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Posts posted by Roundybout



    Your lack of protest for all of the other bars on the weirdo lists speaks volumes about the introspection you require on the Payday.



    Butterfinger - these are delicious. Crunchy peanut butter and chocolate are a fine, manly combination,

    Heath - I can't defend this. Who the hell likes toffee?

    PayDay- see previous statement

    5th Avenue- never had one of these

    Krackel - like you guys said, Crunch knock off. I dont like crunchy rice anyways.

    Mr. Goodbar- these are damn good and I vote they are moved to the regular bars section.

    Mars- do these exist? I have never seen one in real life :lol:

    Zero- feminine candy bar

    Zagnut- the hell is a "Zagnut"

    Toblerone- feminine candy bar. It has honey in it.

    Clark- i think superman when I see one of these so I motion it gets moved to manly.

    Do nutty buddies qualify as candybars? Cuz those things are badass


    that gets into a grey area, along with those delicious cosmic brownie things. Might be a thread in itself.

  2. Candy Bars for anyone:


    Milky Way


    3 Musketeers

    100 Grand


    Regular/Peanut M&M's

    Charleston Chew

    Hershey Bar


    Nestle Crunch....which btw is the winner of this contest

    100 Grand



    Whatchamacallit....borderline chick candy bar




    For Dudes:

    Baby Ruth

    Oh Henry

    Mallo Cup

    Special Dark




    For Chicks:

    Almond Joy

    Kit Kat

    Sky Bar

    The "boutique" new M&M flavors....all of them.


    Peppermint Patty




    For Weirdos:




    5th Avenue


    Mr. Goodbar







    I might have forgotten some...most of which would end up join the "for weirdos" list.

    I protest Payday being for "weirdos." Peanuts and caramel are very manly. :lol:

  3. Love me a Butterfinger, but I have to give my nod to the Payday. Salty and sweet deliciousness.


    The Payday bar is a pretty solid, yet lesser appreciated candy bar. Maybe cuz it's not coated in chocolate like the rest of them


    I'm glad others out there appreciate the simple excellence of a payday bar.

  4. Here's the thing about the captain checkdown argument, I don't believe it to be accurate prior the hit. I'll try and do some analysis later, but this Trent Edward's highlight video was posted Oct 2008, which is right around the time of that Cards game I believe. I know highlights are hand picked, but these are anticipation throws on time and on target into tight windows, with the poise to let a play develop knowing there is a hit coming.

    That is not the same player who turned into Captain Checkdownl. Also, Edwards and Peterman both do the same leg lift it looks like.

    Geez, name one of those receivers besides Evans. Wow.

  5. I heard on NFLN draft coverage, and again from someone on here, that if anyone recently had a chance to be the next Montana or Brady, it was Nate Peterman. Whether that actually happens or not is anyone's guess. He has the brains, the student-of-the-game mentality, and the ability to go through reads and progressions quickly and smartly. And he has this already before taking his first NFL practice snap.


    He might be a bust, he might be a career back-up. But for the purposes of this poll and thread, he just might be the next GOAT. We'll see, and that might be fun to watch.

    Totally agreed. I think, at worst, he can be Alex Smith. And wouldn't half the Bills fans out there take an Alex Smith?

  6. Arby's has gotten a lot better lately. Their gyros are damn tasty.

    Not a bad price either

    Ohhh, I could do Arby's right now. I could even do Taco Bell. This is a mini-crisis!

    The only thing I touch from Taco Bell is the Doritos Taco. Otherwise I am a Mighty guy

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