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Posts posted by MyDogLuvsPB

  1. 470 passing yards.




    How could the pass D be THAT bad all game long.


    Rex Ryan is out of his league against the Pats, Belichick and Tom Brady.


    Ryan MAY have more games against N.E. than any head coach on the league, and still got worked.


    How do you turn a top 2-3 defense into what we saw yesterday? Ask Ryan the new D coordinator.

    That's becuz he told Aaron Williams to act like a b*tch all game lone and get beat on 2 TD's. Oh and BTW, Duke Williams does NOT belong in the NFL! As much grief as Rambo has been getting lately, I'd rather have him-at least he tries.

    how do you generate no pass rush with our line against those rookies I think they would have beat us without Brady

    THIS!! One last thing, if you're not going to allow Taylor to audible out of a running ;play where the defense has 9 men on the line, then please remove him and start someone else.

  2. Same here, I finally was able to watch it from beginning to end. Run blocking is as bad as last year. I don't why people think or thought that we had 3 very bad RB's ;last year. If they had bothered to actually watch the running game they would've noticed that there weren't any running lanes for our backs to slice through. I thought we were building a bully? It seems that some people didn't get the memo.


    There shouldn't be the number of penalties that there were if we are playing at home. At least, they weren't false starts or other procedural infractions. On one call, I think Glenn was called for a holding on a play that was taking place on the other side of the field. During the live radio broadcast, this seemed to mystify Mark Kelso and voiced his displeasure.


    After reading several articles leading up to this game, the general consensus was that the Colts' OL would struggle to contain the Bills' pass rush. Well, they must've read it too because they played alot better than I thought they would. They only gave up 2 sacks and held their own.


    Nigel Bradham needs to be re-signed ASAP!! This guy is a beast and he is starting to get it. I wish he had a better rookie year than he had. Preston Brown will be a Pro Bowler very soon.


    I'm not worried about Shady McCoy. He showed signs of brilliance.

  3. Could not agree more. I read one of their beat writers had the gall to call out karma on the Colts, Ravens and Seahawks for all "crossing the Pats*" and then losing this week. GTFO! You cannot play "victim" when you have been cheating and getting away with it for years and years. Gross.

    nuff sed close this thread

  4. Well I guess you can say i had problems too except all I had to do was refresh the radio stream; it kept cutting out every hour on the hour so I had to refresh twice--now that was weird.. BTW, I am listening via NFL Game Pass. They offer both teams radio feeds for free if you subscribe to that aforementioned service. Since I live in the Southwest, the $70 price tag is so very worth it. .

  5. John Clayton needs to do some homework on the Bills before sharing his opinion. I bet he hasn't watched any highlights of Tyrod Taylor and gives his opinion on what he thinks not what he sees. Collects weekly dough for his time on WGR without watching this team.

    That goes for a lot talking heads out there. They only parrot what they watch and read, not what they witness with their own eyes. Lazy bums.

  6. hughes is over rated


    always single blocked playing with 3 pro bowlers


    he ain't worth $9 mil/yr


    but, what's done is done



    go jerry !!

    I wish more posters would use facts instead of pulling emotional tripe. Dude, do yourself a favor and go watch the Lions game last year. See what he did when he was 1 on 1 with tackles and guards who had more than 50 pounds on him easily. On bull rushes bro, not "let me get outside your shoulders" pass rushes. Those Lions OL should be ashamed of themselves. He did things that should not be possible in this universe.


    If Dareus and Kyle Williams could to that more often when they're not being double teamed, they'd be All-Pro every year!

    he actually isn't always single blocked

    If he were. he'd be All-Pro for the 3rd straight year. This young man reminds me of Bryce Paup!

  7. As much as I hate all these prognosticators... I do have to take a step back. What has this team done? 9-7 last year. It seems like we've gotten a lot better, except for the writeoffs of everyone at QB. What position got worse? Any?


    CB. You have been watching preseason games right? Injuries, bruh, injuries.

  8. @ByTimGraham: Bills organization will remain unified when speaking publicly, but two sources tell me Doug Whaley went rogue in cutting Fred Jackson.

    Honestly, I don't see anything wrong with cutting him but the thing is if it was done to make room for Bryce Brown, then there is a huge problem! Brown has done nothing but hurt the franchise by his stupidity since he got there. As long as he doesn't make the 53 man roster I'm ok with what the GM did.

  9. Doesn't have to do with saving face. That just makes no sense.


    Add an option for awful talent evaluation by the FO and that would get my vote.

    This. If Bryce Brown isn't cut for the 53 man roster, then you have a lack of focus and commitment to win from the front office. Fred has never cost us a win in his carreer In Buffalo but Bryce has. Moronic move IMHO.

  10. Cassel couldn't throw a pass further than ten yards.

    Did you notice that TT didn't either? Tell me, what's so evil about a 12 play 80 yard drive?

    If Cassel was going to be the starter he would hv played more these last two games. The fact that he didn't says all we need to know.

    Man, you got that right? Why isn't he getting more reps? I am perplexed. But wow is EJ putting on a show, though.

  11. And he got smoked on a tackle attempt as well. Not a good night.


    The PI in the end zone looked like a pretty darn good play though.

    Totally agree! It baffles me why he isn't given safety support. Things don't look good if Gilmore misses regular season games people.

    Graham has to go back to corner. It has to be considered till Leodis gets back, no?

    What other recourse do we have? The pass rush isn't going to get to the QB on every drop back. Something has got to change.


    He's a rookie being left all alone in coverage. Do you expect him to play like Revis already?

    Thank you!! I think he'll use these trials & tribulations as motivation to improve. Nobody can call him a bust after 3 PRESEASON games!

  12. Preseason is a real game? Since when. I thought they were practice games? No wonder we can't make the playoffs.

    Sarcasm bruh sarcasm

    He's had many good moments. He's been too inconsistent. Like many young QB's. He's also a guy who needed time for development, something Kolb's injury affected. And perhaps coaching/lack thereof of Marrone's staff.


    I think EJ is really being put in situations to continue to develop him.

    This is what I don't understand about him.. He's had games where he completed over 70% of his pass attempts. You just don't know what you're going to get form week to week.

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