to turn off Fortnite, and he won't do it. It came with the caption "Fortnite or THIS?!". At least on that day, I can't help but feel that Jordan made the wrong decision!)

    • Haha (+1) 2
  10. 2 hours ago, The Poojer said:

    Night 2 


    Set 1


    Hell in a bucket
    Hurts me too
    Cumberland mine blues
    Ship of Fools
    Ramble on Rose
    The Weight
    Music never stopped
    Easy Answers

    Hurts me Too, Easy Answers? Hot damn! Thanks for posting this!

    Now now now, when you're leaving the venue on the mean streets of the Garden State, be sure to artfully dodge the nefarious Nitrous Mafia and all their crazy wookie drama. It's BAD in Jersey! We're all rooting for you. 

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  11. 15 hours ago, The Poojer said:



    Second set


    Fade away
    Dark star  15 minutes
    St Stephen
    Muddy river
    Drums and space 9 minutes
    Diamonds on the soles of her shoes (Paul Simon)
    Wharf rat
    Fade away
    e - ripple

    No !@#$ing way! I really, really hope they do this song in WA or OR when I see them.

    Who sang? I MUST KNOW MORE!!!

    43 minutes ago, WhoTom said:

    We've seen D&C two years in a row (and we watched the stream of opening night on Wednesday). They're good - really good - but one thing I've noticed after 20+ years of listening to other people covering Dead songs: Jerry was a highly underrated vocalist. Maybe it's because his guitar playing was so great that it overshadowed his voice, but man, he was a story-teller like no other. Nobody captures the emotion of a song like he did. (Well, Roger Daltrey does, but in a very different style.)


    As for D&C, I wish they'd let Oteil sing more often. He's got the best voice in the band. Mayer is a great guitarist, but I'm not a big fan of his voice. And Bobby's singing is fine for his songs, but I think Oteil would do a better job with the Jerry songs. Listen to him sing Fire on the Mountain and imagine how much better Eyes of the World would be with Oteil singing it instead of Bobby or John.



    Amen to both bolded statements. Oteil singing "China Doll" is always a highlight. He has an AWESOME voice. They really should let him sing more often.

    As for Jerry: I say this all the time, but he's my favorite vocalist of all time. People think that's nuts, and I should clarify that I'm not saying he's the BEST vocalist of all time or even close. I'm saying he's my favorite. Why? It all comes back to the Sam Cooke quote: "A singing voice ought not to be judged by how beautiful it is, buy by how well it is able to convince you that it is telling the truth". What a great quote. I always BELIEVE Jerry. He fully inhabited every song he sang and made each version somehow unique and memorable. His vocals and unmistakable guitar sound are so noticeably missing from every modern iteration of Dead music. It's sad and difficult to listen to sometimes, just from an emotional standpoint. Ken Kesey said it best in his letter to Jerry after he died: 

    what really stood
    out -- stands out -- is the thundering silence, the lack, the absence of
    that golden Garcia lead line, of that familiar slick lick with the uptwist
    at the end, that merry snake twining through the woodpile, flickering in
    and out of the loosely stacked chords...a wriggling mystery, bright and
    slick as fire... suddenly gone. And the silence left in its wake was-- is-- positively ear-splitting.
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  12. Excited to see them at the Gorge (my favorite venue in the country) and Autzen Stadium (where I've never been before). Last time I saw them at the Gorge, O'Teil partook of a certain substance with the band for the first time ever. I happened to have partaken of the same substance, so it was a great show for me!

    The most recent time I saw them, though, was at Madison Square Garden for the first show of the tour. It was clear they had not practiced at all. Missed transitions, forgotten lyrics, glacial tempos, general badness. I don't mind a few stinkers every now and again, it's all a part of "searching for the sound", but this was bad. Here's hoping they're more in the swing of things this time around.

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  13. I don't believe that they will spend like drunken sailors.

    Beane did a lot of hard work getting the Bills OUT of cap hell and I don't think they're eager to return. I also think they'll be mindful of the fact that they need to stay in good cap shape to be able to retain their own homegrown talent in the coming years.

    That being said, I DO expect them to secure a few "big ticket items" on the offensive side of the ball to help out their young quarterback. Maybe an o-lineman or two and a quality receiver. 

    Even this year, when they said they'd be very limited players in free agency, they signed Lotulelei and Murphy to good sized contracts as well as Vontae Davis and Chris Ivory. And this was in a year where they were consciously trying to save money. So looking ahead to NEXT year? Yeah, I think they'll spend some coin. Not an irresponsible amount, but some.

    Between the full slate of draft picks, the clean cap sheet, and the large amount of money they'll have for free agency, I expect them to make a big leap in terms of personnel next offseason.

  14. I still agree with Chris Simms' draft night declaration that Josh Allen has a very good chance to start game 1 for the Bills.

    His reasoning? Bills coaches and players will watch AJ McCarron throw 10 passes, and then watch Josh Allen throw 10 passes, and there will just be such a stark an obvious difference in talent and zip that they won't be able to NOT play Allen. I think there's potentially some real credence to the notion that Allen will beat out Peterman and McCarron based on his vastly superior physical traits. The only thing that would prevent this, of course, is if the mental side of Allen's game is way behind that of McCarron and Peterman, but I'm not so sure I believe that that will be the case.

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  15. Personally, I don't think there are as many WR spots open as some others think.

    Benjamin, Jones, Kerley, and Holmes are all near locks to make the roster in my mind. That leaves two spots at most. McCloud and Proehl would seem to have the inside track on those two spots, based on their having been drafted. I could see only one of them making the 53, but in that case, it's just as likely that the final spot goes to second year players Dupre or Reilly. 

    OLB, on the other hand? We've got Humber to back up Milano, but we need more depth at the outside linebacker spot. For that reason I pick:

    Corey Thompson, LSU.


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  16. The Broncos game is when I first realized things might be different with this Bills team. You have to remember, they were 2-0 at that point and playing really well. They were heavily favored, and we beat them fair and square...with a small assist to Von Miller ;)

    The Falcons game is when I KNEW things were different with this Bills team. I realize their staring WRs went down with injury, but still. We went into a very tough road environment and beat a team that was in the Super Bowl the year prior. 

    The Chiefs game -- coming off of that horrible mid-season stretch that had me thinking "same old Bills" again -- was awesome. How many times over the years have the Bills lost a must-win November/December game against the Chiefs? Too many to count. And to get that win at rowdy Arrowhead against an eventual playoff team was just awesome.

    My favorite of the year, though, was the Dolphins game. Obviously, the game itself wasn't anything special. But the experience of watching it at a packed Bills Backers Bar here in Portland...with Kyle's touchdown plunge and scoreboard watching the Bengals-Ravens game, and of course the eventual outcome...I'll never forget that day or that experience. And I am so, SO glad that I chose to go the Bills bar that day, my first such trip of the season. Amazing stuff.

  17. 4 minutes ago, Golden Goat said:


    Racist? Really? Because two guys I find dumb as bricks just so happen to be black -- therefore I'm racist? I find Kiko Alonso and Terry Bradshaw stupid, too. 


    You're the one who needs to grow the !@#$ up, snowflake.

    Nothing says "I'm in the right" on the subject of maturity quite like "grow the !@#$ up, snowflake".

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  18. 2 hours ago, Kirby Jackson said:

    Without being overly negative what would you expect these other owner’s to say? “We think that Kim is incompetent. She’s totally over her head and has been a disaster. No one listens to a word she says.” This is article does nothing to influence opinions on Kim’s qualifications.


    Really? NOTHING?

    The glowing endorsements from multiple respected NFL owners -- not only praising her but going into detail and providing more than was asked -- does not a single thing for you?

    Okay then. To each their own.

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  19. Given that recent discussions on these forums about whether or not Kim Pegula is qualified to be team president, I thought this article was interesting and informative. I won't post the whole thing, of course, due to forum rules, but have included a few key quotes. I suggest reading the whole thing if you have time. Obviously, her membership on all these committees and her involvement with various aspects of the league are not the sole deciding factors in terms of her being qualified or not...but this article certainly paints a picture of a very capable, intelligent, involved woman. I believe the Bills are in good hands.


    "If every owner in the league was as operationally proficient and knowledgeable as Kim is, I think we would be in a stronger place," said Jonathan Kraft, president of the New England Patriots and son of Pats owner Robert Kraft."

    "She's well-respected," said Arizona Cardinals owner Michael Bidwill, a member of Business Ventures and Foundation. "She's obviously very intelligent. She works hard at trying to bring fresh ideas to the league, to the committees, making sure the ideas that are being floated around have been well thought through. Her voice is one that people listen to. I think she comes from a perspective of making the league and all of our properties more fan friendly, so her input is greatly valued."

    "Kim is a consensus-builder, has great business experience and she really adds to the discussion," Jacksonville Jaguars onwer and Businss Ventures chairman Shad Khan said. "She has a lot of experience in different industries and she brings that thinking and point of view to the forefront. Then, once a decision is made, she stands behind it. It’s evident that committee members value her in every respect – as a person as well as for her insights and experience. On business ventures, typically as various agreements are expiring, we ask ourselves, ‘How do we make them better? Who are our prospective partners? How do we value the financial end of the partnership?’ Kim has great perspectives on all of this.”


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