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Posts posted by jrober38

  1. Georgia should wind up for Biden.


    Mail in votes keep plugging along at a 70% clip with 18k left. If that continues, which it should, Biden will wind up with roughly a 3,500 vote win.


    Then there are supposedly 9k overseas/military votes. No one really knows how they'll fall.


    Then there are provisional ballots. In 2016 roughly 7500 provisional ballots were cast and 5000 voted for Hilary. That spread would put Biden up 6000 votes.


    Going back to the overseas, to make up that difference Trump will have to win the 9000 overseas ballots by about an 84-16 spread which seems extremely unlikely.

  2. 1 minute ago, Muppy said:

    my hands are literally shaking I am LIVID at what I just heard from the mouth of our POTUS in that statement he just made.The election is fraudulent because he is LOSING not because of wide spread fraud. I wont have any original thoughts here every adjective will be spoken about by others and ive already heard many...sad, pathetic, wrong, LIES, No Proof, Liar, attack on democracy, dangerous, slander, racist, disgusting...all of those and more. Pick your adjective I'll close with one.....  DISGRACEFUL shocking statement..trying to take the country down with him Indeed. That SOB I can now for the first time say with zero qualms he is the sorest of loser.........LOSER YOU SOB


    It's only fraudulent where he's losing.


    Where he's winning, everything is totally legit.


    He's completely deranged. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 1 minute ago, daz28 said:

    The same polls that lost it for Hillary are the same polls that cost him this election.  Gotcha


    Also, it's totally legit the results that the GOP got in the Senate, the House, and at the State level, but the Democrats somehow rigged it so that Poor Donald is the only guy on the GOP ticket who got screwed.


    He's completely screwed up in the head. Like his brain isn't functioning if he believes any of this garbage. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, WideNine said:


    Pass.... I am not expecting any gracious comments now, and no concession from Don even after every scribble is counted and he sues every state that did not side with him.


    They are going to have to drag him out of the White House kicking and screaming. Been an embarrassment his whole tenure, why even try to salvage a shred of dignity now.






    I'm anticipating a huge temper tantrum.


    He's going to whine and complain about everything he thinks is going against him, spew numerous lies, say the election is rigged and completely embarrass himself.

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. Just now, Back2Buff said:


    The size of the normal red states are wayyyyyyy smaller the normal blue states.  Republicans in NYS would need to make up like 2 million votes normal, and like 4 million in California.  Virtually impossible with the the amount of Democratic votes that come out of the major city counties.  Even though NY City, Queens, Bronx are 7 hours away, they make all of Erie county useless.


    Your lack of understanding of... anything, is astounding. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Back2Buff said:


    You mean people could actually vote in NYS and California and have their vote matter.  There are millions are Republicans that don't vote in the two biggest states because it is literally useless.  You will never get a true barometer of popular vote until the college is eliminated.


    The same is said for Democrats in red states. 


    It goes both ways. 

    1 minute ago, Big Gun said:

    This is interesting.





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