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Posts posted by Ridgewaycynic2013

  1. 1 minute ago, Bill from NYC said:

    You are being FAR too generous with Whaley. He had lousy drafts in which he gave away the store. He handed other teams his most valuable assets time and again. Give me a ring when this inept failure of a GM gets another job at that level.

    I still say he's stylin' so they offer him the role of Ricardo Tubbs when they remake (yet again) 'Miami Vice'.  He's got the wardrobe and the dour expression down pat.

    • Haha (+1) 3
  2. 4 hours ago, Seasons1992 said:

    Reynolds Wrap foil. Store brand is NOT the same. Trust me.

    And "Jif or GTFO."

    I always buy the heaviest and biggest roll available at a couple of area industrial cleaning and supply houses.  Always does the task, and roll can last years.

  3. 25 minutes ago, HalftimeAdjustment said:


    The NFL does not have parody. It is not tolerated which is why it has become known as the No Fun League. Otherwise, celebrating a touchdown by pretending to film from behind the goalpost while using the ball as a prop would not draw any fines.

    The NFL will have parody when Weird Al is the halftime act at the Super Bowl.

    • Haha (+1) 2
  4. 23 minutes ago, The Real Buffalo Joe said:

    Just a thought I had. Any chance they change the name of the show to "Dan" or "The Connors" and write her out of the show and keep going? The rest of the characters were the only reason I'd even occasionally tune into the reboot more than her.

    It was either Pergament or Jeff Simon that pitched the same idea when Barr's behaviour threatened the original version of the show.  Different times, same solution.  The columnist I recall thought John Goodman's work merited it.

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