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Chef Jim

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Posts posted by Chef Jim

  1. If so, how is it that congress was able to pass a tax change that cut taxes on dividends and eliminated the estate tax, when almost all of the benefits of these accrue to the top 2% of households?



    Ok, so they PLAN to eliminate the estate tax. Until 2010 it will still be there, with annual increases in the exclusion. In 2011 they will vote whether to reinstate it, which is my guess they probably will. However if they don't they will eliminate the step up in basis on inherited properties, which in some cases can be worse than the estate tax, especially with the huge increase in property values here in California.

  2. The original post in this thread pretty much sums ups the left's stand. They have nothing. Almost every post by Blzrul is to bash the right which is a pretty sad commentary on their candidate. Instead of a thread titled Reasons to Vote for Bush, how about a nice little (and I stress little) thread on why to vote for YOUR candidate.


    This tired antic is like the M.O. of a lousy salesman. One that either can't sell or is selling a bad product. In your case it's a bit of both. If you can't come up with any reason why I should by YOUR widget, you tell me reasons why I shouldn't by your competitor's widget. Guess what, lousy salesmen usually chase people to the competition. So keep it up.

  3. Sorry to hear that. But take it from the expert in job change, only positive things can come from change if you have the right attitude. In the 25 years spent int the restaurant biz I think I had 20 jobs...just the nature of the biz. Everytime I lost a job I got excited about the opportunities that I faced. You appear to have a great attitude and that's the important part. I hope a year from now you're saying: "damn, I wish that fat bastich had laid me off a lot earlier."

  4. I watched 60 minutes tonight and Dan Rather interviewed the old lady who was the secretary to the supposed writer of the memos.


    She states that she did not type them, that there are several items in the memo that point to them being bogus but that "similar" memos were written.  She is then given time to state her opinions on how she feels about Bush and his service in the National Guard.


    WTF!!  This is really hard for me to digest...A top news agency reports on bogus documents but then says it's ok because there probably were real memos that said something similar.  If that is sufficient proof for a story, how can we believe anything that we see reported on CBS!



    We can't nor should we. And that pertains to all the networks now. Yes, Fox news included. The all lost credibility with me a LONG time ago.

  5. LOST???

    Come on Jim. I know I can get away with......Lets see, ummm......newspapers written at a seventh grade level ought to tell you. Ahhh, it's past the dumbing down of America. Their here. :angry:

    :)  :)



    The question is when did it lose its intellect? How many times have people used their for they're, your for you're. My new favorite is: "there's too many posters on this board who mess up the English language on a daily basis." The best part will be that the majority of the posters here will be scratching their heads thinking, "so what's wrong with that sentence?"

  6. Blame the people who WON'T take the jobs and the COMPANIES who hire the illegals - they love then because they don't have to pay them squat and they're so grateful for the jobs they can be used almost like slaves.


    There has been outrage over that for a long time - it's nothing new.  The outrage hasn't been over the illegals taking the jobs because as stated previously most American's won't take them, but rather over the companies who exploit these people.


    Who, by the way, don't always feel exploited.  To many of them just the ability to break their back 12+ hours a day to earn ANYTHING is the most wonderful feeling in the world.




    I agree. If we cracked down on companies who hired illegal immigrants, and yes that includes the restaurant industry I was a part of for 25 years, we'd eliminate the incentive for those illegals to come here. That is the ONLY way to solve this problem.

  7. How come you never here the crowd that is freaking out about the outsourcing of jobs to other countries not freaking out about the outsourcing of jobs to illegal immigrants? It's the same thing. As a matter of fact the crowd that's freaking out about the outsourcing is actually advocating the issuing of driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. And don't give me that crap about they're just doing the jobs real Americans don't want. By a show of hands how many of you would line up for a telemarketing position? And if any of you respond to that question with "if that were the only job available I would". Then why not line up to pick lettuce if THAT were the only job available? I bet you would.

  8. My father had a quadruple bypass a couple of years ago in his early 70's. The operation was in January and the doctor said no skiing until next year. Yeah right. He was out there in March skiing up a storm.


    Makes me wonder about my situation that I mentioned a couple of days ago. Had a stress test yesterday and there are some "areas of concern."


    These bypass surgeries are like oil changes these days, but here's to a speedy recovery to President Clinton.

  9. Not a problem Cincy. Sounds rather harmless. But keep us posted anyway.


    As far as my heart thing, I was strapped to a monitor for 24 hours and had about 1200 "episodes" Dr says they are most likely premature ventrical contractions. Sound a lot worse than they are. Can really be harmless but when you feel your heart pound hard once, then not beat for a full second, then a hard beat again is just a bit concerning. :angry:

  10. More meat and vodka.  Not so bad.



    No on the Vodka.........yes on the Rum! Zero (or close to) carbs in Rum, which is weird seeing it's made from sugar cane.


    But take it from the Chef, the Atkins diet is not right. What it shows is the sedentary lifestlye we live. Where else can you eat all the meat and bacon you want, lie on the couch and still lose weight. :unsure:

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