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Posts posted by MyDogLuvsPB

  1. I have to agree that some people are selling the Biscuit short at this point. Although just a small clip, watch this youtube video starting at 22:50 mark. Keep in mind he was not benefiting from playing opposite Bruce during this time because Bruce was out the majority of this season. He could be an absolute force to deal with,,,



    I do think his biggest problem was dealing with lingering injuries, not that he didn't have the heart

    Thanks for that! Man, that brought a tear to my eyes.

  2. Politicking never hurts, certainly, but Andre's numbers when he retired stand out for his era. Biscuit just never achieved that kind of sustained production. He certainly had his moments; it's just too bad he didn't have enough to settle the question emphatically.


    GO BILLS!!!

    Not only that but he didn't establish himself in the playoffs either. If he did, the conversation would be different. He was a great player but he wasn't mentioned in the same breath as his contemporaries.

  3. I recently saw a documentary on Derrick Thomas and Cornelious was featured often as they were teamates in college.


    It got me thinking about if has any chance to make the HOF?

    IMHO, he didn't do enough to even garner honorable mention for Canton. Steve Tasker on the other hand......WOW, it just boggles the mind that he hasn't been inducted. I guess he'll have to languish for a couple of decades before he is deemed worthy. What a damned shame.

  4. I think so too.

    Gnats will try to stop that run asap.


    How are those LBs for NY lately btw ?

    Their D is more than ok. It's just those two 4th quarter collapses that bewilder me. I'd have to go back and watch the games to make a more accurate assessment. I saw the Dallas game to the end and I have never seen a more sloppy display of tackling in my life. Twice, the Giants D allowed drives of 70+ drives in that 4th quarter. Fatigue? I do not know.

    this could be a closer game then many might think. the Giants have been in all of their games right until the end. i'm expecting a win but not a blowout. maybe 24-17

    I don't expect a blowout either but wouldn't mind if we totally trashed them. In another thread I went 26-16 Bills.

    Bills 22 Giants 20


    Last second 47 yard field goal to win it.

    Wow, really?! I hope Dan isn't reading this.

  5. Putting stats aside since having these players on the field makes the defense account for them and opens things up for others, whose absence do you think will have the biggest impact on the success of the offense vs the Giants?

    You just answered your own question. McCoy hasn't been very effective this year and that's due to injury. Sammy on the other hand opens up the passing game like you wouldn't believe. He is being doubled on just about every drop back which leaves others 1 on 1. If you can, go back and watch every TD any of our WR scored thus far--you'll find they were singled covered.


    In the last presser Rex had, he was asked something similar. You could tell what losing Watkins means to him.

    I picked Sammy - the double coverages he's been carrying are on Harvin now. Should be a good day for Woods.

    And Hogan--he should have a big game as well.

  6. Let me preface this by saying I WANT to like Dixon, he seems like a great locker room guy / teammate, he plays well on special teams, but he just can't seem to do anything on offense. He isn't given the ball a ton but every time he is it's the same result - he is immediately put down. It's getting to the point where it's not even a surprise. I remember in the Miami game where they gave him short yardage and everyone in the room watching said: here comes a punt. He's carried 8 times this year and has a 0 (ZERO) yard average. His one shinning moment was slamming into the pile in Indy and having the OL basically work him into the end zone...barely. With Shady out this week it's worrisome that the next guy up after Karlos is unlikely to gain a single yard. Is Dixon's special teams ability really enough to keep him on the roster or should the Bills be looking to make a change soon?





    I don't know if you watched any games last year. This problem has persisted since then. I refuse to believe that all our RB's suck. This sad carryover has plagued all our backs EXCEPT Williams for some reason. From what I've read, Karlos shouldn't have a hard time rushing for 100 yards and at least 1 TD on Sunday but if he doesn't, you'll finally find out why.

    I think you can add calling Jerome Felton too. He hasn't helped the run game much at all.

    This! I'm glad I'm not the only one who has noticed this. He doesn't open holes for the backs and he isn't much of a receiver it would seem. Why is he even on the roster? Might as well use Mulligan as a FB. This guy is a mauler and can catch too.

    People pick on the craziest things... A #3 RB...

    No, I can understand their concerns. He is #2 on the depth chart now. As others have pointed out,I hope they bring someone up from the PS if McCoy is inactive Sunday.,

    The Bills are leading the league in rushing. Felton has been fine. Karlos was saying this week how Felton was blocking great for him.

    His TD came from a pulling RI; there wasn't a FB present on that play.


    Russ Brandon is the president of TWO professional sports franchises and reports directly to the Pegulas. There is no more power for him to obtain, and no reason not to believe him when he says he wants no say in personnel. I get the impression Russ and Doug are quite fond of each other.


    The "rogue" thing was clearly a reaction by somebody who caught an earful from a sponsor (M&T) after Fred was let go.


    It's time to dispense with the "some in the front office want Whaley gone" storyline. If Whaley doesn't want to be here, it's because he's sick of the notion put forth by some (like a number of posters around here) that he is only Rex's errand boy.

    WTH?! Who wants Doug fired? For what reasons? This makes no sense. I seriously doubt this noise is coming from One Bills Drive and I highly doubt the Pegulas are giving it any sort of cred. It most likely some bored poster here with an agenda. I, too, was angry that Fred was released but have gotten over it. If he's still on the roster, Karlos doesn't break out like he has.

  8. I haven't been a big fan of Whaley, but I'm impressed by what he's done this past year. Some of the best-performing players on the roster were added this off-season. Our best wide receiver is Harvins; the best cornerback is Darby; the best offensive lineman is Incognito; the best running back is Karlos Williams; our best tight end is Clay; and of course the best quarterback is Taylor.


    All of them are not only the best at their position on the Bills; they rank among the best in the league.


    That's pretty good shooting!

    It would be a crime if he's not mentioned for Executive of the Year at season's end. Our players are getting kudos from around the league and winning awards--it's not like they're drafting themselves. At least the fan base can see what he's done since he's been here.

  9. What I like is that it wasn't just a couple of big plays that show up on the stat sheet. He is consistently blanketing his recievers on every play.


    It feels like we had a first round pick this year.



    Heck yea!

    Awesome!! Happy for the kid, he's definitely stepped up to the challenge. I was just hoping he'd fill in admirably until McKelvin returned, now I'm thinking we should keep him in the starting lineup. This kid is a gamer and a ballhawk....

    When Leodis returns, we're going to have some depth now.

  10. Yep, he can be quite a weapon in this offense. There is not a CB in the world that can cover him with the ball in the air. He just separates.

    If he doesn't suit up, then Hogan and Woods really need to bring their A game. Percy will be doubled all game. This would also be a good time to get the TE's involved a lot too.

  11. No one does more than Sammy and Lesean i bet.

    But Roman will find other threats. Harvin will will be doubled or worse, and Gnats will try to stop Williams at the line.


    any one think Easley sees some reps? Hogan looked good coming in last week. great blocking by the WRS against Miami.

    Tosses to Gragg? Running by Felton?

    I might expect we finally see ground and pound. and 4 TE sets. The O line might be ready now.

    Defense wins this one. Our defense btw

    Man I hope the Oline shows up this week. We need Williams to go off and take the heat off the passing game.

  12. It was not that long ago that Buffalo was arguably equally as messed up. The Pegulas have really started righting the ship. Let's hope this continues.

    RWS was the same, God bless his soul. It didn't bother me that he didn't want to spend high dollar on free agency but it made me mad he didn't try to have the best scouting department in the NFL. This alone would've fixed ALOT of problems the Bills had through the years. A dynasty is always built through the draft.

  13. We need to keep McKelvin, we need all the depth we can get in the secondary with Rambo back there.

    Rambo is very decent; it's Duke who looks very lost out there. You have to wonder if he has a learning impediment or if he's completely sober on game day. BR makes plays for OUR team, Williams does it for the opponent.


    BTW, why would you trade a proven DB for a younger unknown? I really believe we're not as deep as most people would have you think in that secondary.

  14. Maybe its paranoia...

    But after watching the first half against Miami, the Indy game, and the first drive against NE... I cant help but think NE thought that our offense was way better than they expected and found an illegal way to get an edge, either on offense or on defense. Im also extremely jaded/paranoid/whatever that the NFL is somewhat rigged, and I think our offense looks dangerous as I have ever seen.

    Wow, I guess you missed the good news! Bryce Brown was cut. :) The turncoat signed with NE within hours and gave the BellyCheats our playbook. :-[

  15. Couldn't be happier with TT. He is the most intelligent QB we've had since Flutie.

    GO BILLS!!!



    I think you meant Jimbo

    I said this in the prediction thread, but I would take our coaching staff (O and D) over anyone in the NFL, except Bellichick.


    Drove me crazy that this past week people were saying that the Fins had a coaching advantage, just because we committed some bad penalties last week.

    Those "people" are morons! I can guarantee you that NO ONE on the coaching staff told our safeties to have b*tch fits during the game, commit horribly stupid personal fouls, and place the Pats inside the red zone 3 times with their tantrums. Those two safeties, who shall remain unnamed, gave the other 3 TD's because they refused to cover their assignments.

  16. Everything about him looks very promising.

    Not really. Can he be used as a receiver, consistently? More importantly, can he be depended upon as a blitz stopper? There are other things we don't know yet. However, he plays with an attitude you can't teach and hits the holes like a veteran. Promising indeed.

  17. Sorry to bring up New England game one more time, but I am sick of all the references posted in the media about TT's "garbage time" rally. I live in New England and know that many Pats fans were worried he was pulling a "Tom Brady like" rally out of his ###. Anyway, I was excited at the 4 minute mark and even down to the last gasp that we might somehow pull the game out.


    As Bills fans, we have seen way to much of last minute rallies that killed us and a few we still enjoy (Houston playoff game). For those of you who were around in '86 when Kelly first came to the Bills, there were several rallies that fell just short. I'm hoping Tyrod is the start of something like that, but with a little fast forward on the wins while we can afford this defense.

    Only brain dead morons would declare a game over at the start of the 4th quarter. I hope Rex laid into them after the game for a piss poor performance all around; however I hope he ended that speech with congratulations and handshakes all around for their perseverance and no-roll-over attitude that they showed in their crib. They almost did pull that one off. This is what great teams do; this is what playoff teams do.

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