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Everything posted by BuffaloSol

  1. When did I say she deserved it? I'm being sarcastic about someone proclaiming it on a message board like it needs to be said. We all know that she didn't deserve it but, some people think that questioning her motives and suggesting theories about the crime mean that those people think she deserved it.
  2. Read the rest of my post..... Yes you are acting like a white knight, overly protecting a woman from scrutiny. People are suggesting that she may have set this up or mad at her for squatting; and those are legit theories or speculations at this point because we only have a little information, nothing tying McCoy to it and little Motivation for a multimillionaire with a bunch of money left on the table to commit the crime.
  3. You are acting like a white knight when it is not needed. Both sides of this are over reacting. So far we have 0 proof of anything, so speculation and theories about the victim are not Victim Blaming, they are speculations and theories. Assuming McCoy has anything to do with this is the same thing, because there is 0 evidence. Again everything is speculation and theory at this point. All we have is a potential crime, a beaten women, a friends Instagram post, a guess by a scorned ex, a statement from McCoy that says it is a baseless accusation.
  4. Thank god people are finally strong enough to proclaim on a message board that women don't deserve to be beaten just because they are crazy. But let's also be clear: Water is Wet
  5. The guy that is quick to blame and call for action taken to be taken against a black athlete with out all the facts or proof @Murph6, probably thinks McCoy was involved with this as well. I mean McCoy does have a house close by.
  6. And that person also could have been related to or "friends" with the exgf such as the vocal friend on Instagram...
  7. He should have had sex with her in California they let you transmit AIDS without notifying your partner. I'm sure herpes is nothing...
  8. The power was shut off i believe as well Security systems need power...
  9. I have a >>theory<<(becuase we have no hard evidence of any guilty party yet), the police should look into the friend that so quickly posted on Instagram blaming McCoy. Seems a little fishy,,(instant post on Instagram) close to the victim(knows where she is and most likely that the power is out), and she seems like she is broke(motive). Again we all don't have real answers here just speculation.
  10. I'm on your side I was being sarcastic. The idea that retaining counsel makes you guilty is ridiculous.
  11. No it's not a non issue, this is a business and they make decisions based on money. They weighed their options and chose not to hire him based on those issues. And I simply said I have no sympathy for the guy because of a couple things he did, i also never said he can't do it.
  12. So if you don't retain counsel you are guaranteed innocent? Genius, I will do this with all my parking tickets and speeding tickets from now on. "Judge as you can see I have not retained counsel, meaning I am clearly innocent."
  13. No, because it's not free speech without consequence, he works for someone. Although football is a game the NFL is a business and they can choose to not hire you. I support his right to say whatever he wants, but he has to live with the consequences. I dislike him and think he is uninformed on many things like Castro. I mean did he really expected to be hired in Miami after the Castro thing, one of the only QB needy teams?
  14. Yes, if he hired a non serious defense attorney, we would already know he is innocent, that's how social media drama queen justice works right?
  15. Like wearing pig cop socks and supporting a dictator that disrespecting millions of Cuban Americans?
  16. And 228 the year before. No one knows how that will translate and we had a better version of CK in Tyrod but we moved on, it's not super bowl material sorry. The team doesn't like mediocrity anymore, so taking a big risk on Allen is a much better option the a washed up lesser version of Tyrod in CK.
  17. Hardy ban him, brown ban him, Mixon used excessive force on a chick that assulted him first, give him a second chance. McCoy is alleged, and we no for a fact the perp was not him. Let facts come out, proof is needed. And if he did it and there is proof everyone will get behind the lifetime ban, jail time etc...
  18. 16 tds in 12 games with and avg of 180 yds a game, yep sell the farm for that qb! So happy, superbowl here we come.
  19. You have no idea what my political leanings are. And yes implying that Reid is "lifetime banned" because he is unsigned, while dismissing the current slow safety market is whiny. I support Kaepernick right to do what he wants, freedom of speech is not freedom of consequence though, and grown ups understand that the NFL is a business. When your play doesn't out perform your negative effect on ticket sales etc... you don't get picked up. I have no sympathy for a guy that is childish enough to wear pig cop socks and unintelligent enough to support Castro/Che.
  20. "Something something something, racism. Something something something I'm a victim."
  21. Here we go with this whiny BS again. There are many safeties that had great years unsigned.
  22. True but medication and therapy can do a lot in a short time. And you are right about the last guy defending shady, I think it should be more about Richie's past then this last incident though.
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