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Everything posted by Commsvet11

  1. Do you support a company founded by a member of the nazi party refusing to do business with a minority business man Billstime?
  2. Let’s play the liberal game, the headline should read, company founded by member of Nazi party refuses to do business with minority businessman.
  3. If someone isn’t able to research how much the average yearly income for a field of study, calculate how much their entire program will cost and how much they will need to pay their monthly loans in the first place before they start, are those folks really college material? Anybody can “do” college but their are trade fields that pay much better that the person was smart enough to recognize.
  4. Take a look at the number of deaths for Covid under Trumps Presidency……..okay did you do that? Now take a look of the number under Bidens presidency…..which number is greater?
  5. Since day one, I tested specimens for covid, I did it before there was a vaccine, what if I refused to do that task before there was a vaccine? Would I still been employed? Probably not. So before the vaccine it was okay to work around so long as you had proper PPE but now it’s all of a sudden not? Flu shots are encouraged but not mandated at my group, you just have to wear proper PPE. This vaccine isn’t like the usually Hep B or Tetanus, a few years ago myself and others would have laughed at the very thought of having an vaccine that didn’t meet FDA approval.
  6. I can say it was slow for a good many months. During covid many surgeries were cancelled, people didn’t come in unless it was an absolutely emergency. Do you work in healthcare and particularly the clinical side?
  7. You don’t actually work in healthcare do you? Particularly the clinical side. The hospitals have ALWAYS been overrun. Not just Covid. Other diseases just didn’t take a break, cancer doesn’t stop, hepatitis doesn’t stop. During the shutdown was the slowest I ever seen work because not every Tom, Dick or Jane came into the ER with just a stomach ache.
  8. You have no idea what your talking about. You have never served nor have you ever been to the Middle East. To you this is just like the game risk, a bunch of colored pieces of plastic for conquest, when the reality is much much more complex. You think we were just jerking off in the sand and mountains for past twenty years?
  9. That won’t work. They will just wait until the troops pull out. There is no eradication. That’s the reality, but for some reason you think American soldiers are expendable for your fantasyland.
  10. Let me try and connect a common theme from these stories. Short staff, long hours, packed ER, short supplies? That is every day life in healthcare. Not just when covid hit.
  11. Well I work at a large hospital, I’m part of a clinical staff. Since you based your declaration on talk from some hospital staff, my words should be enough proof for you.
  12. Maybe you should be thankful you weren’t in a nursing home.
  13. You are a great example of why forcing education on everyone isn’t always the best solution. You are educated, but you are also too stupid to realize intelligence isn’t just a letter grade, It comes in many forms. If only there was an institution that educated and trained officers that included practical training and bookwork..... Oh there is. It’s called a Police Academy!
  14. Those things will happen regardless of whom is President. The local government LET the riots happen. Trump being President was just icing on the cake. That is why the left is dangerous. They will let their own cities be destroyed because they aren’t interested in leading for the betterment in their communities, they just want the power and perks. If Biden is elected President, it won’t stop the next riot the next time a cop shoots an unarmed man. Now the important part is this, The Trump Presidency has shined a light on how easily Democrats bend to a literal mob.
  15. Without a valid ID those checks are pretty much worthless.....Hmmm
  16. We will see about that suburban group, somehow I don’t see what’s been going on lately in democrat run cities as a shining endorsement to the Democratic Party. As for the women’s vote, you have Trump VS Biden, flip a coin on that one.
  17. I understand the real world perfectly. You seem confused, for example, you think voting is a service or a convenience, when in fact it is a right. A person EXERCISES their right.
  18. If I had to guess perhaps those rural white voters believe they themselves will be better and will bet on themselves. See that’s the difference between the ideologies, self reliance vs government reliance, and there is a party that just wants you to rely on the government, they know what is best for you. Let’s take an example, it seems like you have been voting democrat for sometime, if democrats policies are so great.....................why are you still washing my sheets?
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