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Everything posted by HuSeYiN_NYC

  1. I love Bills fans... no question about who the most loyal fans are... this is incredible... full stadium... love it
  3. Every single run should be in I formation counter runs. Follow the FB type a game...
  4. I would've punted... play the damn field position game smh
  5. U supposed to catch that though Clay... it wasn't too high
  6. That's the point he's making. He's calling out the punks we got on the team.
  7. I'm definitely brainless sir... Since u the complete opposite, your new genre is internet cupcake
  8. Tell that to Tre the next time he watches that play and I would like you to explain to him that no retaliation was the correct thing to do at that moment. If I'm a football player in the NFL, I'm playing my heart out for my familyand my brothers on the team (also family). Not the fans. The fans don't pay my bills. I would be 1 person out of 53 active players the fans come to watch. The fans won't stop watching the Bills if ONE person gets ejected or suspended. This isn't the music industry where thousands of people come to watch 1 person perform. Like I said, if i were Tre and you were Preston Brown and in the filmroom if you told me, hey Tre, I would of smacked Gronk in the face but it wasn't the right thing to do man. No reason to get suspended and fined know what I'm saying? If I were Trein THAT moment, I would learn to distance myself from you and the likes of you.
  9. We didnt do SHITE about that situation like disciplined cowards and what did it get us? A 1st and 25 that's what. That was the dagger.
  10. Well there's no way to prove it but not all is "internet tough". You never had a fight against somebody bigger than you? Gronk is only human. I'll fight anybody win or lose if the situation calls for it. A fight SHOULD have happened there is the point every "internet tough guy" as you call it is trying to make. Fights have broken out for much less. This was RIGHT in front of Preston Brown (and a couple others). What would YOU have done if you were Preston Brown in that same situation i guess is the question I would ask you.
  11. I had maybe 2% respect for Preston Brown and he only just recently gained that 2% in a game when he audibled and it was the right audible, but now it's back to zero. I had more evil thoughts than what you posted. If it were me on the field, as small as i am compared to Gronk, i would of attacked him (not a shove). I would of attacked his kneecaps or something very career threatening. At that point Gronk didn't care about my teammates young career, why should I of his? Lost respect for the whole team honestly (except for Hughes). The way Hughes fights for his teammates is the ONLY way I know how to live my life. I'm not a killer, but fights are not something I run away from (especially when its initiated by the other guy) and Hughes has the same mindset. Poyer got some respect also but that was a light shove. Should of kicked Gronk in the ankles with his cleets. Gronk is a POS!
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