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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">OMG!! I&#39;ve been caught doing something not remotely similar to Trump! I guess all I need to do now is start a fraud college, steal classified docs, bankrupt casinos, pay hush money, grab pussies, discriminate in housing, cheat at golf and foment insurrection and you&#39;ll revere me!</p>&mdash; Jon Stewart (@jonstewart)
  2. Not everybody does it. And of course they went after him. Not because of politics but because he is a dick. I’m sure they wanted to go after him for years and finally had something to go on. He’s from New York they are from New York they hate him just like most New Yorkers. The lesson, don’t be a dick!
  3. No. I never have and never will. That is my freedom that I choose to exercise. I have never been interested in politics. I started paying attention enough to know I was right all along and I am currently trying to go back to paying less attention again. look how everyone acts on here. Politics is the only thing that people do or talk about that makes them act like school children. It’s worse on Twitter. A ship hita bridge and instantly people are starting conspiracy theories and blaming Biden and his team. It’s disgusting. Why would I align myself with either side in that nonesense? They might think that way I don’t know? But my brother admits that his views are out there. I’m the only person he will talk politics with, lucky me. I’ve told him a few times I don’t want to talk about it but then I feel bad and we talk about it sometimes when he calls. I got him a t-shirt of trump pissing on the cnn logo. He loved that!
  4. Pagulas are known to overplay their hand. It’s their business model. They are going to be embarrassed. This isn’t LA.
  5. I thought the 13 million barrels a day record was common knowledge? Nobody bothers to read up on this stuff and educate themselves before they comment on it? Not surprising. The US has always been the biggest producer of oil. This is nothing new. The US is the biggest consumer of oil, this is also not new.
  6. John Stewart was right on the money! The hypocrisy of these news outlets is sick, s well as O’Leary. I can’t believe that guy was stupid enough to go on tv and say that. Stewart was 100%spot on a few weeks back also about who and what a patriot is.
  7. No worries. I don’t and won’t vote. I didn’t even start paying attention to politics till trump became president. I’m not going to argue who is a better candidate. It’s not like you have many choices who to vote for. Comparing trump and Biden is like comparing a wet fart to a turd. My brother is an extreme right winger and he started talking to me about it back when trump was elected.
  8. Senile, unhinged, dangerous for the country. It doesn’t matter to me. He is unfit for office. Again I’m not expecting or telling you to vote for Biden, just don’t sit here and try to make some bull ***** argument that trump is fit for office or a good candidate.
  9. I’m bored with the bills side of the message board. Don’t get carried away and spin this into something it’s not. For example, now I have to go do something and you won’t see me post here for a few hours unless I check the board on my phone. Have fun.
  10. Obviously you had no answer to the question. Not surprised.
  11. To be clear I am no Biden supporter. But to try to spin this to blame him is laughable. You have no idea what condition the bridge was in not to mention the fact that workers were on the bridge as it was hit and are in the water! This is why no one listens to people like you or takes you serious. Personally I am here for the entrainment because I do not care about the draft and football is boring. You did not disappoint.
  12. Spin it how you would like. When I sad fun times that was sarcasm. Although if he committed a crime he deserves to be prosecuted, I am not looking forward to how it will further divide the country. And with all the claims about how much the charges are helping him in the polls and getting re elected why all the crying and false claims about weaponizing the justice system?
  13. A date that is not on his calendar, tax day. First time a former president has stood criminal trial in US history. Fun times ahead.
  14. The whole age thing cracks me up. It’s not like trump is a spring chicken. They are close in age. And if you think Harris it’s unfit for office what would you call trump? I wouldn’t expect you to vote for the left but don’t try to claim trump is fit for office. If anyone is not fit for office it’s trump. Just my opinion.
  15. I am surprised that there are not many trump supporters here. i personally don’t like the guy and it doesn’t have anything to do with politics. I didn’t like him when he threw his hat in the ring to buy the bills. I was happy he didn’t buy them. I always thought that guy was a fraud. I am trying to refrain from unloading on him because when I do people automatically think I ama lib. I could never support things they believe in. Outside of that I don’t have a political leaning. I’m going to assume everyone on here is a bills fan even on this side of the message board? If you’re a bills fan you are all alright with me. Everyone is free to believe what they believe. I just hate seeing all the fighting. I just came here to the political forum to stir the pot for fun but there is way too much fighting already so that does not seem like a good idea.
  16. That I wouldn’t really know. I don’t trust either side. All this fighting and nothing is getting done. Trump is dragging down republicans. I can’t believe you guys are not sick of defending him. All you needed to do was put forward someone who could walk and chew gum at the same time and they would have taken back the White House. Now with trump their nominee I don’t see him winning. There is a large portion of republicans that won’t vote for him. I wouldn’t believe the polls, didn’t they predict a red wave two years ago? Are we stuck with Biden for 4 more years? trump, Biden? that’s the best this country can do? No wonder the US fell out of the top 20 happiest countries in the world. I’m probably in the wrong form to try and tell people to stop fighting but if people are going to bother being involved in politics and want to actually accomplish something that’s what they should do. i don’t believe in the system and don’t trust anybody, I would not waste my time. The things I need from the govt, they are *****en me under the Biden administration. If and when trump takes over they will still be *****en me. So why do I care who is in power. They are all liars and thief’s!
  17. It was more than 15 years ago. It wasn’t only the Dems. It’s both. Govt doesn’t do ***** for us and that goes for both sides! Both are full of *****! All the arguing on here is stupid. It is right where they want us so we ignore the fact that they are all useless.
  18. You can take it however you want. It was more of a general statement but I’m starting to think you fit the bill. raising my kids and teaching them was my job. not the schools and certainly not some dumb ass politician.
  19. Well we home schooled our kids for years. I got two boys who have graduated and two freshmen and my kids have never set foot in a school a day in their life. You think I’m letting my kids go to schools with all you nuts out there? You don’t care about the kids. You just want to ban books and let them get shot. You all tried to use them as pawns during the pandemic, not one of you acutely gave a ***** about any of the kids. I was self employed during the pandemic. I worked every day. I had to tell the stores that I contracted for that I wanted time off, if i couldn’t get time off during COVID I was never going to get time off. Business around where I live are doing well. The trump administration gave out plenty of money to these business. You can try to make it worse than it was.
  20. It’s your fault you let them restrict yours. I did what I wanted. I just didn’t stand on the street corner screaming at the top of my lungs trying to draw attention to myself. There is plenty to do in this country. If I couldn’t do one thing I found something else to do. I didn’t cry about not being able to do something because it was closed. Stop looking for problems to cry about and look for solutions. No wonder I don’t vote and I don’t come over to this side of the message board.
  21. I fixed it. Damn phones. I’m sure it’s tough on people with fixed incomes. worse off than 4 years ago and the pandemic was just getting going and the Orange Jesus was in office? I doubt it. But even then I was having a good time. I had fun during the pandemic, I feel for people who got seriously ill or died. And no I don’t think it was all a hoax, I have a cousin that was in the hospital, almost died and will have complications from it the rest of his life. l just say back and laughed at everyone fighting and did what I could to have fun with my family. I enjoyed having extra time with them. I figured people must really hate their families. Everyone was crying having to spend time with them.
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