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Posts posted by Ridgewaycynic2013

  1. 28 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:


    Based upon some of the errors that get by, this newer pack of reporters and their editors must have got their 'journalism' degree off the match book cover.

    1 minute ago, baskingridgebillsfan said:

     Bucky and Sully treated him like garage . 

    Watch your autocorrect...unless you're trying for an editor's or reporter's position.  ?

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 44 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

    Can we fit a dramatization of the Pompeii eruption into the segment??

    Here comes the next edition of 'Survivor'.


    What say the next season of 'The Bachelor' involves tossing those bimbos in the volcano until one is miraculously spared.


    And you're right...I have little use or patience for reality television.

  3. 6 hours ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    For stupid little things like soil, nails, screws, spray paint, I still prefer Valu. Run in, get asked if you want help from someone who knows the store, pick up item(s), check out, back in the vehicle in 10 minutes.

    Valu's cheap tools and schlocky yard ornaments are unparalleled!  (Draw your own conclusions.)

  4. 6 minutes ago, sherpa said:

    Both Lowes in my area do the military discount.

    Once registered, which is really easy, they just ask for phone number at cashier.

    I use it constantly.

    As does that guy who was in line behind you last August.


    I think I equate 'false veterans' on the same level as welfare frauds.  ?

  5. 1 hour ago, unbillievable said:


    We will run out of oil by 1999!

    The north pole will be ice free by 2005!

    Half the world will starve by 2010!

    The Southwest will be uninhabitable by 2015!


    I always enjoyed listening to fundie preacher David J. Smith, ("In your BYE-BULL ") who back in 1999 was predicting the end when the Y2K bug would hit.  However, I never could figure out why in October of 1999, he wanted me to send him money for a full year of 'Newswatch Magazine'.  Wouldn't a 3 month subscription have sufficed?

  6. 1 hour ago, Fadingpain said:

    They seem to be trying to get this woman at Disney who is in charge of Star Wars fired so the franchise can go in a better direction.



    Jedi mind control not working on the Disney execs?...


    And I sincerely doubt Disney is going 'belly up' anytime soon.  I won't be losing much sleep over an underwhelming opening weekend.  They might have to auction off the Mickey mascot's Jedi costume.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Fadingpain said:

    Dare I suggest that had it been a glowing review, it would have been cited as a "good article" and no one would be discussing the validity of information found on the internet.





    By some, 'yes'.  By others, 'no'.  Many of us realize we have to see how the season(s) play out.

  8. 26 minutes ago, Dante said:

    Tonight is the final between GS and Houston as well isn't it?

    By the time the Vegas mascot, Celine, and Siegfried and Roy finish the pregame extravaganza, the GS / Houston game will be over.

  9. 2 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:

    Got it.  Well, if his parents are actually backing him up, and the school doesn't have policies about Dr notes etc - sounds like not much you can do.

    Depending on how rewarding working with the rest of the team is,  there is something JH can do.  Hand in his resignation at the end of the season, with a letter outlining lack of commitment from some players, and lack of support from school administrators.

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