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Posts posted by jrober38

  1. 21 minutes ago, Process said:

    I'll say this. Joe biden is going to be another one and done. He is an awful candidate and in clear decline health wise. There is also a really good chance he doesn't finish his first term and we are stuck with Kamala who is obviously even worse. 


    No one wants joe biden as president. He inspires nobody. He's a career politician who has accomplished nothing. Hell try to raise taxes. He supports terrorist groups like BLM. 


    Joe Biden didn't win this race, the republicans lost it with trump. There's also 0 percent chance they lose if covid didnt happen. The county was doing great before hand. 


    Republicans will win back the presidency in '24 with a candidate who is not a bat ***** crazy lunatic. 


    Biden said like a year and a half ago he wouldn't seek re-election. 

    9 minutes ago, Back2Buff said:


    Makes you wonder, doesn't it?!  As soon as mail in voting was allowed like it has been, this election was decided.  When all the mail in voting is for one side, and the reason for the mail in voting was because of covid, you can't help but connect the dots.  Pretty sick to throw 230k lives in the ground to win an election.


    Democrats believe in science and the virus. They stayed safe and voted by mail.


    Republicans don't believe in science or the virus. They chose to vote in person.


    All of those votes were legal, and there were a lot more for Biden than Trump which is why Trump is likely going to lose. 

    18 minutes ago, Process said:

    Did you see the nominees for the democrats in the primaries?


    The political landscape for both parties is horrendously bad.


    Neither party has any good candidates waiting in the wings to run in 4 years. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Big Gun said:

    BS, both Wisconsin and Michigan miraculously found over 130,000 votes each at 4am nearly 100% of said ballots, all of them were Biden votes, yeah I don't think so. This obvious ballot fraud/tampering will not go unchallenged. 


    Trump will win Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and when it's done and said Michigan and Wisconsin will be red also.   


    Fake news. The guy who claimed this about Michigan retracted what he said after being shown it was wrong. 


    And they didn't "find" any ballots. They've been sitting at polling sites waiting to be counted. 

    The rules, as dictated by the Republicans at the state level was that mail in ballots couldn't be counted until the in person ballots were all recorded. As a result, there were huge collections of Dem votes added late into the night, which was expected because all polling said the Dems were going to overwhelmingly vote by mail. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, DCOrange said:

    It's really odd because it seems like some sources believe the remaining votes are election day votes while others are saying it's mail in votes. I don't know how we can't at least know that information. The Associated Press for example (who called Arizona for Biden already) said they did so because the remaining Maricopa votes are mail-in ballots that are expected to skew heavily towards Biden.


    Not sure what the delay in Arizona is or when we'll start getting results, but if we can get the remaining Maricopa votes in, that should tell us whether or not Trump really might pull it out there.


    Arizona is dumping the remaining results tonight at 9 pm. 

    Nevada tomorrow morning.


    Michigan and Georgia should be done by tonight. 

    • Thank you (+1) 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Gene1973 said:

    They will, but it will def go to SC over the stoppage of counting last night and the mail-ins. Trump is an expert at suing...


    We know who won I think, but it will get vey ugly soon, and last for months before it is all settled.


    Why does a stoppage of counting matter?


    Trump is good at suing people, but few of his lawsuits are actually successful. 

  5. 1 minute ago, nkreed said:

    The only benefit I see in them failing to do this would be a change to a Three Party System, which would help the voting process out IMMENSELY!   (IMO)


    That's the obvious solution.


    Let the Dems and GOP cater to their most radical supporters and let someone else run a campaign straight down the middle on responsible spending and letting people do whatever the hell they want with social issues. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, Penfield45 said:


    yup this is all but over for Trump. We will see what he does as a reaction and if he calls his supporters to take arms and flood the streets. 


    as a democrat who thinks biden harris ticket was terrible this election was embarrassing for the DNC. if not for covid trump likely wins this in a landslide. 


    The DNC completely missed the mark again.


    Ramming Biden down everyone's throat because they thought he'd do well with independents proved to once again be a mistake, just not as bad as the one they made 4 years ago. 


    They can't get out of their own way. 

    • Like (+1) 3
  7. 2 minutes ago, DabillsDaBillsDaBills said:

    I was one of the more vocal people in saying that Star was overpaid, and I'll stick to my guns. 


    There was too much turnover on the D-line this offseason to pinpoint how much of an impact Star had. In addition to Star opting out,  we lost J Phillips and Shaq Lawson in free agency.


     I thought those three guys would've been easy enough to replace, but here we are. 


    I think you can argue $10 mil for a run stuffer is a lot. Saying he's overpaid isn't wrong, but if you fail to replace him like we did and go into the season with no established run stuffing defensive tackles on your roster, you're asking for trouble.

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. Star played a thankless role. 


    Eating blocks and commanding double teams against the run so our linebackers could attack.


    He didn't produce stats, but he made the defense better. 


    Without him, our defensive tackles are tiny and outmatched against the run, and it shows. 

    • Like (+1) 14
    • Awesome! (+1) 1
    • Thank you (+1) 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, dorquemada said:


    It really is hard to watch.  Just knowing that every drive by the other team will be the death by 1000 papercuts.  Nobody is going to bother passing against the Bills.  Just ram the ball down our throats and win the ToP game 2:1 and watch us run run pass punt 3 and out. 


    I think the Bills made a business decision to let Jordan Phillips leave.


    I think Star opting out on July 28 caught them off guard and likely disrupted their plans along the line.


    Most of our defensive tackles are under 300 lbs and it shows. There's simply no beef up front.


    If I were the Bills I'd be looking to make a trade for a 330+ pound run stuffer asap.

  10. The Bills D desperately misses Star Lotuleilei and Jordan Phillips.


    Our DTs are tiny, and they get pushed around way too easily, meaning Edmunds has to fight through a ton of blocks to get to the ball carrier. 


    It all starts up front, and our DTs are getting abused in the run game. As a result our linebackers look useless. 

    • Like (+1) 5
  11. The Bills are a good team. They have a good offense, a very good pass game and what appears to be a below average defense.


    Allen is easily a top 10 QB right now, maybe top 5, we have one of the best WR groups in the league and a decent line. Defensively we've taken a step back. Losing Jordan Phillips and Star Lotuleilei was huge. We can't stop the run without them and our linebackers are having to fight through too much trash to get to the ball. We need Tre White back asap.


    The Chiefs and Titans are the cream of the crop in the AFC. The Bills are right behind them.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  12. 9 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

    Geez so much to address so little time. If little Billy can’t wear a mask little Billy stays home. Sorry little Billy’s mom and dad. You’re on your own. 

    Masks....$28 for a box of 50 on Amazon. Dig deep and buy some for the kids.  I imagine there is some creative students/parents/teachers.  Make a ***** ton of them!!  YouTube is your friend. 

    My office is very conducive to working safely. We have put measures in place. I have 15 in a large office. Again we are lucky. But no walls between work stations but plenty of space. And with no clients coming in for now we have empty meeting rooms.  Our HR has busted their ass to her us back. 

    You don’t need partition for every desk. Just one for the teacher. Your colleagues seem to be the ones concerned about their health not the kids. 

    I live in Orange County  California. No lines to here

    to get in the store. 

    30 kids per classroom. Stagger then class. 10

    per shift. Work 12 hours 6 days a week. Go to the local universities. They have to have lots of students who want to teach. Bring them in to help for credits. For Christ’s sake what have you guys been doing the past four months?  This should have been all figured out. 

    Yes I’m not a teacher so it’s easier for me to come up with ideas for the classroom but at least I’m coming up with ideas. All you’re coming up with are excuses. 


    This is one of the most pie in the sky things I've ever seen.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  13. Just now, BuffaloHokie13 said:

    You don't seem to understand what that actually means. If you got smashed initially and are done you didn't flatten the curve, you got it over with. Flattening the curve always means a lower peak and a longer duration. 


    Their peaks were all much lower than what was projected without any social distancing.

  14. Just now, Gary M said:


    So? Everyone will get covid, it won't go away until that happens. Did we flatten the curve and give hospitals the time to prepare or not?



    States like New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Michigan flattened the curve. They got smashed initially but seem to have it almost completely under control now.


    Florida and Texas are still in the first wave. In two weeks once the vulnerable patients testing positive now start winding up on ventilators in the ICU their systems will come under pressure. It seems inevitable that those states will have to lock down again in the coming weeks (both took steps today), further damaging the economy. 

    7 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    Go find out how much of my tax dollars went to this non profit?


    And while you’re at it - tell me a little bit more about the Trump Foundation and his charities.


    Ill wait. 


    The charities that proved to be total frauds?


    Just like Trump University?

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