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Posts posted by Logic

  1. 5 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:

    Like how they couldn't trade diggs right


    That was different.

    That instance of saying "can't" was people overstating the unlikelihood of trading Diggs because of the dead cap it would create.

    THIS instance of saying "can't" is because they LITERALLY CAN'T. Teams HAVE to be cap compliant at this point in the year. The Bills, by trading for any of the veteran receivers with high cap hits, would be over the cap. You can't negotiate with a player while he's on another team. A trade submitted to the league where the acquiring team would be put over the salary cap by the acquisition will be declined.

    I'm not saying it's unlikely. I'm saying that NFL rules make it literally impossible. Significant difference.


    4 minutes ago, FireChans said:

    Gotta have a short term memory to be an elite poster

    Or just an understanding of league rules.


    2 minutes ago, appoo said:

    I dunno if the NFL rules allow for this, but for the Bills to get Deebo or Aiyuk they'd have to get an extension in place prior to the trade so they don't break the cap when they take on their contract. 


    Aiyuk is much more likely as his on his 5th year

    NFL rules do NOT allow this.

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  2. I don't understand how NFL analysts, all of NFL twitter, and four pages worth of posts on this thread don't seem to be acknowledging the following:

    The Bills CAN'T trade for Deebo. Literally cannot do it. 

    The only way it would work is if San Fran said "we'll pay most of his salary this year", which...why would they do that?

    Failing that unlikely scenario, the Bills' salary cap situation makes it literally impossible for them to trade for Samuel, Aiyuk, or Higgins right now. They can't afford it.

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  3. I don't buy it at all.

    For one thing, his skillset is redundant with Curtis Samuel's. I don't think you need TWO guys like that on your offense. Curtis Samuel is already Deebo lite. Heck, has list name is even Samuel!

    For another, the Bills literally CANNOT trade for Deebo right now. It's impossible. See Tweet below.

    Lastly, he's 28 and expensive and hasn't had a 1,000 yard season in several years. I think it's smoke. I think it's a lie. 



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  4. It's really only good listening for comedy purposes.

    I remember the year Mitch Trubisky was our backup the first time around. After a not-so-great outing by Josh (I don't remember which game), there was at least one caller very earnestly and pointedly suggesting that we bench Josh for Mitch. Seriously.

    For some reason, one's willingness to call into WGR to espouse their opinion seems to correlate directly with how undeveloped their critical thinking skills are.

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  5. I'm fairly certain the Bills currently CAN'T trade for any of the WRs people are discussing, because they wouldn't fit under the salary cap. 

    Until the June 1st money kicks in, the Bills have under $5million available.

    My understanding is that you can't negotiate a new contract with a player who is currently on another team.

    So short of the trading team eating a VERY significant portion of the cap hit, I literally don't think it's even POSSIBLE for the Bills to trade for Aiyuk or Higgins right now.


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  6. 1 minute ago, Turbo44 said:

    I wouldn't be concerned - muscle can be added, height cannot. I'd be thrilled with Franklin at 33 and Baker or Rice, Polk, McCorley, Roman Wilson, Burton as a followup

    I wouldn't be concerned - muscle can be added, height cannot. I'd be thrilled with Franklin at 33 and Baker or Rice, Polk, McCorley, Roman Wilson, Burton as a follow up

    I wouldn't be concerned - muscle can be added, height cannot. I'd be thrilled with Franklin at 33 and Baker or Rice, Polk, McCorley, Roman Wilson, Burton as a follow up

    But should I be concerned? 

  7. Just now, Low Positive said:

    Watch this three times and call me in the morning


    Thanks, but I watched plenty of Worthy leading up to the draft. I like him. Time will tell if I'm right or I'm an idiot. For the Bills' sake, we realllly better hope it's the latter, because if it's the former, we directly helped our biggest rival get a lot better on offense. Again.

  8. Just now, jkeerie said:

    Last night's take was the most illogical opinion I'd ever heard you express, Logic.


    In truth...just about anything the Chiefs do pisses me off as a matter of course.


    It was a combination of me liking Worthy a lot and disliking the Chiefs a lot.

    So to sit around for three plus hours eagerly awaiting the Bills pick, then to see that the guy I liked was still on the board, then to see that we traded that pick to the Chiefs, then to see them use that pick to take the player I liked....I was pissed. 

    Emotions sometimes win out over calm-headed logic. I am human.

    I STILL don't love handing a 4.21 receiver to a team we historically can't stop in the playoffs, but I'll live.

    • Like (+1) 4
  9. The Panthers trade was awesome. The 33rd pick is arguably more strategically valuable than the 32nd, because it's very coveted by multiple teams, and you have an entire day to compare various offers and re-set your board, vs having 10 minutes on the clock at pick 32.

    Yes, you give up the 5th year option, but that's only of major consequence for QBs and, as the PFF blurb points out, is not as valuable as it once was for other positions.

    The Chiefs move was good in a vacuum, and without it, the Panthers trade could not have happened. Obviously, trading with the hated Chiefs still stings.

    Taking emotion out of it, it's hard not to conclude that Beane made intelligent strategic choices. 

    ...But I was still pissed off last night.

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  10. If I'm being honest, I think Cooper DeJean is the Best Player Available right now.

    I think he has the best shot of all remaining players at coming in and being a difference maker on this team. I think he'd be a day one starter at free safety, would solidify the position for a decade, and has All Pro potential.

    Unfortunately, the Bills have also kind of painted themselves into a corner by desperately needing a viable WR, and I'm doubtful that they could pick DeJean at 33 and then still be able to get a WR of substance all the way down at pick 60. 

    Now if they're confident they can package some of those later picks with pick 60 or their 3rd and get back up high enough in the 2nd to still get a Franklin or McConkey, then great. But I'm skeptical.

    As much as I want a WR, and as much as the Bills direly need one, there's just no way I can be upset if DeJean is the pick. I think he has the potential to be special, and to be a difference maker for a team that needs them.

    • Like (+1) 2
  11. Just now, MJS said:

    Ladd McConkey is high on those lists as well. I'd be fine with either one.

    I understand there's more to a prospect's profile than college production, and I understand that McConkey was in a crowded receiver room, but...

    Taking a look at the numbers McConkey posted at Georgia certainly doesn't inspire much confidence that he can be an NFL WR1. 

    Maybe some big McConkey fan here can explain to me what's so special about him.

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  12. Cousins SHOULD be unhappy with the pick.

    He left the comfort and familiarity of the Vikings and having Justin Jefferson to move to a new city, under the assumption that the four year deal he signed meant that he'd be the starting quarterback in Atlanta for the next four years.

    Instead, he's now essentially on a two year deal. Any time he or the team struggle, there will be calls from the fan base for the shiny new rookie. And on top of all that, pick #8 was a premium draft spot that could've netted an incredibly talented player.

    What a bizarre and illogical choice by the Falcons.

    • Agree 1
  13. Thanks for this.

    Putting aside my irritation over trading with the Chiefs in general...

    I said earlier this draft season that Troy Franklin might be the 4th or 5th best WR in this class, and seems criminally underrated. He had a good season as a sophomore and then a REALLY good season as a SR. The numbers you provide back up the idea that he's very underrated and under-discussed.

    If the Bills wind up with Franklin, I'll be very pleased. I like him worlds better than McConkey or Mitchell.

    Here's hoping...

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  14. Of course the real answer is that no one knows this early.

    But that's no fun, so...

    My winners were Detroit (I think Arnold was a great value where they got him), Philly (again, great value), and KC ("you should call the Bills as a prank just to say if they'll willingly give us the fastest man in combine history").

    My losers were Atlanta (no explanation needed), the Panthers (I don't think we were picking Legette, so I'm not sure why they felt compelled to trade up with us).


    I would have Minny as a loser, because of the way they backed themselves into a corner on QB, and then had to trade a haul just to move up one spot because they had no other choice...but...they somewhat redeemed themselves with the Dallas Turner value pick...so I guess they're "half and half" winner/losers.

    Biggest losers:

    Bills fans. Waiting all night to pick 28, then trading to the arch rival Chiefs, then trading out of the 1st round completely. Good lord. RIP our Thursday night.

  15. I hated it. 

    Put simply, and to steal a line from Twitter:

    When the Chiefs call, you simply answer "new phone, who dis?" and hang up.

    It doesn't matter to me that we weren't gonna pick Worthy or whatever. It's possible another team would've beaten the Chiefs to the punch on drafting him, but we helped ensure that couldn't happen.

    You don't help your biggest enemy get the guy they covet. You don't hand a 4.21 guy to your arch rivals. You just don't. 

    Hope Beane is thrilled with his extra mid to late picks in a shallow draft, though.

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  16. I'll certainly give Beane the benefit of the doubt and will wait to see how the rest of the draft turns out, but...

    Helping the team we can never get past in the playoffs get a 4.21 WR, trading out of the first round completely and losing the fifth year option, and collecting a pile of late picks in a shallow draft has me going to bed pretty discouraged tonight.

    I felt the Bills needed to try to find a difference maker or two in this draft, and instead they seem content to just keep trading back and adding a big pile of okay-to-maybe-good players instead. It's hard to see who at pick 60 or 95 is going to help get us over the hump.

    Not only that, but they handed to their arch rivals a guy who -- by virtue of his rare speed -- MAY actually be a difference maker.

    I'm typically a huge optimist, and if you go back through my history of draft night posts over the years, you'll see me constantly espousing a glass-half-full outlook and talking up the BIlls' pick(s). But tonight? I don't feel good about the way things went down. 

    First time in a while that I've ended night one of the draft feeling this discouraged. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  17. Un-*****-believable.

    We just handed the Chiefs THAT player?! 

    We just handed the Chiefs the fastest player in combine history instead of taking him ourselves?

    We just facilitated a Chiefs WR corps of Hollywood, Worthy, Rice? 

    Perfect. Just perfect. 

    But we hadddd to have that 3rd round pick, right?

    Ridiculous. We're going to regret this. Why on EARTH would we help the Chiefs?

    I just....Goddamnit. *****. *****.

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