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Posts posted by Roundybout

  1. Did you see Kyle miss 3 tackles on Ajayi with the last being the huge one in OT?

    I swear he's one of those immune guys in Buffalo who we aren't allowed to call out when he has poor plays. Kinda like goal line fumble Freddy.I'm surprised you didn't notice Hughes awful game. No leverage or contain on several big dolphin runs.


    He's getting up there in years. Ajayi is no easy thing to tackle either.

  2. Who said we had to have just Cardale? Foles, Chase Daniel, Siemian all could have been looked into. You offer them the chance to start and we have no dead cap and the same or better QB play. The Tyrod extension reminds me of Marrone/Orton.

    I don't think any of them ar better than Tyrod.


    FOLES- Had one good fluke year in Philly before the Rams gave him a deal. Sucked after that and bounced around since.


    DANIELS- Very meh in for Smith.


    SIEMIEN- Didn't he get benched for Lynch? Wasn't impressed really with his work.



    All the guys you mentioned are nothing more than backups. Keep Tyrod on the cheap and get Mahomes or someone in the draft.

  3. Some said Anthony Lynn was just a running backs, pound the ball coach. He probably got passed over here because he was on Rex's staff. But if the Chargers who already have Rivers invest in a 1st round QB while our new "aggressive" coach is focused on defensive scheme fits for his zone defense, it will again show the Pegulas to be clueless in hiring.


    Pegula's are 0-6 in hires so far with McDermott too soon to call. But the Tyrod Taylor extension is a huge red flag and passing on a top QB prospect will be another for me.

    Going into the season with only Cardale on the roster would have been one for me.

  4. 1) humans are a motor? So would that mean being drunk and walking is reckless operation? Would that mean that you have the right to walk down the highway? What about the interstate? You know what's funny, tractors can operate on all roads except interstates the last I checked. And they have motors.

    B)Wear a tutu, Dorothy.

    3) no, bicycles dont pay taxes. Motor vehicles pay taxes to maintain the roads and registered, and you need a license and insurance. If we made bicycles register, get insurance, pay taxes (specifically increased to make up for not having to pay a fuel tax) and have a license is be all for it. But motor vehicles pay for the privilege of operating on public roads - bicyclists don't. You cannot walk down a road legally, in most states there are pretty strict and thorough laws enacting what can and cannot be done on public roads. NC just passed a law that allows golf carts and ATVs access to the roads so long as they are registered to a farm. (Of course rednecks still drive them on the road). I have to pay taxes to do that. Even certain mopeds need a drivers license, registration and taxes whilst the rest need on registrations and are taxed.

    So spare me this holier than thou I ride a bike crap. And don't even open the idea that bicyclists shouldn't be taxed because they aren't polluting like a car or any of that ****


    1) NY Vehicle and Traffic Law (VTL) – §1231 – Traffic laws apply to persons riding bicycles – Every person riding a bicycle ….. upon a roadway shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle.


    2) by your logic football players' uniforms are pointless and they should just wear jeans and wife beaters.


    3) they used to register bikes, just like a car. Not sure why that stopped. Regardless, cyclists are allowed to be in the roads. Heres a fun fact too - many cyclists (gasp!) own cars! So it's not like they are a magical, tax exempt breed of superhuman. They pay taxes just like you do.



    You're probably one of those jackasses that think bicycles are exempt from motor vehicle laws, too.

    Nah, I, like the majority, follow the lights. Its a few !@#$s out there that ruin it for everyone.

  5. 1. My guess is that bikes are considered motor vehicle because some whiny lobbyist got some crap through the system. You know what I personally consider a motor vehicle? A vehicle that has a motor in it.


    2. Convince yourself any way you want. The tightie brighties are meant to attract look at me attention, plain and simple. White not t-shirt and a regular friggin pair of shorts? Because.....douche bags.


    3. I don't complain that bike trails are too narrow for my car and don't expect you to pay to have them widened.



    1) Bikes do have a motor. That motor is the human being.


    2) Actually yes, they are meant to attract attention, so careless people driving on the road can see them. Spandex shorts also increase blood flow to the legs and reduce lactic acid buildup. Yes, really.


    3)Cyclists pay taxes on infrastructure just like everyone else.

  6. Sting walking out at WM in the dark would have been so much cooler, IMO.


    Any bets as to what Shane is going to fall off of? Is it going to be the top of the prop roller coaster?


    They waited a long time for Taker's entrance at WM31 if I remember correctly, I think to wait for the daylight to fade. Too bad they couldn't do the same for sting. Really enjoyed the drummers though.



    Then there was Trips' ****ing Terminator entrance...

  7. Sure, but historically you don't use a 1st round pick on a QB a year after using a 1st round pick on a QB.


    He's 38.



    They've been linked to the QBs but the belief seems to be waiting until day 2 to bring one in to groom. If you are Brees and they take a QB at 11, you have to wonder what you are doing there.

    Geez, didn't realize he was THAT old.


    We really are hitting an end of an era in the NFL. Guys like Big Ben, Bree's, Rivers, Tommy, etc are all going to be gone in a couple years.

  8. Waaaahhhhhh. did they not know this when they bought there ridiculous outfits?


    You know why the roads look the way the look? Because they were designed for cars. Bikes are guests. In general guests need to STFU. Cyclists generally follow few rules and have an excuse for every time they pull some crap like not stopping for stop signs or passing everyone in line at a light because their going up the shoulder they otherwise whine about.


    How hard can it possibly be to wheel your Schwinn around a jogger for Pete's sake? This dude had to ring his little bell and do some sort of bottom feeding power trip. Now he is in the paper for getting his ass kicked. Can you imagine if this country was full of guys like this in the lead up to WW2?



    Happens every day, every where. Then they go home and go on Facebook and complain about guys like you that were trying to get to work on time.

    If the roads were meant for cars, why are bikes considered motor vehicles? That insinuates they are more than guests.


    I'm sorry many cyclists don't follow the rules of the road, though. I always stop for signs and red lights. In fact I hate the douchebags that give all of us a bad image. I'm just trying to put my 30 miles in.


    Regarding spandex...you don't have to worry wearing it unless you got something to hide!..

    So every shoulder of every road should be smooth enough to accommodate bikers? I'm really getting tired how the super minority is constantly demanding that they be accommodated.


    Or as my wife says "go join a gym!"

    Wouldn't you want decent roads for all?

  9. Here's the thought process with Watson:


    - I don't see SF going QB. I think with Solomon Thomas, Jamal Adams, Malik Hooker, and Marshon Lattimore on the board, there's too much elite defensive talent to pass. If they did take a QB, I think it would be Trubisky, because he fits what Shanahan likes to do.

    - Chicago could go Watson, but since they've got Glennon in the fold, it would make the most sense to me that they'd pick the guy with the elite measurables and try to groom him to start

    - Caldwell in Jax probably needs to win quickly, so adding a QB when they already have Bortles is likely a non-starter

    - Tennesse has Mariota

    - Jets are probably another team who's HC needs to win quickly, and having spent picks on Petty and Hackenberg, I figured they'd try to get an elite defensive playmaker at 6. Honestly, if there's a landing spot for Watson in the top 10, this is it IMO.

    - SD would most likely take one of the safeties over a QB

    - Carolina has Cam

    - Cincinnati has Dalton and would probably pass

    - Whaley has typically looked for bigger QBs, so if they chose to take one, it's likely either Kizer :sick: or Mahomes :thumbsup:

    - NO is running out of time with Brees and continues to bleed on defense

    - Cleveland leans toward the local guy with Trubisky

    - Arizona takes the guy with the most upside in Mahomes


    Then I couldn't find a landing spot for Watson in any of Philly, Indy, Baltimore, Washington, Tennessee, Tampa Bay, Denver, Detroit, or Miami, and I also couldn't find a team that Houston obviously needed to jump to get Watson. The closest that could potentially qualify would be NYG at 23.

    I can agree with all this. In fact, this makes me wonder if NO would want to grab an heir for Brees. Isn't he 36 this year?

  10. I can't see the Jets going RB, especially at 6. They know they are rebuilding from the ground floor up, a RB is a "we are a piece or two away" pick.

    My thinking is sort of like what we did when Rexy first showed up- got a journeyman QB in Cassel and got one of the best RBs in the league to help him out. They got McCown now, they might want to help him out.

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