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Posts posted by Rockpile233

  1. 11 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:


    But he can only reanimate the ones who got killed by the WW, right? You can't reanimate a former WW killed by dragonglass or special steel...I'm thinking with those constraints he'd have a hard time increasing his numbers in perpetuity

    Yes, but up until this point there wasn’t wide use of dragonglass. Everything he accumulated north of the wall was mostly intact.

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  2. 1 minute ago, GoBills808 said:

    Does anyone know how the whitewalker army got so large? It seems like you can't reanimate a 'dead' whitewalker, and there can't have been all that many people living up above the Wall...plus it seemed like someone w/ Valeryian steel or dragonglass could take out a good 5-10 of em before getting killed...how tf did they get so many people in that army?

    The NK could keep reanimating the dead, as we saw even last night. The majority of the dead army was wildlings/men of the watch.


    We don’t know the amount, but the actual WWs to my understanding are mostly Crastors sons that were given to the NK. It didn’t seem that there were many of these. They rarely joined the fighting.



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  3. Every Bran theory has likely been incorrect. Still time left though. I like a lot of those points.


    I’ve argued for several years that Jon is already dead. There was clear justification in the books that, like Beric , he was reanimated to play out his part. That has always led me to the thought that, like Beric, he would be dead at the end of the story. 




  4. I agree that it’s inconsistent, but there is always less called in the playoffs in all sports. I thought some of the non calls were bad, but they were pretty consistent within the game.


    I’m glad Harden didn’t get the call on the final sequence. He sat down mid air to kick his legs into Green. Crying afterwards is a bad look for Houston.

  5. I thought the NK vs the three eyed raven (life v death) would ultimately be the climax of the series. I don’t love the resolution of this storyline because Bran just seems so pointless.


    I thought he’d have a bigger role to play. His arc seems complete now.


    I think I’m back around to Dany surviving and ultimately taking the throne. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  6. 8 minutes ago, Wayne Cubed said:

    Ok, so according to Vladimir Furdik he kinda let slip that the battle of Winterfell is going to last nearly the entire 3rd episode. Almost a full hour he said. Took something like 55 days/nights to film. Wondering what the back and forth will be, besides obvious deaths of important characters. 

    During the opening song/animation they showed the flaming trench around Winterfell. They also mentioned it briefly if I remember. I imagine they’ll retreat past that and light it up at some point.


    Unfortunatly an ice dragon could probably make short work of it or fly right over. Wonder if that’s how the NK will descend on Bran.



  7. So I’ve actually been surprised how many people expect the night king to be defeated at Winterfell. 


    I can definitely see the argument, but I can’t imagine that the conclusion of “Ice and Fire” boils down to overcoming Cersei for the throne. I suppose we are already strictly in conclusion at this point. I still expect Jon to defeat the NK.




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  8. 1 minute ago, DC Tom said:

    Another point I just realized: some of those characters who die will end up fighting for the Night King.  In other words, Brienne might not just die, but might be reanimated.  Tormund vs. Brienne-wight, anyone?


    Plus...all the women and children, and Tyrion are safe.  Under the castle.  In the crypt.  Great place to be safe from a Night King that reanimates the dead, hmm?

    I’m sure this will happen, I only hope they don’t overplay it.


    I don’t think Tyrion actually winds up in the crypt. I’m sure he’ll find a way to be in the thick of it.



  9. 9 minutes ago, ShadyBillsFan said:

    I took notice of his appearance.  :thumbsup:

    • episode 1 (April 14): 54 minutes
    • episode 2 (April 21): 58 minutes
    • episode 3 (April 28): 1 hour, 22 minutes
    • episode 4 (May 5): 1 hour, 18 minutes
    • episode 5 (May 12): 1 hour, 20 minutes
    • episode 6 (May 19): 1 hour, 20 minutes

    OK  I just checked ...  Maybe the NK gets through to Ep 4 


    I think he gets to King’s landing on Visereon. I could see them ultimately making a stand at Winterfell (still not convinced though), but I just imagined the NK would make it south.

  10. The only get away options are the two dragons, so I can imagine Jon and Dany surviving this battle before getting South. Also, could see Yara somehow rescuing a few characters.


    Apart from that, how does anyone get through this, especially those in the crypts? 


    I thought it it was a solid send off last night for a lot of characters. Does anyone in that room of Jaime, Tyrion, Brienne, Tormund, Davos, and Pod survive? Doubt it they way they spoke of surviving so many battles. 

  11. 7 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

    It's possible the third head of the dragon is The Night King and Tyrion being a Targ is just a popular fan theory (or it comes to fruition in the book but not the series).

    I saw a pretty convincing theory yesterday on the Night King being a Targ. All related to a few different theories I’ve seen on the spiral imagery.


    I’ve seen so many well reasoned theories this week that can’t all be true. I like this one more as it could still be developed through Bran.





  12. 2 minutes ago, May Day 10 said:


    This is the one thing I hated the most.  Might as well had him slip on a banana peel and die.


    I really did not like The Last Jedi for all the reasons hashed about many-a-time.  And I am not a hyper-critical star wars nerd or anything.  In fact, I have defended the prequel trilogy in the past and I did not hate them.

    Agree. I am not a super fan, just thought this was poorly developed after a pretty decent (although a little too safe) episode VII.


    I’ll still eventually see episode IX, just not as excited for new Star Wars movies anymore.

  13. Let’s tease this Snoke character, get people talking, and then kill him off before even developing it enough for the audience to care.


    Cheap shock and awe at its’ finest.


    More on Hamill/Luke. He’s a professional and eventually toed the company line, but still:


    But that wasn’t all. Hamill also told Vanity Fair that, after reading the script for The Last Jedi, he told Johnson, “I pretty much fundamentally disagree with every choice you’ve made for this character. Now, having said that, I have gotten it off my chest, and my job now is to take what you’ve created and do my best to realize your vision.”



    • Like (+1) 1
  14. 41 minutes ago, shrader said:


    I'm sure it would have been fine with some other title, but there's a whole universe of movies and shows and that one so drastically moved away from the tone of all the others.  They went the same path as Marvel, leaning too heavily on the comedy thanks to the success of Guardians of the Galaxy.  That style is fine, but not when you already have 7 other movies (yes, I'll even count the prequels) that don't have an ounce of it.  A similar move would be to make the next Bond movie a musical.


    With all the complaints out there about that movie, the thing that really bugged me a lot was some poor development in general.  If you want to play up a heroic sacrifice to tug at the heart strings, it needs to be an actually developed character and not someone we just met 30 minutes ago.  That would have been a much better death to save for someone at least at the level of Ackbar.


    I completely agree. I didn’t care about that scene at all. I also thought the Fin/Rose casino mission was beyond stupid.


    In general the new trilogy has been poorly developed. I didn’t love or hate the force awakens, but was definitely intrigued moving forward. Thought it was a little too New Hope lite, but I wanted to see TLJ. I didn’t need them to do everything the same, but the way Johnson blew it up was just too much. Snoke and the first order were interesting teases in the force awakens. I didn’t necessarily need him to be Palpatine or anything, but the way he was killed off so quickly as a red herring felt pointless. Why even have him if he was going to be completely undeveloped and killed off as quickly as he arrived?


    I don’t even want to get started on Luke. Even Mark Hamill voiced his displeasure at the characters direction. 


    My biggest issue is not even any part of the movie. I left feeling like it wasn’t that good, but not once did I think about female characters or minority representation. Screw Rian Johnson for latching on to that narrative. I thought everything out of him afterwards directed towards fans was out of line. Some tweets from people representing a fraction of the fan base do not make the entire fan base racist or mysognistic. Rouge One was nearly universally praised and accepted. It had a strong female lead.


    There wasn’t a good vision for this new trilogy. I stand by that opinion. The fact they are talking about a Rian Johnson trilogy down the line is even more insulting to the fan base.

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