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Posts posted by jrober38

  1. 6 minutes ago, Back2Buff said:


    That's because of mail in voting.  Not sure why these numbers are constantly stated like it is some change in the American voting attitude.  Make these mail in voters actually go through the proper process and its nothing different that past years.


    You really want to see voting increase across America, get rid of the Electoral College and really let every vote count.  No point in even voting if your Republican in NYS or California.


    Ending the electoral college would mean the GOP never wins the White House ever again.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, aristocrat said:


    lol forgot signatures or something.  there really has to be a better way to track votes in this country. how many shares of stocks get traded on a daily basis in this country? i think its like 5 billion or something and everyone is easily tracked. i think we can track 150 million votes on time. 


    You can trade stocks and send money online.


    Voting should be done the same way. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, Back2Buff said:


    I was told voter fraud was rare and doesn't happen.  I was also told that it would never be big enough to influence an election.


    Those both proved to be incorrect based on what happened in 2019.  Why wouldn't it happen again in a bigger scale in 2020?  Is it no coincidence that Detroit, Michigan is the place that is acting the most suspicious?


    They're not acting "suspicious." They're counting votes that were legally cast. 

    There is no evidence of voter fraud whatsoever. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Backintheday544 said:

    These numbers are looking at two different things. All the ones prior to 2020 the formula is votes / voting age population. The last one is votes/ registered votes as of 11/1.


    It's literally apples to oranges to create a bad number that MAGAs don't understand so they can scream about fraud.


    The right wing propaganda being pumped out is nothing but lies at this point. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, Back2Buff said:


    Prove it




    There were only 200k more votes cast than last time in Wisconsin.


    They compared the number of votes to the number of registered voters and compared that number to the number of votes relative to the number of eligible voters in past years.


    This information is complete garbage. It's apples or oranges. 


    Word of advice - don't get your info from people with #MAGA in their bio. 


    4 minutes ago, keepthefaith said:


    Not baseless.  I gave you numbers.  There are irregularities.  They should be explored and they will be. 


    It is baseless.


    Republicans who did mail in vote did so from all over the state. Those vote collection stations were under less pressure, and have reported 98% of their vote in pretty much every situation.


    The remaining vote is from urban areas where the collection stations were overwhelmed by mail in votes from democrats. As a result, the votes coming in are coming in 80-90% for democrats because democrats overwhelmingly live in cities like Philadelphia. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, DrDawkinstein said:

    If you want to get away from Liberal policies and leadership, and move to another developed Western country... you're gonna have a bad time.


    Even Iceland which has a moderate/right party in power still has Universal Healthcare and a tax rate in the 40-45% range.


    But maybe Conservatives won't mind that stuff as much when they're in a country with very few black people?


    Unless you're going to a 3rd world country it's pretty much impossible to avoid universal healthcare. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. Just now, keepthefaith said:


    No it's very surprising for the numbers to be that heavy in favor of 1 candidate.  Dems went to court in many states to have the rules for voting loosened up and in many cases those changes were granted.  There were fears that it would reduce the integrity of the vote.  Now we have numbers that are very one sided and an unprecedented increase in vote counts.  It needs to be looked at.  No big deal,  Audit the results and make sure they are air tight. 


    It's not surprising at all.


    These are just baseless right wing talking points that don't reflect reality. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 1 minute ago, keepthefaith said:

    Michigan had 4.8 million votes cast for Pres in 2016.  This year the number will be between 5.5 and 5.6 million.  That's a 16% increase.  Unheard of and much larger than the increases throughout the county.  Also, Trump went from about +320K at 2:00 AM eastern election night/AM to now down 150K votes meaning a 470K vote swing for Biden.  In that time Trump gained few votes, Biden gained nearly all of them.  Mail in voting aside, that doesn't smell right and it needs to be looked at.  There are other irregularities in other states too. 


    In the end we have to get this right and be confident that the numbers reflect real votes and whoever wins, wins but things don't smell right in some places.  It has to be reviewed closely. 


    Everyone knew before the election that the vast majority of Democrat votes would come through the mail because of COVID. They were never going to go line up and cast their votes in person in meaningful numbers. 


    None of this is surprising. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, aristocrat said:

    25k votes left to count in georgia and trump has over an 18k lead.  looks like georgia to him.  arizona biden lead came down overnight from 93k to about 69k with him getting 57 percent of the first maricopa county vote which is the percentage the trump team said they needed to get.  plenty more votes to go though.  


    There are about 25k votes that have been counted but not reported, almost all of which are from Atlanta and Savannah. 


    In total, about 50k votes will still be added, all early mail in votes which have been 70+% Dem. 


    If Biden's margins hold, he should win Georgia by a few thousand votes. 

  11. Just now, HappyDays said:


    It doesn't even rank in the top 10 dumbest things that has happened during his administration, but taking to Twitter to argue Democrats are somehow cheating their way to a win is pretty out there. The good news is most of the country isn't going to buy it, even his own supporters are mostly going to accept the results. I figure he is trying to use that narrative as a spring board for the conservative media empire that he clearly wants to start as soon as he leaves the presidency.


    His supporters (Breitbart readers, Hannity/Carlson listeners) are convinced that he's being cheated out of a victory. 

  12. 49 minutes ago, BillsEnthusiast said:

    Come on man, the line that Harris will take over for Biden is completely baseless. 


    No, Biden is not going to step down. 

    No, Pelosi is not going to invoke the 25th amendment (not constitutionally possible)


    No, Harris is not going to be president. 


    They've been sold nothing but fear porn for the past 18 months.


    The minorities are coming for their suburbs! They're coming to take their guns! Biden is a front for the Radical Left! The stock market is going to zero! All the jobs are going to China! Refugees will be settled in your neighbourhoods! 


    Trump's base lives in perpetual fear of the unknown. 

    47 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    I'd recommend looking at Canada!  They're gonna have all sorts of empty properties once all those Hollywood types move back across the border from their 2016 exodus. You'll be able pick one up for pennies on the Canadian dollar.


    This is the correct answer.


    Move to Alberta or Saskatchewan if you're looking for right leaning American values. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Really looks good for Biden. It almost looks like NC could get a late surge, too. But I’m probably just being greedy there 


    NC would be HUGE because a Senate seat likely flips too.


    Trump's Georgia lead is down to 47k votes with still over 100k to go and recent results have Dems picking up 80+% of the votes that have been coming in from the urban areas. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  14. 18 minutes ago, Doc Brown said:

    I predicted that most of the 2016 map would hold except for PA, MI, and WI just because of how close the margins were last time and Biden's a tiny bit better of a candidate than Hillary (I was 50/50 with Pennsylvania because of his stupid fracking comment at the debate).  I didn't see Arizona coming.  At all (assuming it holds up).  What changed in Arizona?


    In 2020 old white people like Trump less than they did in 2016. 

  15. 1 minute ago, Process said:

    Yes. Ga  a toss up but all others not looking good.


    I think Georgia winds up for Biden.


    I've heard there are still like 200k votes outstanding and they're in areas the Dems should win by 50 points. They should pretty easily make up the current gap of 68k votes if those numbers hold, which they should because they're almost all from Atlanta. 

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