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Everything posted by \GoBillsInDallas/

  1. Would you like to shoot him now, or wait until you get home?
  2. I love her wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arlene_Ackerman_(educator)
  3. ...about a new government courthouse that cost taxpayers $137,000,000 and came in over time and double the original budget: http://www.buffalonews.com/city/communities/downtown/article651910.ece
  4. Miley Cyrus supports Occupy Wall Street with new video: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/gossip/2011/11/miley-cyrus-ows-occupy-wall-street-liberty-walk-video.html
  5. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/Video-Percy-Harvin-gets-104-yard-return-but-no-?urn=nfl-wp12613
  6. http://cowboysblog.dallasnews.com/archives/2011/11/after-collision-with-witten-di.html
  7. http://blog.nj.com/njv_tom_moran/2011/11/nj_lets_wealthy_executives_liv.html While the Treasury would benefit, middle-class residents of South Jersey who work in Pennsylvania would pay more. The reason is that Pennsylvania’s code is more regressive. Wealthy people pay much more under New Jersey’s tax code. But middle-class people pay more under Pennsylvania’s. So Democrats from South Jersey revolted at the move to rescind the agreement.
  8. http://www.11alive.com/news/article/214228/3/Company-Policy-We-are-not-hiring-until-Obama-is-gone
  9. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2065094/Passenger-forced-stand-flight-seven-hours-400-POUND-man.html
  10. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-thursday-shopping-20111125,0,757801.story
  11. http://tonawanda-news.com/local/x229374831/NT-woman-arrested-for-felony-DWI
  12. Bingo. Tim Graham had an opinion pice about this last year when he was still at ESPN: http://espn.go.com/blog/afceast/post/_/id/34608/ralph-wilson-sale
  13. ...Peter Pan Guy! http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_oD8caZJmKhQ/SbwpCp8UPUI/AAAAAAAAAVA/2SY1nHsi4H4/s400/WhitePrincess4_480h.jpg
  14. Picture from the Sabres-Carolina game, where a transplanted WNYer brought his daughter to the game: http://1.cdn.nhle.com/sabres/images/upload/gallery/2011/11/133333319_std.jpg Sad that you have to bring headphones to protect your kid's hearing from the music blasting over the PA system.
  15. Respect is earned, not a right. And this wasn't a political event, it was a photo op.
  16. God, they have to be licking their chops.
  17. ~NG~ hits the big 5-2 today, so I hope that you will all join in to wish our Board Administrator a happy b-day! Of course, for someone of his advanced age, he will not be on the board until later today after his fiber supplements take effect. And in honor of his Polish heritage we give you Miss Poland, Rozalia Mancewicz.
  18. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-sierra-club-20111119,0,3734323.story More interesting are the comments from readers at the bottom.
  19. http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/11/18/2509172/doctor-accused-of-injecting-womans.html
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