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Posts posted by Commsvet11

  1. 1 minute ago, Tiberius said:

    Maybe, maybe not. Different people listen to different stuff, maybe it was Megadeath, and she never listen to that. Most people don't 


    Your reaching, I don’t care for 80s hair metal bands, I don’t listen to them, but even I heard a few megadeaths songs. 

    Take opera for an example, you may not listen to it, but you have heard Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries 

    dun dun dun da da da, dun dun dun da da da .... see it’s in your head

  2. Just now, Deranged Rhino said:

    People still shocked that Trump is not a politician, should REALLY take a step back and re-examine the past two years with fresh eyes. Trump's a counter puncher. That's who he is, that's why he was tapped for this job at this time by the voters (and others). He's not going to play by the traditional decorum rules because he's not that guy. 


    He's exactly who people thought he was when he was elected. As Michael Moore said in his October 2016 ad: he's a moltov cocktail thrown into the establishment as a giant !@#$ you from the people. 


    The ego one already had to have to wake up one day and say I think I can President of the United States is huge. Every President has to have a big ego. 

    President Trump had a reality show for chrissakes! 


    So when people cry about his behavior they don’t realize voters already know about it and simply don’t care. We care about results. 


    That will be the Democrats downfall, and they will make the same mistake twice. They will attack Trump with their little tweets and hashtags but never his policy. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. If the bills go 0-16 and get blown out each game I could see it as well as firing the GM.


    There would be a tempting opportunity for a new GM and coach, good cap, excellent draft position, a QB if one didn’t want to draft one, or if one would like to that’s fine as well. 

    The trigger would have to be pulled before the next FA season, otherwise give the current FO their whole contract.


    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, The_Dude said:


    No. I take nothing from your name. Sure there’s “comm” as in commo but there’s also 11 which therefor could indicate you’re claiming to be an 11 series and therefor not a pog. 


    Further, if you were commo then you have huge potential. But, I will say that on occasion a commo guy rises above. My first deployment, our commo guy had as many kills as any other man. He was our C.O.s driver....or maybe just his RTO. Anyways, my man straight delivered. He had an old school M16, and he worked it. He....was no POG. Commo guys on line troops are typically no POGs. However, some commo guys most definitely are. But commo’s important. So important every SF team has a commo guy. So, if you were in a signal battalion and never left the FOB, yes that’s a POG for sure. But, if you were a commo guy on a line unit then no. It’s a complex issue. I’m pretty Roosevet about it. Egalitarian and all to all the bro’s who were on the line???

     I was a commo sgt.  for a line company in the infantry, that’s why I nearly took offense, and I appreciate your respect for the line commo, we may get a CAB but it’s for the same reason you got your CIB

    • Like (+1) 2
  5. 17 minutes ago, The_Dude said:


    They may not be cowards necessarily. They could also be selfish. Yes, if they were born between 1980-1990, and they were able bodied, they should have served. 


    Plus, you can easily be a coward in the military and have everything be alright. POGs serve a great purpose while hiding behind real soldiers at the same time. 


    Sure. M’hm. Yup. Plus, you should count yourself lucky to have the wars we did. The wars weren’t overly hard and our deathtoll was low. I couldn’t have been dealt a more favorable war. I was glad to be a part of it. Can’t believe how many pussies out there missed the fun. And I’m including most POGs. Poor POGs. If you were a reflective belt to “combat” you in fact did not go to combat. Fact. 


    Are you calling me a POG?





  6. 1 minute ago, The_Dude said:


    Hahaha, I’m actually in favor of a great deal of Trump’s policies. I’m a “republican.” I am not however without morales or convictions. 


    I despise Trump because he’s a national embarrassment. Ya know what the establishment does well? They don’t embarrass us. 


    Like, I miss, W. W would embarrass us because he sucked at speaking. “Is our children learning?” I rest my case. Now we have a petulant child that tries to tweet policy. Trump is an embarrassment on the national stage, and I hate him. I also despise a draft dodger becoming commander in chief. Oh my god, how is being a coward and draft dodger not a disqualification for that office he holds? I also differ from Trump on national policy. If I were POTUS my European agenda would be containment of Russian influence. Trump threw that right out the window didn’t he? Also, he’d like to remind you not to pay attention to ‘Russia stuff’ in the news because the news is very, very bad. Trumps attacks on the press are beneath the dignity of the office. 


    Trump is the very definition of a demagogue. Demagogues are bad. 


    So Trump Embarasses us as a country? Okay, but you did say something along the lines of no matter what we do Haj hates us and will always hate us? Yeah it’s not just Haj, heck you can go to billzone and on the politics section the Canadians hate Americans. People not liking Americans didn’t start with Trump, and I don’t see why Americans should suffer for popularity points for other countries. 


    Draft Dodging. 

    I am against a draft, it’s unamerican, would you have wanted to fight next to someone who was forced to fight next to you and not of their own free will? So you call it cowardice, does that mean those who didn’t serve in military during Iraq and Afghanstan are cowards?

    Perhaps it’s a big deal to you but to me somebody who doesn’t want to fight in war shouldn’t have to, that’s what makes our military truly great each soldier chooses to serve and sacrifice on their own conscience. 


    The Russia Probe hasn’t proved any Russian collusion as of yet, but every single day I read Trump is trouble, and yet ......nada on collusion.


    Attack on the press? Criticism is more like it, just like Obama critized FOX, really this is nothing new, at least the press in on top of a president actions, and hey he helps sell stories and ad space. 


    I dont care if the President is crass, offensive, and a jerk, most people are crass,  offensive, and a jerk all I care about is results.

  7. 32 minutes ago, The_Dude said:


    I understand the sentiment. I do. There’s no denying an “American aristocracy” of sorts. But his not belonging to the club does not necessarily mean he’s a good idea — he isn’t. He’s actually a worse idea. I mean look, a lot of times ‘non establishment’ types take the reigns it doesn’t go well. I feel this is one of those predictable situations. Every generation wants a ‘strong man,’ a man who means what he says and says what he means. I get it. But that don’t make Trump a smarty choice. 


    I haven’t seen a problem with his policies, they seem to be working, so what isn’t going well? 


    What exactly are you predicting will happen that won’t go well? 





  8. 4 hours ago, The_Dude said:

    I’d be willing to bet that when Donald Trump dies he will not receive the national respect that McCain  received. 


    I wouldnt be shocked if flags don’t even go to half staff on the day Trump dies. 


    Funny thing about McCain in hindsight. His awful choice for VP came to represent and for a time lead the part of the party that made Trump possible. 


    You know, I read this, and I think a bunch of politicians at a politician funeral, don’t invite the president because he isn’t in their club. 


    That speaks volumes to me. 

    He clearly isn’t part of that club. 


    I actually like that.


    • Like (+1) 2
  9. 7 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    I perhaps was unclear in my OP.  I have no problem with expressing opinions, critiques, etc.  it is being incessantly negative even in the absence of any information I don't get.  Opinions etc should be based off some data, but some are negative it seems just to be negative.


    People rip Beane and say he'll get fired.  Based on one draft where he got a QB and MLB?  What sense does that make.  Saying we won't win a game this year, when the same things were said last preseason and they made the playoffs?  Saying Allen will be a bust before he's even played one NFL game?  Come on.


    My question continues to be what motivates being so negative.



    The problem with your complaint  is there has been information or data.

    Previously the data spoke for itself, playoff droughts, drafts, coaching turnover 


    We don’t know if last season was an outlier, the bills did not control their own destiny into getting into the playoffs, they needed help. 


    As for those thinking Allen is a bust, they point to his college play and scouting report, and it’s not unfounded, why, you yourself were in the Rosen camp, so who are you to criticize them for thinking he will be a bust? 



  10. 3 minutes ago, john wawrow said:


    It was on Whaley for failing to represent the franchise, and being poorly prepped, knowing what he was in store for.

    It didn’t help that he was leaking stuff to his friends while at the same time thoroughly avoiding the local media.

    His tight-lipped responses were an embarrassment all around.

    His desire to say as little as possible failed him and eventually shed full light on his many deficiencies. 

    He had a future in Buffalo before that press conference.

    And his fate was sealed the moment he stepped off the podium.

    It was, as we put it in the business, a total sh&t show.




    If not for that press conference, are you saying Whaley would still been employed as the GM? Scary thought if true.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 29 minutes ago, MAJBobby said:

    NFL Owners are a bunch of cowhering Pussies. With this vote to limit peoples rights in public funded stadiums. 


    So if a soldier in uniform, which represents not the soldier individually but the U.S. Army, whom is on a military base which isn’t privately funded either, kneels during Reveille

    or the anthem that is okay with you right? 



  12. I came from a family of 6 kids, 

    I went to private school until third grade where the tuition was just too much for my parents to afford, to homeschooling until 9th grade when I was given the option to decide if I wanted to go to public school. 


    I was part of a homeschooling group that got together but the other kids were just socially awkward, but there were Boy Scouts and other activities to help with that problem. 


    I never liked being homeschooled, I think you need to learn to deal with people, because you will be dealing with people most of your life but I can see the advantages for example

    in college I was in class with two homeschooled high school students that were allowed to take some college elective classes like my public speaking class. 


    It it all depends if the parent is a good teacher as well and how the student learns.



  13. Just now, DC Tom said:


    I'm not even sure breastfeeding does it, but I've never seen a study either way.  I always read the "most likely cause" in normal births was fluid aspiration or ingestion.  Don't know if they ever resolved it, though - once the research passed from epidemiology to to microbiology, I stopped following too closely.


    My main department is chemistry, I’m not in a research lab, so all I do is report the results. I do enjoy conversations like these, societal issues that have medical implications, and conversations like today remind me to brush up on some theory I may have forgotten along the way, cheers to you.

  14. 3 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


    HIV doesn't "make a copy of itself in your DNA."  It injects copies of DNA into the gene sequence of T-Cells with CD4 receptors.  It doesn't do it to any other cells, and certainly not germ cells.  So it can't be passed on genetically.   "Offspring" don't get it.


    Babies can get it, from their mother.  But they often don't, because the placental barrier is, at best, only semi-permeable to maternal cells (including CD4 T-cells.)  It's certainly not part of the baby's genome.  It's actually been something of a mystery, the past three decades, as to why HIV doesn't cross the placental barrier easily.



    Carelessness is a behavior.

    Yeah your correct, that’s my bad, most likely transmission would be breastfeeding or if there wasn’t a C-section done. That was stupid of me. 


    And I agree carelessness is behavior but those things do happen.


  15. 8 minutes ago, row_33 said:


    So getting HIV or AIDS is a behavioural fault??





    My answer would be yes, with one or two exception. 


    These exceptions are


    HIV is what we call a retrovirus/reverse transcription virus 

    so simply put it makes a copy of itself into your DNA. So any offspring afterwards could be infected. 


    It it would be the parents behavior fault not the offsprings. 


    Another case would be in the hospital, myself or one of the phlebotomist could accidentally prick ourselves by accident when drawing blood, the viral load would be small, but it could happen. 


    One more exception is in bloodbanking department, for transfusion but it’s so rare something that big would be missed I wouldn’t include it.


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