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Posts posted by Rockpile233

  1. 2 hours ago, apuszczalowski said:

    And yet theirs tantrums being thrown about the current ones over the female roles....

    Seemed to have touched some nerves around here......

    No not really. The Last Jedi was simply a lousy installment. That was just a covenient narrative for Johnson to play victim with.

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. Listening to Housley’s weekly segment on the WGR morning show was painful today.


    I just feel bad for the guy, but at the same time I don’t want to hear about how you’ve been in games. You certainly have not been in many games.


    I also don’t want to hear about being over .500 entering March. We cannot ignore what is probably the worst month of Sabres hockey in my lifetime.


    It’s definitely not all on him though. Apart from Dahlin and Skinner, I look at much of the roster with disgust over the way they could just roll over. I’m looking at you “captain”. Seems you’ve captained another coach being tuned out.

  3. Ultimately the results are just too poor. I don’t think the roster is good enough to compete, but it’s incumbent on the coach to get something.


    More successful coaches have been fired for less. 


    I don’t see any fan dragging Housley too bad. He’s got a lousy roster to work with, but it’s just time to shake it up once again.

  4. I’m not trying to get too far down the hole on subjective “intangibles”, but it just jumps out at you watching Skinner that the guy is hyper competitive.


    Everyone can express that differently, but I think most Sabres fans just know we have largely lacked that.


    Sounds like bull####, but it’s something I’ve felt for a while watching us cycle through players. 


    I do think he is retained. I would be shocked if they could stomach the backlash that would ensue if he walks. They’ll overpay.

    • Like (+1) 2
  5. 6 minutes ago, klos63 said:

    there just isn't a lot of success in Buffalo. The Sabres will be approaching 50 years in the league with no Championship. The Bills over 50 years since the merger with no championships.  And with both teams, they each had a couple brief moments where they were serious contenders, but for the better part of 50 years they were an afterthought. I don't know the reason, but it might be a nice place to live, but maybe not the best place to play.

    I understand the lack of success, my issue is specifically with Lehner’s comments on a negative atmosphere and culture leading to his poor play.


    I would argue substance abuse in season likely had a greater effect on his poor play than some negative fans and media. I’m glad to see he is seemingly doing better, but his comments lack self awareness.



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  6. 43 minutes ago, klos63 said:

    That wasn't the point I was trying to make. Also, I think he had those issues before Buffalo and don't recall him ever placing blame on anyone.

    I’m just pushing back on the sentiment that Buffalo is a lousy negative place to live and play.


    Lehner had anxiety, depression, and addiction issues in season while here. The franchise supported him during it. I’m sorry that all these years of being in the basement have led to some overly negative fans, but I think the comments now are in poor taste. Glad you’re doing well, but I would say your situation at the time would make any city seem lousy.





  7. 5 minutes ago, klos63 said:

    apparently, not anymore.  And i doubt it was your intent to mock, but he did have actual, serious mental issues while here.

    I’m not putting the weight of Lehner’s issues on frustrated Sabres fans. Glad to see he seems to be doing better with his personal health.


    Considering how the organization supported him during it, I think it’s even worse to point at fans now.



  8. I don’t participate in booing my favorite teams, but I don’t blame anyone I see booing at the arena.


    It’s been pretty miserable for some time now. 


    At at the same time, would have been cool if you could stop a shot during a shootout while you were here Robin. As mentally weak of a player as I’ve ever seen. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, GG said:


    Where in those quotes do you get a sense that he has full confidence that Housley can lead his team for the long term?  He's not going to publicly throw the coach that he hasn't fired yet under the bus.  Recall what he said about Rex in the weeks before he was fired, or that he had full confidence that Doug Whaley can lead the turnaround?

    I don’t that’s not the point. I fully expect him to be let go.


    My point is that Terry is always presenting qualifications that don’t necessarily matter. I don’t care about JB’s playing career, does he recognize value? I don’t care about Housley’s playing career, what are the results? I don’t care that McDermott wrestled, can he and Beane get results?


    He just seems to hire for emotional reasons rooted in his being a fan. It’s my read of the situation, no more and you can disagree if you wish.

    11 minutes ago, shrader said:


    Does that guy currently exist in higher level hockey coaching world at this point?  I don't pay much attention to that side of the game, so I really have no idea who the big names are, whether it's coaches or front office guys.



    I’m not going to pretend I am up on NHL front office candidates apart from what I read online or hear on the radio. Guys like Kyle Dubas in Toronto.


    I’m more of a baseball fan and we’ve seen this trend in FO’s for years. I’m not saying it’s right, you still need to hit on a good candidate, but it’s at least different. That just doesn’t seem like their style. We never hear about candidates like that.

  10. 1 hour ago, GG said:


    I don't know how you got that from the Atlantic piece.  What makes you say they're clueless?  Because they haven't fired Housley on the spot?  They fired a coach midstream before, and that didn't work out.  They certainly left enough tibits to see that big changes will be coming in the offseason.  Their view, which contrasts with the fans, is that there's not much to gain by firing Housley now vs 1 month from now.

    I don’t think anyone is arguing there is anything to gain from firing Housley. It’s already another lost season, no rush in my opinion.


    I think Terry comes off as clueless when he says things like:


    ”I communicate with Botts  regularly— daily— sometimes three times a day and he’s the only three-time Gold Medal, World Junior guy in the world. He’s a smart guy, and he does a good job.”


    ”He’s a young coach. He was a great player and I think he can grow as a coach.”


    Just seems like he gets caught up on BS that doesn’t matter and it becomes an emotional hire.


    I’d rather an analytical guy with no playing experience at the helm to be honest, but that’s a pipe dream with these owners at the moment.

  11. Tough not to get a little offended on just how hard people go at Buffalo nationally when a big name player is linked here. Their loss though, great place to live.


    I wouldn’t blame a players perception being negative as the Bills have been an abysmal franchise most of my life. Consistent winning is all that can overcome that.


    Glad to see they kicked the tires on a talented player though.

  12. I’ve got to say Breaking Bad is the only one I can think of that was basically perfect from start to finish.


    I would say Game of Thrones, but I agree with the OP about the previous season.


    The Wire sort of, but my issue is the fifth and final season being silly. I always argue with people about season two, which may be my FAVORITE season of the show. 


    Most recently I love Attack on Titan, but both the manga/show is still ongoing.

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