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Posts posted by MyDogLuvsPB

  1. Was just thinking he could get fired for this. Unreal. They had the game

    I watched a couple of post game shows and they all blame Lewis for the players' behavior! If he could divine the intentions of his team, I don't think he would be 0-7. No, everybody needs to be held accountable for their own actions. Instead of his dismissal, cut the offenders or find trades for them.

  2. Bengals are playing with a 2nd string QB and choke in the playoffs, Texans had no chance with turnover QB.

    I watched the entire game and I beg to differ. The Bengals clearly outplayed the Steelers and held them mostly to FG's; then they made their comeback in the second half. It took 2 morons to decide that they didn't want their team to win for purely selfish reasons. In the post game presser Big Ben admitted he couldn't throw the ball down the field like he wanted or needed to since they had only 1:30 to get into FG position from their own 10 yard line. I didn't think they would win it even after recovering that fumble. But alas, stupidity gave them 30 yards on a platter.

  3. Issue was partly due to offense in training camp. The Bills defense was penetrating the offense line so fast they were instructed to take plays off so offense could get up to speed BUT the defense at that time were trying to adapt to a new defense scheme which resulted in stunting their growth. The injuries to primary backup defense lineman, Kyle Williams and Aaron Williams contributed.

    I don't buy the injury thing at all. I formed a premature opinion after week 2 and by the middle of the season I knew without a doubt what the real problem was. Mario only confirmed it later. I didn't think we would get 50 sacks again this year and set a club record. No, I was totally perplexed by the absolute lack of pressure on opposing QB's. Sacks are overrated IMO but constant pressure to force incompletions and/or turnovers is not. Watching replays of games via Rewind only reinforced my opinions. We had safeties and corners trying to rush the passer and beat OG and OT but his very rarely worked. Our four best pass rushers were not allowed to rush at the same time on passing downs. One of them dropped into coverage every time and the D gave up huge chunks of yardage nearly every game. If Darby hasn't exceeded expectations, we would've finished with a losing record easily.


    I don't put this on the players it was the scheme plain and simple.


    People forget we used to have an All-Pro LB in Bryce Paup once. When he signed as a free agent with the Jags, he was relegated to covering TE's where he struggled mightily. It's no coincidence he didn't make the Pro Bowl there and was cut 3 years later I believe.

  4. the last words from his article today. the two changes are we cut Mario and have perhaps a tougher schedule next year. and he says things could get worse next year. I know this negativity thing is his tagline and his everlasting M.O. sure, the world could end next year too. but we found an effective QB, and owner spending on offensive talent across the board, a front office who can source talent and an offensive scheme that works, and this guy has to throw cold water on everything. glad I live in DC and don't have to read this stuff all year....

    I believe it! If Ryan doesn't adjust and play to the strength of the defense then we will miss the playoffs and not even best 8 wins next season!! Somehow I have this feeling that if we don't make the postseason next year, Rex will be fired. Yup, you heard it hear first folks.

  5. For me, a return to a Schwartz type defense that produces results like it did last year. That is all. I don't see it happening because Ryan is coach. If he didn't see the problem with this team by the middle of this season, he never will. It's up to him to adjust, not the players.


    BTW, I think it's hilarious fans and other sports pundits think Mario Williams is the problem with the defense and should be released. If people think he sabotaged the pass rush, then Darius and Hughes need to be cut as well because neither produced any pressure on QB's whatsoever.

  6. This is why you target this man 10+ times a game. 11 catches 136 yards and he completely took over this game and kept our offense on the field with key conversions on third down. WEVE COME A LONG WAY SINCE HIS 0 CATCH performance in week 1. Hopefully Roman has a great understanding on how important it is to get this guy involved on a weekly basis


    Final Season stats: 60 catches 1047 yards 9 TDs


    Anybody doubting now that he is our best player?



    ....just think if he hadnt gotten hurt and we threw to him consistently all season....maybe we would be in the playoffs.

    People forget that he should've had back to back 1000 catch seasons. IIRC, he was like 20 yards shy of that milestone last year. As a matter of fact, against NE last year, in the final game, he could've had it if he was thrown to in the second half at all.

  7. Why all the hate on Woody? He has incredible hands, blocks very well, produces when given the opportunity, and is tough as nails. Everyone on here is saying that we need to get a better number 2 guy, but I really like Woods. I get that drafting someone like Treadwell would be awesome, but don't you think we have other glaring needs? I'd say O-line, LB, and Safety are all bigger needs than WR. Woods has been pretty good for us and has done all he is asked to do, which is all we need out of a number 2.

    I hope we keep him long term. With all the attention that was going to be paid to Sammy this year, I really thought he would have a breakout year. it's not his fault, he wasn't targeted as much as last year. Hogan was the disappointment because he dropped too many uncontested passes.

  8. Nit picking guys. He is a refreshing surprise and a reliable 3WR. Two words Special Teams!!!!

    Totally agree! TT didn't have his best accurate night with the football. That one "TD" toss to Shady early in the game had too much arc to it or he threw it too late. It should've been a TD. It's not just about the WR's not making adjustments.

  9. Peter King is awesome. I hung out with him this summer when he was in town for Broncos training camp. Drank with him all night, even went to the Rockies game together (he bought my ticket but I bought the first round of beers). Talked early 90's Bills forever. Yes, I'm kind of bragging. Anyway if someone has something negative to say about Peter King then I kind of give up. Whenever people allude to football analysts around here, they put "experts" in quotes; every sports writer/personality is a hack. Everyone loved Sal on WGR until he opined that EJ Manuel might not be very good and then he became a biased member of the lamestream media too. Now every last person on WGR is terrible (obviously). Joe Buscaglia is a hack because he probably can't even throw a spiral. People even think Cris Collinsworth is a poor color man, which is insane. Like seriously, is there one guy that everybody agrees is good at their job?

    I do not know how this surprises you. There are "Bills fans" here who hate, yes hate Steve Tasker. Well, this they dislike his new chosen career or rather his performance of it.

  10. This is Rexs time to shine.


    How about our expensive DL dominate the practice squad they will have at OL

    That was supposed to happen in Week 1 and 2 against two rookies starting for both the Colts and Pats if you remember correctly. That didn't happen. I'm not talking sacks they just couldn't put much pressure on either QB.


    A few weeks later Mario Williams went off on what the problem really was. Whoever is calling plays defensively has neutered the potency of the pass rush! Whenever, Mario, Marcel, and Jerry are in together, not all three are ALLOWED to rush the QB! Yes, you heard that right. I watched those older games again and wouldn't you know it, at least one of them is required to drop back in coverage. I'm thinking WTF?! Why would you do that? Just because the new scheme calls for it? The hell with it, that is not working! That's like asking Bruce Smith to rush on one leg.


    Man, I miss Jim Schwartz.

  11. Yolo, where'd you find this pic?


    I always felt bad for Moulds as he was on some bad teams, and could have been our best WR outside of Reed ever. Could you imagine if Moulds age was synced perfectly to Jim Kelly's.


    He would have probably been our all time best WR. He had the skills and abilities like Michael Irvin.

    He would've been a first ballot HOF if he had a consistent QB play during his career in Buffalo. I have no doubts about this. Someday, I hope he makes the Wall.

  12. NFL network keeps replaying Rex's reaction after the Rambo interception and joking about what he was saying. Shady said I could tell you but there would be lots of bleeps. I know that his passion can be a liability sometimes, but at the end of the day I love seeing it And I think his players love it too.

    There's nothing wrong with a coach being emotionally invested in their team just like the fans are! Seriously, do we want another Dick Jauron on the sidelines again?

  13. 5-2 as a starter.


    He struggled tonight, made a few poor decisions, but made a play or two when it absolutely had to be made.


    GO BILLS!!!

    Not only that but we've been able to impose the running game on the opponent especially the #1 rated run D in the league. Taylor doesn't get those deep balls unless we can run the ball effectively.


    It's true. The guy is just an all-time knucklehead who doesn't understand right from wrong or simply cannot control himself, a la Mike Tyson. I guess we have to take the good with the bad with him because he really demolished Miami in the second half. But he is such a psycho - I really think he is mentally ill.

    Did you guys actually watch that clip or you just passing judgment solely on the radio feed? Go back and watch it--it's not as bad as you think it is. I've seen him make some very stupid things on the field but this doesn't even compare. Sure he pushed but he didn't knock the player down or rough him up in any way. He even tried to hold up by grabbing the back of the jersey to keep him from falling over. The penalty shouldn't have been called IMO.

  15. I welcome an online PPV model, quite frankly.


    Buy in bulk at scale, or buy game to game.


    Would be a hell of a lot cheaper than the several hundred DTV charges for the ticket...on top of your satellite subscription.


    Plus, even if they sold ads at a reduced cost, it would probably still net more revenue for the shield.


    Resist all you like. But it's happening.

    Ditto! I'd gladly pay an annual sub for $100 if they allowed to view all Bill's games live plus archived access.


    Let your play do the talking. Don't be the big mouth bully who gets his teeth knocked out by the glee club kid. Be the guy everyone fears when he walks into the room. He doesn't have to say a word and everyone knows not to f'k with him because he will tear you a new ass.


    That's the Bills team I want to see. Quiet stompers who knock you out, net get knocked around and end up crying on the IR! :sick:




    We had a guy like that his name was Greg Williams

  17. In any case, watching the two in preseason, it would be hard to understand how any coach would have rated MC much higher than EJ. EJ played well in preseason. Cassel being listed as #2 might have been little more than a coin flip.



    This makes no sense. Why cut him and then re-sign him if it was just a coin flip? Why not get somebody cheaper? i think it's because he's a veteran who has proven he can lead and also wanted to return at a discount.

  18. Big who cares about Rob Johnson.

    He was a great teammate from what I'm told and even better human being. This comes direct from someone I once knew who worked in the ticket office and met the man at many team functions and was privy to lockerroom info that average fan is not aware of. Unlike some other "QB" who fumbles playoff games at the goal line. Rob deserved the SB he got in Tampa!

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