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Best Williams Available

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Posts posted by Best Williams Available

  1. On 1/9/2020 at 10:43 PM, Thurman#1 said:



    You act like it's either/or. It's not. Some talented guys are leaders and vice versa.


    And what's proven isn't that he places a premium on old less talented leaders. You have to spin like a dervish to pretend that's proven. You look at the leaders they brought in and some did really well. Some didn't, but the ones who didn't weren't especially high-paid. What was proven was something more like, um, maybe ...


    ... In a specific rebuild situation with massive turnover, McDermott and Beane valued and made a real attempt to bring in a leader at every position group.


    Will they continue to place such a strong emphasis on this as the culture develops and solidifies? Will they start developing their own leaders rather than feeling they have to bring them in? I guess so.

    Meh. He’s talking about this specific team not some imaginary future team. They can stand to lose the existing leaders (Lorax, DiMarco, Smith, Gore, etc) as far as talent goes.

    once you have a core and culture it’s important to maintain, surely.

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